You Want to Detox a Vaccination? Think Again.

I was inspired by a Facebook post that I was recently tagged in:

A friend is being forced to take the MMR vaccine at work. What can he do in order to detox from it? He’ll loose his hospital job if he does not take it. Suggestions?

First, being forced to take a vaccination is just plain wrong, by any institution anywhere.

But that’s the subject of a very different blog post, under the heading of basic human rights.

More significant for now is the word “detox.” It’s a common idea: vaccines have mercury and heavy metals in them quite often, and if we could just detoxify the body receiving the vaccination, that body would be restored to normal.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Something far more insidious happens when we subject someone, be they a person, dog, cat, horse, ferret, what ever the species, to a vaccine jab. We are setting up a state of chronic disease, often a close variation of the disease we are hoping to avoid, in the patient who gets vaccinated.

This chronic disease can last for years if not life, and can set up the animal or person for a life of misery, forced to respond to this new disease. The overall term for this disease is vaccinosis, and it can take many forms.

History Speaks. Loudly.

Interestingly, this disease was recognized long before heavy metals were used in vaccines. The term goes back to one Dr. J. Compton Burnett, a British physician who was a critical observer of illness, practicing medicine in Britain in the late 1800’s. His book, Vaccinosis and Its Cure by Thuja was published in 1884. It’s a very small but potent book that you can find on Amazon. Well worth your time and the few bucks it costs.

In his book, Dr. Burnett wrote about his patients who were made ill, often extremely ill, after they received vaccination for smallpox, the first vaccine widely used in the world. Again, no heavy metals were in it.

His many case examples include:

  1. a dying baby (whose wet nurse was recently vaccinated, not him!)
  2. skin eruptions
  3. neuralgia (her pain was at the back of her eyes) of 20 years duration (!) who came to him, “in utter despair.”
  4. chronic headache of nine years duration
  5. chronic colds and headaches of three months duration
  6. spinal pain (“bent forward, could scarcely walk”)
  7. chronic ringworm, whose cure was “barred” by vaccinosis

An interesting side point Dr. Burnett observed was this: the vaccinated patients who were most ill were the ones that “didn’t take.” In those days, cow pox vaccine was given by injection, and it was considered successful when an eruption of pustules was the outcome. The understanding was these folks would be immune to small pox, a close relative of cow pox.

Those who were so vaccinated but failed to make the pustules were deemed to be non-responders, who “didn’t take,” i.e. mount a reaction to the injected foreign material.

My Patients Don’t Get Sick After Vaccination — Dr. WhiteCoat

Oh Really? How Long Did You Watch?

Now think for a moment: how many animals get vaccinated and show no illness what so ever immediately afterwards? No fever, no loss of appetite, no skin itch, no odd behavior. But then, a few weeks to a month later, they start to itch or convulse or have ear infections, aggression, ADD, etc.

I think this is the norm, and why short sighted views on vaccination deem it “safe.”

When illness follows, it’s often long enough after vaccination that the event is forgotten or negated as being causative. Until the questions are directed to “when did this illness begin?” A British vet discovered, by asking this very question of his clients, that 75% of his respondents answered that their dogs started itching about a month after their vaccines.

What’s This Vaccinosis Look Like?

Dr. Richard Pitcairn, the vet who taught many of us homeopathy, wrote about the relationship between vaccination and the chronic disease it induces here, in a paper presented at the AHVMA conference in 1993.

It’s a remarkable treatise on how dogs vaccinated against distemper or rabies often develop chronic symptoms of either or both diseases.

Here’s his chart showing the natural symptoms of canine distemper compared to what we commonly see as symptoms in chronically ill dogs.

Distemper ch

Here’s a chart comparing the symptoms of rabies to the common behaviors we see in dogs who are chronically unwell.

Rabies symptoms chart

Cats vaccinated against feline distemper develop similar chronic disease to what a prolonged case of panleukopenia would look like, if it were “stretched out” into a chronic form. That chart is in the paper referenced above.

So, Should You “Detox” That Vaccine, Then?

Detoxing heavy metals post vaccination may help, but you can surmise it won’t help to a great extent, as vaccinosis is clearly much deeper than intoxication. Nor will vaccinosis be addressed by any type of bodily cleanse. It’s an energetic disturbance.

While Dr. Burnett found thuja to be extremely helpful in vaccinated patients, thuja is, like most of homeopathy, rarely a “one size fits all” remedy. We have a group of remedies known as “vaccinosis remedies,” including silica, sulphur, mezereum, apis, sarsaparilla, etc.

Curing the vaccinosis state, like curing any chronic disease state, takes careful recognition of the patient’s symptoms, indicating how he is not well, and matching that ill state to a remedy capable of causing such a state, if it were taken in crude doses repeatedly.

Those who’ve joined our Vital Animal Alpha group, will recognize this language from the live lessons we’ve had (saved in video & audio files for your review when you join Alpha. Care to learn animal homeopathy with us?).

We don’t look for a “parvo remedy,” we look for a remedy that matches the state of illness your animal is portraying by observing his symptoms.

What Can You Do for Your Already Vaccinated Animal?

The best idea is to get on board with a veterinary homeopath of your choosing and get the chronic illness cured, once and for all. It’ll be a process, but a very rewarding one.

(Special note: if you don’t have a mostly homeopathic practitioner near you, it doesn’t matter. Search for one who works by telephone. The link above will guide you on this via my Recommended Resources page.)

Here’s an example from this week’s cases. Loma, a 3 year old Shepherd/Pit Bull cross,  came up from Houston, and was immediately noted to have a very coarse coat, as well as a history of urinary tract disease and a profound dislike of getting wet. Her guardian’s words the day after I treated her:

“Loma’s coat is SOFT literally overnight and she is peeing no problem (taking her off the herbs so we see the real scoop). I did a few doubletakes/feels of her coat and it is just RICH and soft. How in the world did one dose of Thuja affect her coat in hours?? What does that indicate other than the right remedy? is her vitality coming up that fast?”

Yes. And it indicates that a significant part of Loma’s illness was due to being vaccinated.

How many times had she been vaccinated? TWICE in her life.

Next, with your homeopath’s help, get off the vaccination merry go round. “Once and done” is the way to go, not repeating those shots annually or every three years, which clearly does not even work.

It’ll also help to boost your vaccinated animal’s immunity. It’s the immune system that’s usually at the heart of vaccinosis. Allergies, ear infections, hypothyroidism, tumors — these all reflect immune problems.

Search this site in the box at the bottom of any article for the word “vaccination” so you can really be a wise consumer and prevent vaccinosis as much as possible. And, learn from Loma’s case: it doesn’t take lots of vaccinations to get unwell. Dr. Burnett saw this, too. One or two vaccines could undo a patient’s health for a very long time.

Updated: You can now ALSO detox!

I originally wrote this material before I met Dr. Scott Treadway, natural formulator extraordinaire. We met in the newly formed company called Venjenz, where I advise now. Scott has a long history of working with detox for people and he formulated an amazing supplement called Venzeo.

