Dog Teeth Cleaning: Free, DIY
Stop Killing Your Pet: The Top 5 Ways — #5 Feed ‘Em Raw Bones!
You remember those gleaming white teeth your kitten or pup came into the world with? The ones that almost glowed, they were so clean and bright?
Take a good look at those adult cat or dog teeth today. Go ahead, raise the lip and pull it back on both sides. What do you see?
If they still look that white, you are doing something right! And if they don’t, you need not necessarily head for the dentistry that’s so widely recommended by Dr. WhiteCoat. There is a natural method you can use to turn this around. Dogs (and cats) can get their teeth cleaning at home, on the cheap. With a whole host of side benefits.
Vital Animal, Healthy Teeth
February is National Pet Dental Health Month. You can imagine the focus of that, right?
“Get your pet in for a full dental exam!” and “Your dog needs regular teeth cleaning for best health,” “Brush Your Pet’s Teeth!” blah blah blah.
I’ve noticed Dr. WhiteCoat’s push into dentistry paralleling your awareness that yearly vaccinations are not a good thing. Coincidence? Loss of income propelling this? I often get to offer second opinions on teeth cleanings in new patients, and they come in looking pretty clean. I usually advise raw bones and waiting on these guys.
I also see amazing teeth coming into my clinic, and the owners of these animals usually have one common reason:
We feed raw bones. Regularly.”
Wag. Purrrrr. Smile.
Any Examples to Follow?
As usual, we need to look to the ancestors of our dogs and cats to learn what works for healthy teeth. Wolves and lynx live with strong, white teeth, free of tartar, bad breath, or tooth decay.
Their “wild tooth brush?” Raw bones in their prey. Daily “brushing,” with a substance very similar to the substance of their teeth.
While you’re prompted by Dr. WhiteCoat to get the toothbrush out regularly, I submit you’ll do far better following the wild ancestors’ example and providing raw bones, at least 3 days a week.
Hard Food Important?
Ever hear this logic? That dental disease is due to feeding soft foods, so there’s nothing polishing up those pearly whites? So, kibble is really the best food after all?
As you found out in No Kibble for Kitty!, kibble is stuck together with starch, the simple carbohydrates that feed mouth bacteria, big players in tooth and gum disease. “Grain free” fads aside, kibble won’t be kibble without some kind of carbs gluing the meat into chunky pieces.
Check your labels. Potato, tapioca, sweet potato, and pea are all common carbs in grain free fad foods. And they all contribute to dental disease.
Q: How much carb does a wolf eat? Or a lynx? (That’s who we’re feeding, right?)
A: Little to none.
The best hard food is the natural raw bone. No downsides to it. Oh, the myth of splinters and perforated intestines? I don’t buy it.
Raw Bones, The Why
- Best dog and cat “toothbrush,” ever.
- Anesthetic-free dentals for pets
- Source of available, digestible calcium for strong bones and teeth.
- Calcium and phosphorus ratios are perfect.
- Great pacifiers, gives your dog “a job.”
Raw Bone Benefits:
- Clean teeth, healthy gums.
- Bad breath is unheard of with regular raw bone feeding.
- Lower cost and safer than Dr. WhiteCoat’s anesthetic cleaning.
- Strong teeth, strong bones. Fractures of either less likely.
- Balanced nutrition, especially if meat is prominent in your dog’s diet.
- Gives Fido something to do beside worry or bug you.
I’ve written more on the subject, including how you can transition to feeding raw bones safely, on this page.
Finding Raw Bones
It’s more difficult to find raw bones than it used to be. Butchers don’t work in grocery stores any more. But check for deer processing places (in Winter, especially) and small, local butchers. If they haven’t been “discovered” yet by other pet owners seeking natural cat or dog teeth cleaning, you’ve scored. They may give them to you if you tell them what you’re up to.
You can do so much good for your pets’ health by regularly feeding raw bones. And for such a small investment of time and money. Don’t wait. Get started today!
Let us know if you’ve found a good source or had any trouble feeding bones in the comments. Admittedly, getting cats interested is harder. Let us know if you’ve found tricks that work for your pride. One I know for certain: feed them at room temp, not chilled. More smell = more acceptance, especially by your cat.
