Join Our Free Vital Animal® Pack!
Think Outside the Medicine Box
Something tells me you’ve gotten suspicious that all that flies under the banner of “health care” may not be in your animals’ best interests.
You read labels. You see through the hype that is marketing, like “prescription diets,” foods claiming to be “100% Complete!” or blueberries in a kibble as the 37th ingredient.
You read books on natural health for your animals, maybe even for yourself.
You know better than to discuss raw diets with your conventional veterinarian. That horse isn’t racing.
You may have even run into “fauxlistic” vets who offer some natural modality they’ve trained in for a weekend, but still make recommendations (like repeated vaccinations) that make your skin crawl.

Join Us in The Vital Animal® Pack!
Your animals are too valuable to you to blindly follow recommendations from conventional veterinarians, aka Dr. WhiteCoat. If you question authority and prevention practices that often end up damaging animals in the name of "health," we're your pack.
You want a better way to raise your animals.
Hi, I’m Dr. Will Falconer, and I want to personally welcome you to the Natural Path, and invite you to join me, a 100% homeopathic vet for over 25 years.
By signing up to join Vital Animal Pack, (at no cost) you’ll stay abreast of what’s going on in the world of natural health for animals, and get practical help for your own Vital Animals. And you’ll automatically be subscribed to my well-loved newsletter, Vital Animal News.
I don’t pull punches. I’m a veterinary insider who knows how Dr. WhiteCoat thinks, and I can help you make wise health decisions for those animals who count on you every day.

VitalAnimal.com has been like a life vest in a sea of ignorance and misplaced intentions from veterinarians. It's wonderful to know you are making good choices for your pets and to have the data behind those choices to help you persevere.
Thank you Dr. Falconer for the tidbits, blog and classes but most of all your unwavering dedication to vital animals. All my pack are much better for having found this site and implemented natural rearing practices.
- Kelly Hall

Here's what I've got for you when you sign on to join the Vital Animal® Pack:

Vital Animal News
My newsletter, Vital Animal News, which includes my "Tasty Tips," practical things you can put to work right away to help you steer your animals to become more vital more quickly.

Short Articles
Short articles, often centered on what's bugging you or what you need to watch out for from conventional medicine. Topics range from raw feeding to flying under the radar on vaccination requirements to avoiding the pesticides for fleas, heartworms, and parasites.

No-holds-barred approach to holistic health
A no-holds-barred approach to holistic health for your animals written by a vet who's got the inside scoop on how vets think.

Honest Perspective
An honest perspective on current "prevention" that shines a light on its fatal mistakes.

Common Sense
Writing Approach
A common sense writing approach that can help you navigate the twisting, sometimes confusing path of raising a healthy animal naturally.
We are a pack of thinking animal guardians and our ranks are growing.
We'd love to have you join us!
You can do this. I'll help you navigate holistic animal health, based on real-world experience.
Sign up for a free membership and you'll have access to a
lot more valuable information published exclusively for
our members.
Some of what you’ll receive inside:
- More learning materials not publicly available, to help you raise Vital Animals
- A bonus report, Homeopathic Dog Flu Prevention and Treatment
- My highlighted Rabies Compendium to help you be smarter than animal control, should your dog bite someone and be "out of date" on rabies
- My special Apoquel Alternatives Report, that shows you how to help your itchy animal at home before resorting to this dangerous drug (whose "cure" is often worse than the itch!)
- Exclusive access to the entire Bach Flower Remedies for Animals Course to help your animal’s emotional states of imbalance
- First notice of new courses and articles as they are released
- In short, a greater ability to keep your animals in shiny, Vital health, for a long enjoyable life together
The path to achieving Vital Animals is anything but straight and narrow.
The goal is achievable, though.
Get to Your Goal Quickly...
Your animals living in vibrant health with natural resistance to disease.
These same animals being arresting examples of vitality that attract and inspire others.
There are potholes and even land mines to avoid along the way
and being a member will help you get to your goal quickly and surely.
Looking towards a
brighter future together.

Join the Vital Animal Pack!
Register for our free library and get access to valuable learning
materials to raise and keep your animals Vital.
With Pack membership comes your free subscription to Dr. Falconer's well-loved Vital Animal® News.
Join the Pack now!