I liked the sounds of it, but I probably wouldn’t have been completely sold on it until Scott gave me a human version to try. When I was on it daily for only about 4-5 days, my whole body felt significantly different!

  • Less stiff on waking every morning
  • Clearer in my vision (less floaters? less foggy)
  • More able to think clearly
  • My digestion seems much more “settled” and efficient (great stools!)
  • Somehow, there’s just more energy. (Is that because my sleep is better or I’m just carrying around less crud? I don’t know, but I’m liking it!)

So, while I still highly recommend getting that deep healing that only a professional veterinary homeopath can offer, I’m now recommending ALSO using a daily detox. Vaccines ARE a toxic mess (aluminum, mercury, antibiotics, preservatives, etc.) and our world is inundated with foreign chemicals.

Venzeo is 100% natural and free of all man-made chemicals. Thanks. Dr. Treadway!

Let us know in the comments if you’ve seen illness after vaccines. And how long it took to show up. I’m fairly certain that common one month “gap” between vaccination and illness has many vets thinking the “new” illness (allergies or whatever) is unrelated.

It is not.

 Photo courtesy of RCB

Charts courtesy or R. Pitcairn, DVM, PhD

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  1. Karen on October 13, 2024 at 5:33 pm

    I am very frustrated with the vet system in place as it is and now that this VCPR new federal law has been established it’s even worse. I don’t want my new kittens shot up with anything but I cannot get any vet to do a neuter surgery without them. There are no holistic vets in my area at all. Sure people will say “so don’t neuter them”. That is not practical at al for me. They spray and make the home a mess, even in a kennel. They also yowl all day and night and I cannot live or sleep under those circumstances. One is male the other female. Cannot chance more kittens. I cannot get dental surgery done for my old and older cats unless they shoot them up. Poor things are suffering because of that. Dental pain, eating disorders etc. I feel helpless. Most of them have vaccine issues already because I either took them in because they were abandoned and already had several shots or I had to get care and no vet would see them without rabies shots. All of them are having health issues. Cannot afford more problems. I am angry and feel like I have no hope of helping them. This federal regulation bursting into states should not have been tolerated. I have searched for any holistic vet to help but they are hours away and I cannot make the trips for office visits. Besides none of them will do surgery anyway. Veterinary medicine has become my worst nightmare now.

    • Katie on October 18, 2024 at 4:40 pm

      If you look for a low cost spay/neuter clinic they typically won’t require vaxs. In my case I had a few kittens that came from a colony with FIV and stated they should not be vaxed as it would severely harm them. They agreed and on we went. They’re usually so overwhelmed with patients that they don’t have time to point out “laws”. They also did a fantastic job!

  2. Beth on August 16, 2024 at 8:43 pm

    We made a poor decision to vaccinate our 12.5 yo terrier mix and within two days he had licked off the hair around the site. He now is itching and is a bit aggressive, not like him. Uncomfortable and had trouble climbing the stairs.
    We need help right away (8/16/24). Thank you!

  3. Kyle on June 12, 2023 at 5:19 pm

    My 13 year old siberian husky recently got vaccinated against my will. He had escaped and was taken to an animal shelter. Because I didn’t have any records of vaccination in their system and I didn’t have any papers to show recent vaccination. They took it upon themselves to vaccinate him for his “safety”. I know the dangers of unnecessary vaccination and over vaccination so to find out what they did was so frustrating. Up until then my dog was still strong and lively especially for his age. Well after a few weeks I started to see major changes in his energy and just overall well being. I wanted to try out all the Venjenz products to see if that would help him. Is it possible for him to get back to the way he used to with those products or do I need to take him to a homeopathic veterinarian? Thanks so much in advance.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on June 12, 2023 at 11:38 pm

      Damn, Kyle, a 13 year old should never need to be vaccinated. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this.

      While Rampart and QRS Detox would help, the deeper work of constitutionally prescribing with a qualified homeopathic vet would be my best recommendation. This video helps you sort them.

  4. Louise on April 18, 2023 at 12:16 pm

    Most states will not honor the rabies titer Dr. Falconer. I am sad to say that SC will not or I would do it. We had one holistic vet that fought like hell to get it acknowledged but without success.

  5. Amelia on July 16, 2021 at 12:08 pm

    I see a lot of anecdotes here but not convincing evidence. I have my own anecdotes where I have healthy, long-lived dogs who have been vaccinated every 3 years for rabies and sprinkling of other vaccines. No chronic disease at all. No auto-immune problems. No allergies. We had a Lab that lived 15-1/2 years! I’m sticking with evidence-based dog care. I have an open mind for new studies such as the one from UC-Davis showing the value of later neutering for large-breed dogs. I even got the covid vaccine. If you haven’t, you are elongating the pandemic for everyone else. And yet, no one is forcing you to do anything. Very accommodating I’d say. Enjoy your individual rights!

    • Peggy on October 17, 2021 at 6:23 pm

      There’s no knowing who you are affiliated with but your response is classic pharma industry troll – we’re to believe what you say with zero proof.
      I look after a small feral cat colony which was neutered/spayed and given a single rabies vaccination 5 and 6 years ago. These are the healthiest cats in the neighborhood. My own cats sickened with every trip to the vet if the animal got more than a diagnosis. Speaking of which, we’ve been charged for bogus tests like the PCR, which, according to a veterinarian site are so inconclusive that a “hands on” diagnosis is recommended for a final determination. I could go on and on and on with receipts to prove what I say, which, sadly, matches what I’ve been reading on Dr. Pitcairn’s site and in his and other veterinarians’ books. Ditto, again sadly, for human family members. If you’re having us on, as I believe you are, I hope you always get the very “best” of conventional medicine for yourself so your physician reaps $$ while you woe.

    • Diana Scoccia on March 6, 2022 at 3:20 am

      The study also mentioned early neutering can result in allergic reactions. Allergic reactions can also be a vaccinosis side effect. I made the mistake of neutering all of my German Shepherds at one year, considered too young according to the study, and each dog had lifelong terrible allergies. Each also was vaccinated every 3 years for rabies and considering the fragile nature of GSDs’ immune systems, it was a mistake. Best to follow the science.
      I didn’t want the Covid vaccination since the risk of lifelong or life threatening adverse effects is greater than dying from Covid for my age group. I think I’ll follow the science on that too.