Hello Dr. Falconer,
I feed raw, but had not known to regularly feed bones for dental health. We have a severe tartar issue with Bo & Tanner, our 11 year old male toy schnauzers (rescues from the same litter). They have never been “chewers” or shown much interest in the raw chicken necks I used to try to give them. Do you recommend anything to help break down the tartar more quickly? I read somewhere to brush their teeth with hydrogen peroxide…whet is your opinion on that?
Also, 4 years ago I took my little Tanner, now 5 lb (used to be 9 lb only 3 months ago) in for a tooth cleaning to a regular vet here in Wimberley & picked him up with nearly all his teeth extracted. I cried & still feel so guilty for putting him through that. I will never do that again. He now only has his 4 canines & a few back molars. Lately he is showing very little to NO interest in his food & I suspect that he may have a fractured tooth (about 3 months ago I did give him an all natural dog biscuit that was obviously hard for him to chew) or something causing him pain when he eats.
If you are no longer accepting new patients, can you please recommend another holistic/homeopathic vet? I just don’t know who to trust. Thank you for your time, I truly appreciate any advice you might have for us.
Peace & blessings!
Hello: We have six dogs all small, from 5 – 9 lbs in weight. I have been giving them deer antlers. I notice that my male pom who chews on them the most has the most lovely looking white teeth and healthy gums. Are bones such as this and horns okay for their teeth I’m wondering? Thank you.
I have been giving my big dogs raw chicken wings for a week every couple of months. Haven’t needed to spend $300 on a dental in 6 years. My 5 lb. Maltese had infected gums a few years ago. The vet said if she didn’t get a $325 dental she would lose her teeth. I decided to try giving her the raw chicken wings before spending that money. Her gum infection went away and her teeth are still in her mouth. She is 13. I do not combine any dry man made goods with the raw diet as I read it messes with their gut so no milk bones for the week. BTW, I have 5 dogs of different sizes, this works for all of them.
It’s very good and useful content about teeth cleaning.
Thank you.
My healthy 12 year-old poodle Kami had a general checkup and was advised to have his first dental scaling soon. I am worried about putting him under anaesthesia for the first time.
I have never given him raw meat before. Should I give him raw bones at this point?
As I pointed out, Seung, often the rush to scale teeth is premature. I’d start both raw meat and some raw bones, as this article suggests (slowly at first) and re-evaluate in a few months. Likely, time is on your side.
My healthy 13 yr old Shih Tzu/Yorkie has been taking Trifexis for a number of years. Two months ago she began to have vomiting and diarrhea. She was treated with antidiarrhea and nausea meds to no avail. at the end of each month she would be feeling better and I would give her Trifexis and with the same results. I have just now figured out that Trifexis is the problem. What can I do to counteract the Trifexis I gave her three days ago?
So glad your light went on around this, Maryann. If you want to hasten the return to normal, I’ve got a homeopathic detox protocol here that will help.
My dogs have been fed raw since 4 months old. They are 9 now. One has a fractured tooth and both have tartar. They eat a chicken leg for breakfast and meat at night. They are both a little under 20 lbs. Can I get a rack of ribs and cut individual ribs for them to chew on? Pork? Beef? Thanks for your advice and your site!
You do not mention beef bones as part of the raw bones to give to animals, are they too big?
This is so very interesting…I am thrilled to hear all of the info about raw bones for dogs. Today our 5 lb 2.5 yr old Pom had a wellness check and we were told that she has stage one pareadontal diesese…that she will need a cleaning within one year and that we needed to brush her teeth at least once a day, which she hates because we have tried this. She also has a clasped trachea and I would love to feed her raw bones but my husband is very worried about chicken bones hurting her throat…what raw bones would recommend giving her. Thank you for your help, this is awesome and very much appreciated!
I really like the concept of naturally cleaning my dogs teeth instead of the putting my dog under and scraping their teeth. I just have to wonder if this isn’t what my cat hasn’t been trying to do for all these years by bringing my dogs doves to eat. I have two rather large dogs (Treeing Walker Coon Hounds about 115 pounds a peice) I would like to start feeding them Chicken wings. How many do you recommend feeding them if I were to do it twice a week?
Thank you for the article
Start slowly, as the article says, Deborah. Maybe 3 each time to start. Watch the stools and increase weekly, and then move up to more challenging bones, like veal or lamb or goat. Nice of your cat to share the wealth!
