Prevent Parvo and Distemper Without Vaccination

Real World Tested

Imagine avoiding risky vaccinations while getting very strong immune protection against parvo and distemper, the two potentially deadly diseases of puppies. That’s not only possible, but it’s been proven to work in the real world by my homeopathic vet colleague in New Jersey, USA.

After a decade of testing this in her clinic’s puppy population, she’s confident her evidence based finding works and is far safer than vaccines.

Spending time with others of like mind often enhances your own understanding and clarifies your goals. It’s been said you are the sum of the five people you hang out with the most. Have you found your pack that supports you? Do your friends further your thoughts and share your goals?

These past four days (some years ago now), I’ve been rubbing shoulders with some forty colleagues in veterinary homeopathy in the desert of Arizona. Several of us presented cases and we all learned from each other’s successes and struggles. We differed in our years of experience but our determination was one: we were here to improve the lives of those animals who found us, naturally.

Inherent in this work is sharing our knowledge with you, the animal owner on the front lines, often struggling within a broken medical system.

Ideas Are Infectious: Come and Get Naturally Immunized!

You know vaccinations are grossly over provided in our broken system of veterinary medicine. The pushing of vaccinations by Dr. WhiteCoat throughout your animal’s life doesn’t add to her immunity. Not even a little. That’s what we know from veterinary immunologists whose life’s work is measuring and quantifying the immune response.

And you know that vaccines are harmful. Chronic disease often follows vaccination, even a single vaccination.

When you were exposed to these ideas, you likely resisted at first, as your old paradigm wouldn’t square with such seemingly radical thoughts. How could someone taking care of my animals do something to them that was useless, expensive, and ultimately harmful to their well being? Something that could damage the rest of their lives?

The more you looked into it and the more evidence you weighed, the more these ideas “took:” vaccinations repeated throughout life were not necessary and were downright risky!

You became “immunized” from the exposure to these ideas and started acted accordingly. Intelligently responding, like a well tuned immune system, you started tearing up the reminder post cards saying your animal was “due” for vaccination yet again (as if her immunity was a finite quantity that ran out, a reservoir with a leak).

Your newly acquired “immunity” went deep. You’d no longer expose those animals in your care to the unnecessary risks that come with repeated vaccinations. Perhaps you shared your new found understanding with those open minded enough to listen. At dog parks, pet shows, horse shows and in online communities.

You learned you were far from alone: many others were spreading these potent ideas in many different avenues.

And your animals began to shine as you dropped out of the broken medical system, and began feeding in much healthier ways. Avoiding toxic pesticides. And taking heartworm prevention to a much higher level, using drug free and effective methods.

Hello, Vital Animal. Come over here, I want to rub on you a while.

Using Nature to Immunize

Now comes a genuine booster idea for you from my time in the desert, being exposed to lots of healthy ideas from my colleagues in the trenches of holistic vet practice.

A lecture on parvo by Dr. Todd Cooney lit us up, as he showed us statistics from his homeopathic practice in Indiana that the vaccinated pups had less chance of surviving parvo than those not vaccinated for that disease! Hands shot up, voices added to the din of discussion, and ideas whizzed through the now electrified air:

  • Parvo vaccine itself was immune suppressive.
  • Parvovirus was ubiquitous in the environment.
  • Animals treated homeopathically when sick with parvo had far better survival rates than those treated with the usual drugs.
  • Distemper was prevented by taking pups to a known wildlife area where raccoons with distemper lived.


Did I just hear that right? Yes, Dr. Rosemary Manziano learned of the outbreak of canine distemper in raccoons in her area through the CDC. She boldly suggested to her puppy owners over a period of 11 years that they visit a pond known to be a hangout for these raccoons. After a brief period of sniffing around the bushes and maybe drinking the water, the pups were brought home.

This was repeated a week later, and on the third week, the good doctor would test for distemper titers, the evidence of immune response. Lo and behold, these pups had fantastic titers indicating strong immunity! And, in case you’re wondering, not one puppy ever got sick in the least. This happened in well over a hundred pups and was, as Dr. Manziano called it, “fool proof immunization.”

After eleven years, it stopped working. She assumed that the disease in raccoons had run its course, natural resistance having been gained by their population. What to do now?

Dr. Manziano suggested that her new pup owners who wanted natural immunization take short, five minute visits to the most popular dog parks. Those parks with the highest dog traffic were recommended.

The procedure was simple:

  1. Open car door.
  2. Let pup out on the ground in the busiest part of the park.
  3. Time five minutes.
  4. Load up and go home.

Once again, after a couple of exposures like this, titers were drawn and were found high against both distemper and parvo. Immunization had taken place. How many got symptoms of either disease? None. Not one pup ever fell ill in years of doing this.

In case you’re wondering, “How long will this immunity last?” the answer is simple: a lifetime! Remember the understanding of the veterinary immunologists from way back in 1992:

Immunity to viral diseases lasts a very long time, likely a lifetime.

Try This At Home! Spread The Idea!

So, if your goal is natural immunization without the significant risks of vaccination, learn from the experience of a fine holistic vet and her many puppy patients for well over a decade and try this for yourself.

Help to spread the infectiously attractive ideas of natural health and Vital Animals by sharing this information far and wide. See those sharing buttons at the top and bottom of this article? Click on one of your favorites and see what good you can foster in the world of holistic health for the animals.