      • Ellen on November 27, 2022 at 3:32 am

        I have a German shepherd dog he is just turned 3 and I am very sure that he was over vaccinated he has terrible itchy skin and was diagnosed with allergies but my vet wont test to see what the problem is. I have pushed them to figure out what is the cause? I get the same vague answer ” allergies ” I am upset I want to fix him I don’t want him to have any more problems! Itch was so unbearable not to mention I tried everything to help him washing with natural remedies . they convinced me to give him a cycle point shot and now I’m worried I’ve done something that harmed him worse I wish I had known all this before although he is on a raw diet he still was itchy . The scratching and chewing turned into a flaking skin infection with bad oder and i just wanted him to get relief. I thought the vet would want to figure out what he had but she stated I would have to accept that he needed to be on the shot ! I’m appalled by the lack of effort to make a diagnosis. She wants to keep him on this cytopoint. She should be referring me to a specialist at least ! I’m not looking for bandaids nor to get a shot every month. I want answers! I will be looking for a new vet that will help me. What happened to diagnosis? I feel that I have been blindsided in to getting the shot by thinking that it is to stop the cycle and get the skin to heal and then find a cause. Not sure what to do. I’m angry

      • Louise on April 18, 2023 at 12:02 pm

        I agree with you about the shots including covid. As the covid wasn’t qualified as a REAL vaccination I chose not to take it long before people started dying and permanently being injured by the damn thing. I am forced to get my 13 1/2 year old pet with cancer rabies shot or take the chance she may bite someone one and then we be sued. It is evident that our medical profession be it animal or human is NOT concerned with health or they would do differently.

        • Kay on March 17, 2024 at 10:56 am

          The instructions for the rabies shots specifically state that it is only to be given to HEALTHY animals. Ask your vet for the insert and point this out. That should deem them to be fully vaccinated, and exempt them from future shots.

    • Cheryl Forrest on March 13, 2022 at 7:57 am

      My one and a 1/2 year old Bichon Frise received his 1st rabies 2 1/2 weeks ago. His behavior changed a week later and I am currently treating him for swollen lymph glands with yucca. He seems very worried. Sometimes when I go to pick him up he cries out as though in pain. He takes his usual walks but is now favoring one hind leg.. So unlike him. When I brush his coat in a massaging manner he seems fine. I massage his head and neck area as his lymph nodes are swollen on the sides of his neck. All this began after rabies vaccination. He is fed fresh meat/veggies with probiotics and multivitamins. I also have started him on Belladonna. I’m giving him time to recover.

    • Glog on May 2, 2022 at 5:16 am

      Amelia, it sounds as though you have not done any homework on vaccines. Every single drop of ingredient in a vaccine is pure poison. Call a poison control center and rattle off some of the ingredients!!

      As for the covid vax, again, why would anyone promote that unless they are ignorant or compromised?

      • JoeBob Jenkins on March 9, 2023 at 7:10 pm

        Not everyone has a choice. My dogs bit a rabid raccoon. While it’s quite likely they’ll be just fine and not get rabies, because they were unvaxed animal control will euthanize them if they don’t get the shot. Not everyone gives shots w/o researching them.

      • Mad at myself on May 3, 2023 at 7:12 pm

        Vaccines are poison. Would people put those ingredients in their mouths?? NO one would!! Why do people think its safe to inject it. My dog was perfectly healthy until I got her vaccinated. Constant ear infections, itches, digestive issues, etc. NOT COOL!!!

    • Elaine on May 15, 2022 at 9:03 am

      You are completely ignorant if you are not doing your research on vaccines in places other than studies funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Enjoy YOUR vaccines and spreading the variants. Those of us without this poison will continue to try to avoid contact with those of you who have been jabbed. As for my girl, no crazy yearly vaccines. My last 2 cockers had chronic ear infections and skin problems…most likely due to over vaccination. Now that I know better, my new baby girl will not be having that crap injected into her body!!!

      • Louise on April 18, 2023 at 12:07 pm

        Good for you! I believe in titer testing to let me know how my baby’s immune system is. Unfortunately I will have to have her given rabies shot as it is law and should she bite someone I am liable. I truly don’t want to but have no way out but take a chance and I’m 73 and don’t feel like taking the gamble. BUT good for you!!

    • Katt on June 28, 2022 at 9:33 am

      Known side effects in the papers that they wanted to hide for 75 years on the covid vaccine are now released. Lots of people I know sick and dead after the vaccine. There was no science, just guessing.

      • Louise on April 18, 2023 at 12:08 pm

        Correct! This was a planned experiment. It wasn’t just about the disease it was to see who would comply in lockstep.

        • Mary C. on March 17, 2024 at 4:12 pm

          You hit the nail on the head, Louise! It was an exercise in control of the population, to see how we would react, who would comply (and punish those who didn’t, in various ways). Now we know the rules had no basis and we won’t play the game again, if we are smart.
          Our MD told all his patients not to get the Covid vax, that it was/is the most dangerous vaccine ever to hit the market. The patients who did not follow his advice paid a price. We’re in our 80’1, got covid, took our MD’s protocol and recovered in short order. I went from utterly miserable to watching TV on the couch is less than 48 hrs. Long hail Hydroychloroquine, forbidden to allow grant money for the vax. (if there is an effective med already available they couldn’t get funds to develop/market their awful vax.)
          Viruses have always been with us and always will be. We need to let them run their course. Each one morphs into a new one. No two colds or flus are the same virus. Fear and pharma are not our friends.

    • xandra on January 4, 2023 at 5:16 pm

      Who writes your checks… You “EVEN GOT THE COVID VACCINE”. Good for you, if you have, good luck staying healthy and alive, unless you got a placebo or saline. If you haven’t, you are prolonging the human race. Yay for those who have not taken this experimental gene therapy injection. And yes people have been forced to take it. Zoo animals have been forced to take it. For what? There are known treatments and cures. You must know all this. You seem to know everything else about disease and vaccines.

    • Michelle on May 9, 2023 at 10:29 pm

      Can you just stop with your virtue signaling? No one owes you their health decisions. You want to vaccinate your pets and take experimental Mrna gene therapies– have at it! Your fear and refusal to look at evidence that isn’t funded by the very groups looking to profit will continue to prolong human illness but you don’t hear the rest of us complaining. No one can force this on any human being. Not accommodating- just basic human dignity. You enjoy your right to inject yourself with whatever the man who can’t cure you tells you to do. Until then, get off the forums where people are actually getting to the bottom of chronic states of illness. I’m so sad there’s not a middle finger emoji right now.

      • Mary on January 26, 2024 at 10:17 am

        I’ve been working with dogs (no degrees) for over 30 years and I have seen the devastation caused by vaccines, chemical flea and tick products, allergy medicines, poor diets and the list goes on. Every rescue I take in has issues. BIG issues. There is NO such thing as coincidence and these animals are and have been taking a beating for more than 30 years. They deliberately make your dog sick with their poisons so that you keep coming back. They’re clueless how fix the dog, because that was NEVER, EVER the intention! I loathe big pharma. People like yourself cling to science like a religion!

  6. Josh on January 5, 2021 at 9:30 pm

    Our Frankie was a French Bulldog who passed away at the age of one. He began having violent seizures after our vet gave him dapp and rabies vaccine. We went to a vet neurologist after he had cluster seizures and was diagnosed with menigioencephalitis. After chemo, steroids, 3 seizure meds and $50,000 later his organs failed and passed. He was the absolute best. We finally were able to get our new Frenchie Jackson had I spaced out his core vaccines but he is 11 months now amd I am scared to give him his rabies shot that is required by law. Any advice?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on January 9, 2021 at 3:32 am

      Assess his actual risk of getting rabies, first and foremost. Is he likely to tangle with rabid animals? Is the incidence of rabies in your area making headlines? Check your county and state database.