I see at the bottom of your e-mail that you are in Austin Texas. I live in Lampasas, TX, just a hop skip and a jump from there. Do you have a practice? One of my Treeing Walker coon Hounds was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism several years ago and I have to give him med twice a day. Any suggestions or could I make an appointment with you??
Hi Deborah,
I’m not taking on new patients with chronic disease. Please see my free Apoquel Alternatives Report in your Member Home. It shows how to hire the best homeopathic vet to help you cure the chronic stuff that’s so common (and which hypothyroidism is).
All the best.
Came across your wonderful site while searching for a solution to clean my dog’s nasty looking teeth. I have read all of the questions and responses but confused on one point. On the chicken wing topic .. do I strip most of the raw chicken from the bone before giving it to my dog? Also, on the meat bones, do I leave a good portion of meat on the bone? I hope this method helps in cleaning Dina’s teeth. Doing it with a small toothbrush and a tube of what-ever I found at PetCo doesn’t seem to be doing much good. Thanks for your response.
Hi Lucille,
The meat stays on. Sound nutrition, and it can replace some of your regular food. A like weight of the regular food can be left out of the feeding when you have a bone day.
You’ll see whiter teeth likely within a month, if you feed these 3x/week.
All the best.
Just came across your article. I have an 11 pound dachshund. Are you saying I can go to the grocery store, buy fresh raw chicken wings, and just feed that to her? This is new to me and don’t want her to get sick but her teeth are bad and breath will knock you over! Thanks.
Exactly that, Kevin. Just start slow, as I explain, keep an eye on her stools (too much bone at once can make them chalky and hard), and once you see she’s well adjusted, feed them regularly, at least a few days a week! Keep us posted on her teeth in the next month or so. Should be a pleasant surprise.
I have a min. Doxie,he has tarter build-up,I have been brushing his teeth after each meal,it has helped. Are you saying that raw chicken wings will be helpful in cleaning his teeth,thanks
I’m actually suggesting these bones can take the place of and do a better job than any toothbrush.
Let us know what you learn in a month or two please. I predict happy surprise.
I just started giving my dog raw meaty bones, too. First did chicken necks but then was advised not to because she’s 55lbs and they are too small and she could choke, and they’re mostly bone. So I am now doing chicken legs. I think being a kibble-fed dog for 5 years and only having eaten ground raw in the last year, she didn’t know what to do with the bone, so I put it in her mouth and let her chew, and then she knew exactly what to do, and it was so cool to see her crush, rip and tear. After 3 chicken legs i can already see a tiny difference, i can’t wait to see what a month will look like for her teeth.
Do NOT give your dog hard bones, antlers, etc. anything that can’t be bent should not go in your dog’s mouth. That’s how my dog broke her teeth and needed surgery. Wild dogs may eat bones, but they also have a much, much shorter life span!
Dogs with weak teeth can break them on raw bones, no question. That’s not the fault of the bone, however.
Normal dogs can chew hard bones as well as any wolf can.
raw hide bones gave my canine pneumonia due to small pieces chewed off cause him to regurgitate filling lung with fluid .pet ok after vet treatment also can you recommend besides raw bones a way of brushing besides the enzymatic stuff full, of chemicals thanks
Just to be clear RAW chicken bones are fine? I own a very small Maltese who’s two and is getting serious tart buildup on her back teeth.
I’m so brand new to this site. Are you saying the old thinking of chicken bones and other softer bones are good for dogs? They don’t pierce their throat or insides like we were always taught???
I have a 13 yr. old cocker spaniel who doesn’t know what to do with bones. She carries them around but that is all. My other dogs eat their bones then take away the cocker spaniel’s bone. How do I teach her how to eat bones or do I just let her carry them proudly? Thanks
Hi Jackie,
I’d be inclined to make raw meaty bones a meal at least once a week for the whole pack. She’ll likely get the idea when there’s no other choices: “Oh! This is food!” I suspect she’s too well fed to get the connection.
Hello and Thank you for an informative site that isn’t trying to sell us on Purina dog chow or science diet as a healthy food. I would like to let you know that after our 12 lb. Bellabear (pom) was diagnosed with Itp and given prednisone, and was told lifetime prednisone tHeRaPy” was our only choice…….she became alot of things that concerned us……i removed the prednisone Asap and started her on 50 MCG of vitamin k a day. It has been Over a year and has not had a bout of purpura…My question is regarding her teeth, will slightly ground raw chicken thighs clean them safely. Thank you again and the Best to you and yours. Dd
Hi DD,
Not sure what “slightly ground” means, but the goal is to get the abrasive action of teeth on bones, like the wolves and foxes, who never get tartar or decay. Raw poultry is a good size for a Pom, and just the right amount of hardness to help without being hard to digest.