Update, February 2016

I recently corresponded with Dr. Manziano again, and a couple of points have changed as her work continues:

  • She has the puppy owners wait to start until 12 weeks of age.
  • They now have 3 weeks of exposure, once a week.
  • Titer test is on week 4.

Still, no one has gotten sick following this and titers have been high, indicating immunization has taken place.

Carry on.

Update, November 2020

Are you nervous to trust this system alone on your newest bundle of joy?

If so, you can up your already high odds of safety by providing two additional protectors to the equation. This is info I’ve shared with my enrolled students for years, but let’s get it out there for everyone now:

  • Add nosodes for parvo and distemper. My students in the Nosodes, Tautodes & Titers course learned all about these powerful tools and their long history of safety and efficacy against all manner of infectious disease in dogs and humans.
  • Boost your pup’s immune system with Venjenz’ Motherboard, the powerful combination of transfer factors, medicinal mushrooms, and other synergistic ingredients.

Bonus points come to those buying pups from a breeder when they’ve asked their breeder to NOT vaccine their pup, even if the rest of the litter is getting shots (listen to Vital Animal Podcast episode #11 on why this makes logical sense).

Let us know in the comments if you’ve raised a vaccine free pup yet. The folks I hear from who have are tickled with how how vital, balanced, and shiny their newbies are growing into adulthood.

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  1. Linda Nesset on July 25, 2023 at 10:55 pm

    Thank you for this great article. I just wanted to tell you that 5 years ago I took the plunge and did not give my new Bernese Mtn Dog any vaccines. I found a wonderful breeder who was on board with this and did not give the first set of shots that my boy’s siblings got at 8 weeks. I took him right home that day the others got their shots. Interestingly 3 puppies came down with a “parvo like” illness a couple of days later and spent 3 days at the vet’s. They survived thankfully. I gave my boy the parvo and distemper nosodes and at 12 weeks took him to the local dog park for 5 minutes a week. He never got sick, not even a tiny bit of diarrhea! I tested his titers at 5 months and they were positive! He is also fed raw and lives a very active and healthy life. Now, at 5 years old, he is the healthiest Berner that I know…no allergies, no health issues whatsoever. Fingers crossed that he will live a very long life.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 26, 2023 at 12:55 am

      This is so inspiring, Linda! And revealing, eh? Not unusual to see some illness after the vaccines, which are immunosuppressive. Often diagnosed as coccidia or giardia, and the pups get a microbiome whacking with a course of antibiotics.
      I think this guy is on his way to break Berner records!
      Nice work!

  2. Jennifer on January 31, 2021 at 4:17 pm

    I will be buying a puppy soon and I am interested in this natural way of immunizing against distemper but when I check the rules of dog parks they say your dog must be vaccinated to enter. Now what?

  3. Cindy Riley on January 16, 2021 at 1:01 pm

    SO glad to have found your website! My son insisted we not vaccinate our new puppy and i was skeptical, but after a conversation with Dr. Patricia Jordan and now your information, I’m SOLD. Our puppy came from a breeder who had given her 2 puppy shots prior to us receiving her, and when I tried to get a titer test done – Dr. Whitecoat talked me out of it, saying – nothing will show up anyway because the mother’s immunity will have overridden the vaccines. She had absolutely no response for me when asked “then why immunize so early in the first place?”. Anyway – my question is this…I’ve purchased and am starting to use the Nosodes for Parvo and Distemper, but my puppy is now 4.5 mos old. Should I continue past the 9 mo mark because we’re starting later or stop at 9 mos? Thanks again!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on January 16, 2021 at 10:09 pm

      No need to go longer, Cindy. 9 mo is chosen because by then, the immune system is mature and the danger of parvo is past. You can restart either if you hear of a big outbreak in your area, which would more likely (but still rarely) be distemper.

      Super smart question you asked the vet! Not surprised she had no answer.

  4. Patti Holma on October 15, 2020 at 3:38 pm

    I’m not sure my question went through so if this is a repeat I apologize. My 12.5 week puppy had 1 combination vaccination at 8 weeks. I’m walking her in our neighborhood in S.C. that has various critters around; probably raccoons, possums squirrels and dogs but probably not unvaccinated dogs., some outdoor cats. Will that be enough or should I give nosodes from your kit? If so how often until when? Thank you

  5. Lynnette Richard on August 26, 2020 at 3:08 pm

    Looking to view these articles on parvo and non-vaccines for our new pup but I need them in PDF form or something else? The website is not user friendly, wants you to open in another browser but that doesn’t work??? It should be difficult and hard??? Argh. Can you send to my email address without all the compliations?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on August 28, 2020 at 11:31 pm

      Hey Lynnette, these articles are free to read right here, right on the page you’ve left this comment on. No need to download a PDF, though you may want to learn how to do this for other things I have on Vital Animal Pack. Best bet if that’s giving you pause is to ask a neighbor kid who’s over 13 to help you. Dead simple, once you learn how.

      For now, enjoy this and many more articles right here. If you want to search for more, use the search box over on the right side and drop a term in that you’re interested in. For example, “heartworm” or “vaccination” or “puppies” and you’ll be quickly faced with a listing of everything I’ve written on that subject.

      I’ve purposely made it simple to access for everyone. All the best to you and yours. WF