      If not, I’d not give it. If you’re not on the rolls, you won’t be bothered for future vaccines as well. Just critically assess your risk and know that any damage the vaccine does will, once again, be 100% yours to bear.

      • Louise on April 18, 2023 at 12:11 pm

        Dr. Falconer
        It goes deeper than rabies in the area. If my pet bites someone (which I don’t she will) I can be sued and lose my home and life savings. I am so torn with this.

        • Will Falconer, DVM on May 11, 2023 at 8:24 am

          As I replied in your email with the same angst, your dog biting someone is a completely separate issue from your dog being “current” on rabies vaccines or “OOD” (out of date) or unvaccinated.

          Some lawsuit happy person can sue you for a dog bite, sure, but that’s just the world we live in. Sued for all you’ve got? Home and life savings? That sounds like a long shot, since you’re even doubtful your dog would bite someone.

          I’d suggest making an appointment with a classical homeopathic doctor and get this worried state cured. It sounds like disease speaking, likely not the “real you.”

  7. Mya on August 12, 2019 at 8:38 pm

    We just got a 9 week old kitten. She’s indoor only. So far she’s had no vaccines. Our vet won’t spay her unless she’s fully vaccinated. How do you suggest we move forward? We live in Utah.

  8. Diane Delvecchio on June 28, 2019 at 1:55 pm

    Did I read correctly in one of your responses that bovine colostrum is not absorbable and therefore does nothing to build immunity?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 1, 2019 at 8:15 pm

      The biggest part of it is antibodies, and that is correct: they are only absorbed by the newborn for the first 24 hours after birth. The fraction of colostrum that’s most valuable for immune boosting is the transfer factors, which are not only absorbable for life but actually are useful across species lines. You can read more about that on my Immunity pages.

  9. Deena E Ketner on April 13, 2019 at 7:27 am

    My mother is in an assisted living place. They called the other day saying Scarlet’s paperwork is needed on her rabies vaccine (expired on April 7). Needless to say, she hasn’t gotten it yet (PA mandates). Holding off as long as possible. Got results from core titer saying she is immuned, didn’t get rabies. When she gets her rabies, could anything help? Thank you!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on March 14, 2024 at 6:55 pm

      How about getting a rabies titer, Deena? They might back off if you had a positive one.

  10. Debbie Klumb on November 13, 2018 at 12:22 am

    Dear Dr. Falconer,
    Our sweet cat (age 10) was given a booster at a well cat check up. The vet told us she was “a fine specimen of perfect health.”
    Now she is lethargic, unstable when walking, disinterested in drinking, and lacking an appetite. We took her back to the clinic, and another vet said, “Its old age. You must expect these things. Likely arthritis, thyroid disease, or diabetes.” I know my cat, and this is not old age! She changed within one week of her vaccination. Please advise me. I’m heartbroken to see our cat suffer and struggle. I welcome any help you can offer. Thank you.

  11. Christine Evanchik on October 29, 2018 at 3:59 pm

    Hi Mr. Falconer,
    We have 3 Shiba Inu’s from reputable breeder. These are now our 5th ones (we had two previously who passed). I have two girls and a boy. The girls are 4, 3 and the boy a year and 5 months. The girls we never had problems with and the set before were girls. The boy thought was a total sweetheart besides a very predatory hunting instinct. They are all raised on a complete raw diet. Our dogs are like our kids so we cuddle them, kiss them, etc. I always trusted them completely. Now at times they play rough or need to figure out the “pecking” order between them but they have been great. Last month I had our boy get his 1 year rabies shot along with the DHPP shot that was due. That weekend my husband sat down and hugged him and kissed him and without warning bit my husbands cheek and jumped up going berserk barking ferociously. My husband swatted his nose to get his attention to calm down. He had bully sticks in the bed and we chalked it up to guarding even though he never had food or chew toy aggression. Then a few weeks back my husband picked him up put him on his lap and hugged and kissed him and without warning he freaked out (the dog not my husband) bit my husband above the eye and then my husband covered his face and the dog latched onto his arm. He then stopped and then acted like “what did I do” and wanted attention from me and him. Again we figured ok maybe he is going through a stage and is not a huggy kind of dog. We get it. Then this weekend I was giving him attention just petting him making sure to keep my face away from his and he was fine for several minutes then when I re-petted his hip he turned without warning and bit my wrist. He didn’t go berserk like with my husband but after he followed me around and was attached to my leg. Its like he doesn’t know he is doing it and then is suddenly remorseful afterward. He also showed now signs like a normal dog would that was uncomfortable like growling or their neck hair going up prior to a bite. Several other things we noticed is sometimes you go to pet him and he is really submissive head, tail ears down and we have never ever harmed him or made him feel he should be like that around us. Then other times hes happy playing Shiba. Its like jekyll and hyde and now we are concerned since he is now biting randomly what will trigger him to turn on us. We spoke to the breeder who suggested seeing a homeopathic vet and some suggestions to limit touching for long periods of time. She is now thinking as we are from reading side affects that he could very well have reaction to the rabies vaccine. I am hoping the homeopathic vet has answers because I want our sweet little boy back and not be fearful of my own dog in my own home that he may bite me or someone else for that matter. Does the Lyssin I am reading about help to detox? What other things can we do for him? We just don’t know what to do we want answers and not be fearful of our own dog.

    • Janice McCarty on May 31, 2019 at 9:18 pm

      Christine. Just read your post fro. Last year. Did you get an answer? My 5mo old mini schnauzer is due for rabies and I’m terrified. Please let me know your outcome.

      Thank you.

  12. mel on October 15, 2018 at 11:04 am

    I had a rabies titer test performed for my 7 yr old black lab. The test should 0.2 and I guess the WHO believes 0.5 is the measurement to support that the antibodies are strong enough that booster may not be needed. My concern in giving the booster she is considered stage 1 kidney disease (June 2018 bloodwork show SDMA at 14, creatine 1.2, BUN 17). Her tests back in March and August 2017 showed her SDMA to be a 16 (creatine changing from 1.1 to 1.5 and BUN around 15- 17)- her last two tests showed SDMA 13, 14 respectively with creatine at 1.2 and BUN at 17). I believe her numbers have gotten better due to changing her diet over to the the honest kitchen and incorporating holistic care/ supplements. She hasn’t had a core vaccine since 2013 (we titer) and her last intranasal kennel cough vaccine was in 2016 (she would only get one a year but I wish I stopped sooner). I assume your suggestion to not have the booster? Or should I have it administered by her holistic vet?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on October 15, 2018 at 3:14 pm

      Never ever vaccinate a sick animal. Unless you’ve got a serious risk of your animal getting bitten by a rabid animal, your risk of another vaccine is far more risk than rabies.

  13. Christy Blair on June 22, 2018 at 12:25 pm

    What is your recommendation for the Hendra vaccine for horses. My 5 year old horse has never been vaccinated but where we are keeping her are requiring a Hendra and tetanus vaccine annually. The Hendra is a 3 shot series then boosters.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on June 22, 2018 at 5:00 pm

      No reason on earth to vaccinate for anything annually, Christy. No science behind that at all. Tetanus toxoid known to last over 10 years (when’s the last time you had one?). If Hendra is a virus, everything on this page about Efficacy applies. If your vet refuses to get on board, it’s time to fire him!