Thanks for writing, and best of health for you and Bellabear.
I just recently rescued a 2.5 year old Siberian Husky. I don’t think she was very well taken care of because her teeth are as yellow and dirty as can be. I had given her a small knotted rawhide the other day to chew and she went to town, I noticed shortly after giving it to her there was a little bit of blood on the bone. I didn’t think much about it, considering it was only a little amount. After she finished I opened her mouth to see that her K9 was completely gone! It broke right were her tooth hits the gumline, so there is a small stub of tooth but its very little. I took her to the vet a couple weeks ago to see what I should do. The doctor at the vets office told me to put her on an antibiotic called clavamox, and then to schedule for the tooth to be extracted if it started to abscess. I refused the antibiotics until I saw that it was absolutely necessary, a couple days later I got her a weeks worth of augmentin. She seems to be fine, no trouble eating food. But is an extraction really necessary? I want whats best for her but it really seems like theres always a sales ploy involved when I go to the vet. And should I refrain completley from giving her bones? Thank you!
Hi Shayda,
I find you just have to watch the mouth periodically and how your dog deals with food and water when there’s a tooth fracture. Anything like suddenly backing away from food or water, or grabbing and then dropping food would indicate pain from the exposed tooth. Most seem to tolerate them quite well, but you’d also want to examine the area at least a couple times a week.
If pain and redness and swelling, I’d get the extraction done.
Softer bones, but still made of real bone are best: poultry is a good bet.
What can a pet parent do for a dog who already has tooth problems (tartar, plaque, etc.) without going the anesthesia route. Is there anything?
Hi Susan,
I quite often see tartar encrusted teeth polish up after a few weeks on raw bones. They can act as treatment for the condition just as well as prevention!
Aloha’s Will…Well unfortunately after 25 years of feeding raw bones to all my different kinds of Doggies…it finally happened…My male Doberman, Doug, got a large piece of jagged bone stuck in the worst place possible in his intestines! It took Dennis Brown-our vet, myself and my oldest son George four hours of Emergency surgery and an excruciating four days of recovery to get him to Live again…and of course a $2000.00 bill…so well, all I can say at this time is I will not be giving them any more bones and am looking at other ways to keep their teeth clean…it’s just a risk I am not willing to take anymore…but I know where you are coming from and was all for bones for many years…until I just about lost one of my precious Dobermans…not sure what the solutions is at this point…but just thought I should make the point of running the risk…J
Hi Julie,
So sorry to hear of your difficulty with Doug. So, it begs the question: why, after successfully feeding raw bones for 25 years to a large population of dogs, was this the exception? Something about the bone? The health of Doug? Those are my first wonders, and a third would be the circumstances. Was it a rush job to get this bone swallowed before someone else took it from him, perhaps?
Something not right with this picture, eh? Your own experience would indicate so.
I’m glad he’s come through it, but would love more insight as to the why. Thanks for writing. I hope all’s well on Maui.
Dr. Falconer,
Thanks for the great information. I have two very small chihuahuas, one barely 2 lbs. and the other about 3 lbs., and they have very small mouths. We’ve recently started feeding them a raw food diet, but have not given them any bones as of yet. I would like to start, but I’m not sure what size/type of bone would be good for them and work with their small size. Do you have any recommendations?
Thanks again for a great article!
Hey Shannon,
I like chicken wings, and speak about the how’s more on the page
Nice size, easy, just be sure they’re not chilled, so the dogs know, “This is food!”
I’m a natural rearing breeder of Border Terrers sice 2000. I by grass fed beef from a local farmer just for my dogs. I make sure there’s about 1-2 inches if meat on the bones. I feed chicken (free range) leg quarters, pork breast ribs ( if I can find naturally raised pigs). Venison meaty bones and or bison. It gets very cold here in Winnipeg (Canada) in the winter so during this time they get more ground meaty bones, but all summer long it’s easy bones daily.