  14. George on April 17, 2018 at 8:24 pm

    Got any proof?

  15. Robin Ainsworth on January 24, 2018 at 10:01 pm

    I’m trying Thuja on three vaccinated Chihuahuas, and myself. I was forced to have 5 vaccinations wirhin several months. Hep A, Hep B, and Tetanus. I was disabled because the Fibromyalgia I had worsened. I hope this helps my hairless Chi, and myself. Ty so much, Robin

  16. Roger on October 10, 2017 at 6:00 am

    Hi! My 12 week old goberian has been lazy and uncoordinated since the day after his rabies shot. One week earlier he had his “first puppy shot”, I’m still to investigate what it was. I didn’t know about these side effects until now.
    He starts eager to play and after a minute or two begins to unwillingly dip his head and tumble down. Then he just sits or lays down and looks at me confused. Could he be Dizzy? He’s been like this for 4 days.
    Before he was extremely energetic and wouldn’t stand still for a minute. Please help!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on October 10, 2017 at 5:12 pm

      Arghh, his nervous system’s been whacked. Without taking his case, I can’t help. Find my blog, hit the 2nd post (metronidazole) and grab my vetted homeopathic vet list. Hire one ASAP. This can be cured, most likely.

  17. Julie on March 7, 2017 at 3:26 pm

    I’m confused. Regarding you recommendation of TF for boosting immunity….I’ve been told by a veterinary/nutritional PhD that the colostrum in transfer factor cannot be absorbed or used by any ADULT, human, dog or cat! Any thoughts on this??

    • Will Falconer, DVM on March 7, 2017 at 4:09 pm

      Oh, the colostrum is largely NOT absorbable, but the transfer factors are purified out, and they are “species agnostic” meaning, they are tiny and are the same in all species. In other words, a cow-made or a chicken-made transfer factor can help the immune system in a human, a dog or a cat.
      So, I *don’t* recommend colostrum for that very reason. But the potent part, the useful part, the part that’s most valuable to the immune system, that’s what I think is the cat’s pj’s!

      • Julie on March 8, 2017 at 5:02 pm

        Thanks for your reply!

  18. Michelle on March 2, 2017 at 9:56 am

    So true! When we moved recently and found a new, local vet, the whole office was astounded at our cat’s health. She was spayed at 6mo, with no vaccines, ever (she’s an indoor kitty) and staff were simply amazed at her calm, trusting demeanor though she clearly did not like the office.
    I do think overuse rabies vaccines creates more aggressive and reactive animals.

  19. Stephen Johnson on February 24, 2017 at 12:40 pm

    What about live virus vaccines, are they safer, available? I find references to an edible live vaccine being used to control rabies in wild animals.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on March 7, 2017 at 4:12 pm

      We’ve seen problems with live and killed vaccines, Stephen, and many of us have grave concerns that dropping live vaccines in the woods is going to confer chronic disease to the wildlife just like it’s been doing for far too long in the domestic animals.

      • Stephen Johnson on March 24, 2017 at 10:41 am

        :-O 🙁 ! Thanks for the clarification.
        On vaccinosis, will it possibly be indicated by only behavioral symptoms? Such as super affectionate, destroying bedding, difficult to contain, eating feces it seems a lot, among a few “symptoms” that concern me but physically healthy. For a few days to a week recently he had a very slight discharge from his eyes but nothing else that I can see. He is a young, ~1 yr, stray, so I don’t know his history. I had him titer tested for rabies but no reading. But I know too that some dogs just will not respond or maybe not until they actually encounter the virus itself.
        I am really wanting/needing to come to some resolution about protection from rabies and vaccination. The dog(s) are/will be for protection against wild animals in a rural/farm situation.

        • Stephen Johnson on March 24, 2017 at 10:48 am

          Well, and compared to Christine’s Boss above, Botín, my ~1yr former stray, is really friendly, trainable, and mostly confident. A times his momentary fearfulness has also been a concern.

        • Will Falconer DVM on March 24, 2017 at 12:18 pm

          Vaccinosis can take a lot of different forms, the commonest being itchy allergic skin or ears. But, the interesting thing is, we’ll often see symptoms of the disease vaccinated against, just now in a chronic disease state.
          So, rabies being a behavioral virus, we see behavioral changes, yes. And parvo, being mostly a gut virus, we’ll see gut changes (chronic diarrhea, or IBS, or vomiting/regurg). Distemper being a nervous system and respiratory disease, we can see quite a spread of symptoms.
          If you titer test for rabies again, maybe a month from your first one, and see nothing, and if rabies is a risk worth worrying about where you live, I’d give a second vax. Don’t re-titer for 3-4 weeks after that one.
          (There really isn’t a “natural exposure” titer to this, as the virus travels via saliva, so it takes a bite of a rabid animal to get exposure)

          • Stephen Johnson on March 26, 2017 at 8:04 pm

            OK, thanks, again!

          • Stephen Johnson on March 28, 2017 at 2:51 pm

            I was looking at homeopathic remedies to counter the effects of the rabies vaccine and learned that lyssin is actually the rabies nosode.
            I spoke with Dr. Gerald Wessner after I saw one such reference on his web page:
            noting a nosode for rabies. He said that he has had good success and that there is research showing that the nosode will cause the body to produce the rabies antibody. Have you learned anything about that?

            • Will Falconer, DVM on March 28, 2017 at 3:21 pm

              Hey Stephen,
              Lyssin is indeed a nosode. But no homeopath I know, myself included, expects any antibody to form from a remedy that’s diluted beyond physicality. I’d be interested to see the research claiming otherwise. It’s contrary to what we know about remedy dilution and rabies immunology.

          • Stephen Johnson on March 28, 2017 at 7:53 pm

            OK, interesting!

  20. Christine on July 27, 2016 at 11:31 am

    My son rescued an abused, emaciated, mostly bald, mangy mutt, Boss (bc he runs our lives) dumped on a dirt road, surrounded by 3 sides of gator infested waters 2 yrs ago. He was about 6 mo old.
    We tried to acclimate him to our other dogs, but our lab/shep mix with clear vaccinosis almost eviscerated him. So he lives in our garage (we spend our days in the heat with him).
    A few months after we acquired him, we brought him to a dog sitter, he escaped, a well-meaning person took him to the pound where he was given 3 separate multi vaccines, Frontline, and microchipped – all contraindicated by his obvious mange and each other.
    I understand all chained dogs (but we have NO choice and we HATE it!) will develop a form of “box syndrome” (a torture method for captured soldiers), however, we did not have ANY problems with his friendliness until after the forced vaccines. Thankfully he doesn’t really bite, sometimes he will accidentally nip during an attack, but he sounds so ferocious that you’d swear the person or dog is being mauled, but he just jumps on them and “bitch slaps” them around until they escape or think they lost a limb or two.
    It took us a long time to move him into my son’s room bc he prefers the garage and would whine until we put him back in there.
    I tried thuja on both dogs and saw some, but little overall improvement. I also tried several formulas made for children after vaccines.
    Both of them, if startled (stranger there when they weren’t expecting it, Ballon pops, fireworks), will expell a squirting from their anal sacs at times. Boss will sometimes become scared of someone he knows well for reasons no one can figure out – even me twice, but since I have the lap he jumps into when he’s scared, (all 65 lbs) he is never aggressive with me.
    We really need to move him in the house full time – IT’S TOO HOT OUT HERE – but even when Max does behave, Boss is so scared of him, it turns into a fight. Both freak out when locked in an ac’d room alone.
    Then there is also the health. After Boss’ vacs, he developed what looked like burn marks after a few days that turned into him becoming almost hairless after I had just got most of his hair back! He still is bald in the collar area (he had little holes in his neck from a prong collar when he was found).
    He is an AMAZING dog! Truly amazing! But not knowing what will set him off is dangerous bc one day he might actually bite someone. We think he is a beagle mastiff mix. We have grown so fond of him, we are no longer trying to find him a home. But his eyes are ALWAYS watering, doesn’t eat well, REFUSES raw food til I cave in and give him kibble, has not been neutered yet bc I couldn’t get him to a state of health where I felt it was safe b4 his rabies/tags expired (Max was neutered @ 2yrs).
    I will take any suggestions in healing the mental and physical problems they both have. I’m on disability and don’t have a lot of $, but they always eat better than I do.

  21. Karin Ljuslin on July 23, 2016 at 11:12 am

    Dr. Falconer, My cat, Moses, is 1.5 yrs and has never been vaccinated. I picked him up from a dump in Sinai, Egypt, when he was 2 months and brought him home to the US. He has chronic rhinosinusitis (he pants and breaths open-mouth quite often). I’m going away next week and will have a cat sitter take him outside every morning, (he has to go out) so I’m thinking that I have to give him a rabies shot before I leave. Is it a good idea to build up his immunity in the days prior to the vaccine with Transfer Factor (or Beta 1,3D Glucan) and give Lyssin immediately after to hopefully prevent adverse reactions? I wish I lived closer to you, but I’m in CT. Thank you!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 23, 2016 at 9:08 pm

      Hi Karin,
      There’s a very important label on every vaccine vial. It applies to Moses. It says, essentially, “Only for use in healthy animals.” A chronic sinusitis? Not healthy, right? You can read more about this on this post. He’s got a waiver, even if Dr. WhiteCoat doesn’t think this way, you can and certainly should, on Moses’ behalf.

  22. leona firewolf on June 7, 2016 at 6:41 am

    dr.falconer , i have 3 cats 1 ( a 10 year old manx) 1 ( a 6-year-old junglebob , that’s a jungle cat & pixie bob) and 1 (a 2 1/2 year old domestic serval) the manx had all the shots until i stopped getting them when she was 3 years old everytime she got them she got a fever and felt real bad for about a week except for rabies it’s a law here, the junglebob had her kitten shots + 1 booster ( she has asthma) the serval has had kitten shots (but no leukemia ) no more after that but all were killed vaccines, rabies on all it’s the law here and already dealing with exotics would be afraid not to for them, anyway they have been scratching like crazy this year more than any the vet doctored them for ear mites, a week later still scratching , so he said we needed to look at the servals ears well she don’t like him and she still has her claws so he knocked her out with telazol which she didn’t wake up for 10 hours , didn’t act right for 3 days, an took a week to get her personally back! do they need vaccinosis treatment or detox and the serval needs her ears checked again what can be used ( she may have ear or nose polyps) we need to find out but am afraid to knock her out again is there a detox you can use to get the anesthesia out of their bodies faster? on thing servals have a small liver for their size. thank you

  23. christine kennedy on August 11, 2015 at 9:06 am

    Dr. Falconer, my name is Christine and I love my dogs. I watched my first die a slow death at the hands of a greedy and incompetent vet.
    I was on a mission to learn as much as I could about a healthy raw diet and minimal vaccines before getting any other dog/s. I know vaccines were the cause of Moose’s death. My 2 new pups are thriving on a raw diet. and minimal vaccines – the puppy shots and one rabies. My second pup came to me with puppy mange and the diet cleared it up and a topical of a .5% of neem on the spot. Instead of months of meds.
    That pup (now 2 years old) had his first rabies shot yesterday. I ordered the IMRAB (law requires it) and they called and said it was in. So reluctantly he got it. Then the tech left the room when I asked about side effects of the IMRAB and she said oh, no! I gave him the regular rabies! I almost lunged at her throat. What could I do. I was so upset and it was done.
    She touts herself a holistic practitioner and then tried to tell me she gives her dogs heart worm meds and regular rabies shots! So many phonies out there. I give my dogs Diatomaceous earth (every day) and his test came back negative (of course) I paid my bill and left. He’ll never get another that’s for sure.. law or not.
    He’s acting ok but a little aggressive than usual and lethargic. What can I do for him? I also have a 3 month old puppy with leaky eyes and I’m guessing because of his 2 rounds of puppy shots.. (from the breeder). No more for him.
    Anything I should do to help minimize the poisons he was given? Any detox? He is a 16 lb. italian greyhound.
    I appreciate your time and help. I love your site and blog—thank you for the education! Respectfully yours, Christine

    • Will Falconer, DVM on August 11, 2015 at 1:11 pm

      Hi Christine,
      As the name of the article implies, this isn’t about toxicity. There might be some, but vaccinosis, in its many forms, is something you need to address with the help of a veterinary homeopath. If there were a “one size fits all” for this, it’d be so easy. But no such luck. It takes some digging, and a team approach (patient, owner and homeopathic vet) to get it sorted.
      My Resources pages has the AVH list on it. See who can help you there, distance being no impediment, thanks to phone work that each practitioner is listed as offering or not.
      All the best to you and the dogs.

  24. Quinn on April 6, 2014 at 11:04 am

    I am a big believer of avoiding vaccines at all costs as a breeder and a mother. I do not vaccinate my children; likewise I do not vaccinate my own puppies/dogs except for rabies and even then I try to hold off as long as possible before administering (9 months).
    Unfortunately, when a puppy leaves, I will vaccinate only for distemper and parvo (as per Dr. Jean Dodds recommendations/protocols).
    Recently, I had a puppy leave at the age of 4 months at which point I gave the Intervet vaccine for distemper and parvo only. Additionally, I only administered 1/2 of the dose. Consequently, about 8 weeks later, this puppy (now 6 months) started having seizures and ultimately after the third seizure was rushed to the emergency vet. After two days at the vet and now on Phenobarbital, the puppy is doing fine.
    The owners and I have been brain storming trying to figure out what could have caused this 6 month old puppy to have these cluster seizures. Could it have been a delayed reaction from the vaccine? The puppy was not vaccinated for anything else. The puppy eats Fromm Gold Puppy food. She did have small amounts of treats. These particular treats were on a list that mentions even though it is made in USA, the ingredients come from China. The puppy was exposed to lawn chemicals about 3 days prior to first seizure; hence, the neighbor next door has their lawn treated regularly.
    Any suggestions??
    My experience with this particular vaccine has not been good; hence, nearly every puppy that leaves about 3-5 days later, they all experience lethargy, vomiting, and loose stools. But I am not sure what else to use and I do trust Dr. Dodds recommendations. Unfortunately, Intervet was bought out by another company (think it was fort dodge) and Dr. Dodds said that the Intervet for distemper and parvo is the same formula and was not changed. I use to use Intervet DHPP and never had any problems. Can you recommend a vaccine for distemper and parvo only?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on April 6, 2014 at 7:08 pm

      I really can’t, no Quinn. I don’t vaccinate at all. Haven’t for many years now.
      What caused the seizures? You can bet on the vaccines. Toxin exposure was just the frosting on the cake, but I suspect they are well out of the picture by now. So, why do they continue? Vaccinosis. I’d put money on it.