Dear Dr. Falconer, I am new to your site. My Jack Russell terrier, Patrick, was diagnosed with IMHA a few weeks ago. He is doing much better now. He always has loved raw marrow bones. I noticed in this article you said “dense bones are alright for healthy dogs”. Should I refrain from giving these to Patrick now? Also, the prednisone he is taking will compromise his immune system, right? Would he be at more risk for harm from raw bones just now? Your advice would be so appreciated, and I’m very glad to have found your site.
Hi Linda,
The bones are fine, but I’d really want to bolster his immune system in the face of the disease and the pred. TF Canine Complete plus a cap a day of the human TF Plus Tri-Factor are in order, just ASAP. The immunologists tell me that a boosted immune system is a balanced one, so don’t fear making it stronger in the face of auto-immune disease. He’s only getting his immune system suppressed right now by the pred, and we want it to be, rather, fully functional, and the transfer factors are the best I’ve found to bring that about.
Thank you! My cats are two years old and have always been raw fed (not free choice fed, never kibble). I have tried whole chicken wings so far. I will try them at room temperature. Should I break them apart for them, perhaps? Maybe they’d do better with necks? And I agree on the “hunger motivator;” great point! 🙂
Ah, good for you, Poppy! Breaking them might make them seem more approachable at first, sure. I tend to think wings are more “real” looking than necks, but try anything, and add in the hunger and I think you’ll get there. Keep us posted. Any tricks that work to get cats on to eating raw bones are most welcome. Most (not all) dogs just “get” bones, while cats are often unsure.
My fall back would be hunger + wings briefly seared in butter. Resist that, Puff!
Do you have any suggestions for types of bones for my raw-fed cats? I have had a hard time getting my cats to “enjoy” them. They basically stare at them blankly. Thank you!
Hi Poppy, and welcome to the Vital Animal discussions!
I readily admit a lot of cats will do just what yours have done, especially if they are over about 6 years of age. Types of bones are typically poultry, but as Melissa says, hers take to ribs even. (I’ve asked her for more input about how she’s interested her cats in this wonderful activity).
The biggest thing I see in cats is that they really need to smell what they eat, so cold bones or meat must be warmed to at least room temp. And then, there’s hunger, often missing if cats are free choice fed.
Sometimes, it takes playing “hard ball” and offering meaty bones for several times as the only option for cats, over a few meals or even days. This can best be done in cats who are not overweight. It’s fasting, really, and I talk about that further in Back Away from the Kibble, Kitty.
Cats are experts at training us!
You give your dogs chicken bones???How about Pork bones??
I always read they were to brittle.
Grew up with the same myth, Vern. When they are raw (especially the poultry bones), they digest brilliantly, even if chunks are swallowed.
I think it is inmportant to mention that by “raw bones” it means uncooked parts of bones surrounded inside meat and not “bare naked” bones~ Unless you’re referring to “recreational” bones, but those of non-ungulates? Even so, I never purchase “dog” bones or “soup” bones. I feed my < 20Lb crew of cats and dogs parts like chicken (any and all parts), pork ribs (even the cats- but just "singletons" for them), turkey necks, and then I give either deer ribs or beef ribs (depending if hubby has any deer) in a small rack for each of them to gnaw and nibble on and rip and tear the meat off. I find these, although they aren't eating the bones, give good cleaning of the front teeth by the pulling of the meat off the bones. I have heard some say even just the gnawing on these dense bones can be detrimental to the jaw and teeth……what do you say?
Oh yes, I forgot to mention I also feed bone parts from quail and game hen.
Hey Melissa,
I think the bones can be bare, just not dried out and hard as concrete like you find in some pet stores. I’m talking about fresh, raw bones, and if they have meat on them, that’s fine, they can take the place of some of normally offered food. The between meal, “recreational” bones can do all the good things for teeth, calcium, roughage, etc.
Dense bones are fine in the healthy animals. I talk about this on my Natural Dental page further. Detriment would only be to unhealthy animals, and I talk about transitioning from softer bones to these harder ones if in doubt as to tooth health.
I really like your “rack feeding” where they’ve got to pull things with the front teeth! Brilliant. Can you offer any pointers to Poppy (below) as to how you got the cats on board?
What about the bones you get at animal feed stores, the ones that are cow bones that still have a little bit of meat on them but they are dried. Not fresh?
Hey Audra,
I know the ones. Too hard, unless you know your dogs have super strong teeth. Calcium less available, too, I suspect, than what fresh would offer.