  25. Elisabeth on March 19, 2014 at 5:54 am

    My puppy was vaccinated against Distemper, Parvo and Hepatitis at 12 weeks. To support the immune system I gave him transfer factor Plus (human version) 2 weeks before and after the vaccination. He was also given Thuja after the vaccination.
    A few months later we titre tested him to check if the vaccination had worked. He had a really high titre for Distemper and a really low titre for Parvo virus less than 5. Not sure of exact number. The laboratory just advised he fell into the category less than 5.
    From what I have read any titre even if low means he would have immunity and one report I read said a low titre would last about a 1 – 1.5 years. I have also been advised and read that re-vaccination for parvo will not guarantee a higher titre for parvo. I prefer to keep vaccination to a minimum whenever possible and as there is no guarantee of higher immunity if i do re-vaccinate I would be exposing him to risks associated with giving vaccines. He is on a natural diet including a good quality probiotic. I would like to support his immune system as much as possible so that in the event he is exposed to parvo I can minimise impact as much as possible. As the category provided by the testing laboratory is unclear that is does less than 5 mean a 0 or negative titre? I was thinking of giving him one transfer factor Plus capsule (human version) on a daily basis or only giving this in the summer months where the risk of parvo is higher. Can I give my puppy transfer factor on a daily basis without it causing him any harm? He is currently 9.5 months and was thinking of giving him Transfer Factor until he is about 3.- 4 years at which point any parvo contracted would not be as severe. He may even build up natural immunity in time.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on March 19, 2014 at 1:04 pm

      Hi Elizabeth,
      The current understanding is that any titer, high or low, shows protection has been established. While there’s certainly no harm in giving regular doses of transfer factor (I take it daily and have lots of my patients on it), if your goal is furthering parvo immunity, you’ll want to read this week’s latest blog post. Planned exposure with transfer factor in the body would be an even more efficacious immunization plan than what my colleague described and I blogged about. Then, you’ve got the immune system of your pup on “high alert” while exposure happens, so the resulting immunity should be very well tuned and balanced.

  26. sonia on January 20, 2014 at 2:20 pm

    I have a dog and I am able to find some decent food, however I want to get a cat and I have no idea on a safe kitty litter.. I can always train it to go in the toliet… but if and when.. I would still need a safe kitty litter… I have had cats in the past and never had to worry.. but now since there is so much crap in the kitty litter I can not get a cat until I can figure this out.. I do not like the corn in the litter, and what ever other stuff they are putting in it.. I never gave any of my cats vacines and they lived unitil 18 years.. now I am scared..
    Thank you

  27. linda epstein on December 17, 2013 at 2:02 pm

    Hi Everyone,
    this whole vaccination protocol is so insidious. I have a 9+ Rhodesian Ridgeback that about 2.5 years ago started getting lipomas. My integrative vet started giving him a chinese herb. After a year with no improvement, in fact an increase in size and quantity i started him on Dr. Gloria Dodd’s homeopathic detox program: heavy metals, rabies, heartworm, etc.
    I had stopped giving him his rabies and heartworm 4 years ago. He only had the shots necessary. After 10 months on Dr. Dodd’s protocol, the lipomas have not increased in number, some have decreased in size, but it is still a long struggle. His adrenals are stressed, he isn’t digesting the nutrients from his food, so keeping weight is a struggle. I wonder why with all the detoxing the lipomas were not receding. With his endocrine system stressed, can his body detox? I have seen this with other’s animals as well.
    I have the kids on raw diets: 50/organic and 50/human grade, i wish i could afford 100% organic. Our house uses no chemicals, but those that existed within the components of the house materials when built. I have devices to limit the EMF radiation. Our water is filtered to remove chlorine, fluoride and other contaminants. I believe that the vaccines are the root cause of the decline of life force and immune system.
    In doing this protocol, i learned that dogs should drink 1oz of water per pound of body weight, which none of my dogs ever did. Now they are given water regularly throughout the day to help flush the toxins.
    Reading your post just confirmed my thoughts that this can be a long process to correct. How does one build up the immune system if the animal cannot absorb the nutrients given to it?
    I am so angry at the system that perpetuates this fallacy of vaccination. We need to make our voices heard and change the laws both for animals and humans. I see what vaccines have done to our animals and i look at what is being spouted by the medical community for the children and i shudder. This is so wrong, in fact it is criminal. Things won’t change until there is an epidemic with children being affected.
    thank you for your efforts in enlightening everyone.
    Happy Holidays.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on December 19, 2013 at 12:33 pm

      Hi Linda,
      Thanks for sharing your challenges here. The best I can advise is for you to hire a classical veterinary homeopath to get constitutional prescribing underway. Dr. Dodd’s efforts with detox can only go so far, and the best way to get someone with chronic disease well is by carefully using a single remedy at a time, carefully chosen by a professional homeopath, and carefully evaluated after some time is allowed for your dog to respond.
      As you say, the best food in the world won’t be of much use if the animal can’t absorb it fully, and that’s where deeper homeopathic prescribing excels. The goal is to cure that underlying disease, and that’s neither easy nor quick, but it’s achievable. My Resources page lists AVH certified vets, and I’d suggest you choose someone who’s using homeopathy full time to get the best results. Locality of that vet matters not, as many of us work by telephone.
      All the best and thanks again for writing in.

  28. Elle on December 16, 2013 at 10:23 am

    This is alarming but so helpful. Thank you for this post. BTW, after taking several amazing Field Medicine courses, I thought I would then go through EMT training. I did some research and found that in order to do that, I would have to receive multiple vaccinations with God knows what toxic ingredients and I immediately knew that I would have to forgo this training.
    What in the world are they thinking when they require trained medical personnel to take vaccinations? How would this help in their work?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on December 16, 2013 at 4:57 pm

      Indeed, Elle. It’s part of the misinformation that folks think vaccination is just a good protector of health. There are voices crying “you’re just killing children if you deny them vaccines.”
      Such is the world. We’ve got to keep our eyes and hearts open to the truth and carry on with those in our care. Let them be a shining example, and some will inevitably see them and rethink whether they should believe their minds or not.

  29. Susan on December 16, 2013 at 2:09 am

    What do we do when rabies is required to license our dog? We do not allow the vet to vaccinate otherwise. We have/had three rescue greyhounds and all have exceeded life expectations because we use holistic measures, herbs and homeopathic remedies. Our oldest who raced for six years lived to 14 years 2 months, our 2nd one to 13 yrs 7 months and our remaining dog is at 9 1/2 years and counting. Our vet asks for the names of remedies we use but does not do anything with that info.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on December 16, 2013 at 8:11 am

      Hi Susan,
      Most of my clients, caring for already vaccinated animals, just drop out of the licensing. The post I linked to above, in response to Lori, will give you more info.
      In addition is this page, under the heading Perilous Path:
      All the best going forward. You’ve certainly been doing something right!

  30. Lori Hora on December 15, 2013 at 10:56 pm

    Hi Dr. Falconer – I hope that you will remember us and our dog Samara. We still have not vaccinated her for Rabies. I just don’t feel comfortable giving her the shot. Is is possible that using the product, 4Life Transfer Factor that she could possibly fight the rabies virus should she ever get exposed to it? Samara is the healthiest dog we have owned and I just don’t want to mess her up. Thanks, Doc.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on December 16, 2013 at 8:07 am

      Hi Lori,
      Exposure to rabies is a very low risk for a mostly house dog. If she ran off on her own a lot on a 100 acres of wilderness, it’d be another story.
      More risky is this: what if she bites someone, for any reason? With no rabies vaccine history, she’s classified as a “non-vaccinate” and will likely be faced with quarantine for 10 days to be sure the bite wasn’t because of being rabid.
      Here’s an earlier blog post on this very question:
      All the best in this tough decision. I you opt for the one vaccine, I can send some remedies to give before and after that can potentially modulate the damage that’s possible.

      • Wendy on May 7, 2017 at 9:51 am

        Can you please let me know of what products I can get for after the rabies vaccine.

      • Leslie on January 7, 2019 at 2:51 pm

        100% against needle jabs ever. My kitty has distemper related vaccinosis. He has mouth ulcers and is aggressive and itchy. We’ve had to remove some of his toes due to cancer, but we treated him with Lachesis, thuja, mezurum, Silesia and he improved dramatically within one week. We saved his foot and his mouth ulcers are under control. Silky coat and no issues with aggression. He needs to be on this daily but it works!

      • Ariel Jiana Fenster on February 28, 2021 at 2:06 am

        I’d love to know some remedies for rabies vaccine. I also do not want to have to give it and am very conflicted. Thanks!

        • Will Falconer, DVM on March 2, 2021 at 10:28 pm

          Not as simple as giving remedies, I’m afraid. Rabies is potentially deadly to both your pet and you, so better is to start learning more about what you’re dealing with. I’d suggest starting with my free Rabies Short Course and keeping an eye out for the deep dive paid course later this year, called Rabies: Knowledge is Power.

  31. Tricia Wells on December 15, 2013 at 7:02 pm

    This post really hits home for me. Once again Dr. – spot on.
    At 2.5ys old, my Great Dane “Mona” had malignant tumors, eruptions on the face & genitals, bouts of chronic diarrhea and lethargy. All symptoms of vaccinosis.
    We found Dr. Falconer in 2011 been following his advice for a little over 2 yrs. I have seen significant results but vaccinosis is a tricky one. Sometimes we go months and months with no issues and sometimes a lot pops up at once. Something seems unrelated but then you track it back and voila! Makes total sense.
    So please believe it. Treating vaccinosis is not a quick fix. I see it as the peeling back of layers of healing like an onion. The only way to treat vaccinosis is just not to get it started.
    oh.. if I knew then what I know now…

    • Will Falconer, DVM on December 15, 2013 at 7:20 pm

      Good point, Tricia. Even homeopathic treatment of vaccinosis, while it’s better than anything else I know of in helping vaccinosis, is not easy nor a fast cure.
      Best is to keep off the land mine called vaccination.

  32. Joyce Salazar on December 15, 2013 at 7:00 pm

    My female German Shepherd has terrible allergies that I attribute to vaccinosis. She was vaccinated at the very young age of 6 weeks and had all the breeder’s puppy shots. Unfortunately, I didn’t know then what I know now. She also received her boosters in that first year, but nothing more, since.
    I believe these vaccines have turned her own body against her, in an inflammatory response. Terribly itchy skin; bites at her paws, her sides, her back side and her face.
    My question is, would things been different had the shots been singular dose, after 9 or 12 weeks?
    I wouldn’t wish her troubles on anyone.
    I am doing everything I can to help her. Raw diet, regular supplements of
    Omega 3’s, green supplements, transfer factor plus, as well as herbal tinctures of licorice root, milk thistle, and dandelion root.
    At this juncture, it’s hard for me to see vaccines in a positive light at all.
    My thoughts take me towards what a naturally reared pup might look like?
    My question, is it advisable to use nosodes as replacement of vaccines?
    Or, if vaccination is still advisable, say after, 9 or 12 weeks, given in single dose, and spaced out?
    It’s a conundrum I would like to find an answer to.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on December 15, 2013 at 7:18 pm

      Hi Joyce,
      I agree, likely the multiple vaccines had a lot to do with this difficult, immune compromised state. Careful homeopathic prescribing is the best I know to work back out of this state to health.
      I have a patient currently, a youngster, whose guardian knew from her previous dog how damaging the vaccines can be, so she choose to vaccinate singly, after the pup reached 16 weeks of age.
      First, a single valent parvo vaccine, nothing else in it. He had intractable diarrhea for several weeks. Finally was able to turn him around with homeopathy.
      Many weeks later, a single distemper vaccination. Almost immediately, his normally vigorous appetite became fussy and changeable and generally absent. We are still trying to get him back, 5 months later. Read the chart in the post about symptoms of distemper, and you’ll see appetite disorders.
      So, yes, these are very potent biological agents, and capable of doing great harm. Your gal has no need of nosodes now, immunity should be there, but the immune confusion needs work.

  33. anne kee on December 15, 2013 at 6:16 pm

    I had a doberman pincher that loved to play frizbee. After a while we noticed some exercise intolorence. He was 4 at the time. My vet said he was fine just give him some of these pills. After a couple more visits we decided to to to a wellknown clinic and have him fully evaluated. So ultra sound and EKG and so on. They recommended a full spectrum of medication to support the heart like lasix and beta blockers and no excercise . Otherwise he had 4 months to live at best. After a week of this I could see he was deppressed and unhappy. I asked to take hime off all his meds cold turkey. They said OK if thats what you want. I asked my holistic Dr. what she would recommend for a patient that weighed 78 lb. She gave me a list and we contiued with mild excercise. One year later I took him back to the same clinic and had all the tests repeated. They told me that whatever I was doing to continue since he was much imoproved. He died 8 years later at 12.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on December 15, 2013 at 7:12 pm

      Nice, Anne. Your holistic approach paid off, didn’t it?