Dog Flu Newsworthy. Cheap, Effective Remedy Not?

When (Lame Stream) Media Misses the Point

Last week the TV news descended on my small clinic, to get the story I’d alerted them to: dog flu, the epidemic that hit well over a thousand dogs in the Midwest U.S., had arrived in Texas. And, most importantly, an inexpensive homeopathic remedy for dog flu had been found.

This latter was discovered independently, by a couple of my smarter clients who had a coughing dog, and reached for a remedy from my emergency remedy kit. On their second try, boom, Mica, their young Akita, turned the corner, and quickly got well. Completely cough free in under a week with a few doses.

That’s quite exceptional in dog flu, where many cases linger for weeks with the harsh cough. To be fair, 80% of canine flu cases are mild ones, according to Purdue, as I reported in my first blog post on this. But Mica was coughing strongly, gagging at the end, and was keeping everyone awake as she coughed repeatedly through the night.

When the right remedy was given, it was like a light switch was thrown. She ran for the cure, never looking back.

The Influence of Big Pharma

But, what were the first words out of reporter Quita Culpepper’s lips? Vaccinations!

Presumably, she’d read what I’d reported initially, and listened when I explained the futility of giving a dog flu vaccination made from H3N8, which, at the time was the only dog flu vaccine currently available. She took copious notes, and I laid it out clearly: this dog flu epidemic is caused by H3N2 Canine Influenza Virus.

And it’s widely known there’s no cross immunity between flu virus strains.

But, Quita went with, “experts don’t know” if the current vaccine will help.


Here we with go with the “uncertainty” again, that keeps the doors open for lots of dogs to be unnecessarily vaccinated for this flu. With all the inherent risks vaccination carries.

Most Valuable Lessons Left on the Cutting Room Floor

My client Sara, who had the lightbulb moment, when her other two dogs started coughing days after Mica did, valiantly brought Mica in for the cameras. When Mica entered my clinic before the reporter arrived, she was noticeably more energetic and upbeat and happy to see me than when I’d seen her, coughing, six days earlier.

Sara told a great story about how, following my recommendations since 1995, she’d hardly needed vet services. How that set her pack up for a very mild experience with their dog flu infection (they never missed a meal, were ready to go for walks, and rested a bit more than usual).

And how brilliantly all three dogs responded to their aptly chosen homeopathic remedy for dog flu.

In fact, Sara found that my earlier recommendation of Nux vomica was actually the best fitting remedy for her third dog to catch the flu, Taiko, littermate of Mica. Phosphorus gave “meh” results, and changing to nux brought Taiko rapidly back to health, just like Mica and Yogi had done with phosphorus.

I also blatantly stated, on camera for the world to hear, that the common practice of giving antibiotics for the dog flu (a virus, after all) was “bad medicine.” I clearly said that was not only not going to work against canine flu, it would make your dogs less able to fight it, by wiping out the beneficial gut bacteria, now understood  to comprise up to 80% of everyone’s immune system.

Most valuable, to the dogs either about to be exposed or currently suffering the harsh coughing of canine influenza, I laid out the remedy for dog flu that would act both as preventative and treatment. Two remedies that cost, what, about $5 each for a long time supply? Remedies discovered and proven in real world, sick dogs who bested the canine flu in record time.

Forty five minutes of filming and interviewing, full of rich, real world, practical experience that would save dogs a whole lot of suffering at the hands of canine influenza virus.

Most of it got left on the cutting room floor.


You Can Be Smarter Than TV News Would Have You Believe

If you’ve got more sense than a bag of hammers (one of my all time favorite movie lines, from an otherwise weird movie), you’ll ignore the story put out by the mainstream media on dog flu.

Here’s a short course for you to share with those who are in the path of the dog flu epidemic, currently in Oklahoma and Texas, after long run in Chicago that’s finally coming to an end:

  • Canine influenza, aka “dog flu,” is a virus. Antibiotics are NOT indicated. Any vet who’s talking “secondary infections” is shining you on.
  • Immune boosting makes far more sense, if you’re concerned with dog flu.
  • Most dogs, statistically, have an easy time with this disease. Reports from Purdue put those numbers at 80%.
  • Dog flu symptoms are clear. Most dogs follow this pattern.
  • The same remedy that cures dog flu, is likely to prevent it. There’s a #1 and #2 choice remedy for dog flu spelled out for you, based on real world experience (tip of the hat to my brilliant clients, Sara and Karen).

Tell Us Your Experience

We all grow stronger and more knowledgeable by sharing our successes. Yours are welcomed in the comments below. Tell us if you’ve seen any canine flu around you, and especially if you’ve used homeopathy to good effect.

Now, put the remote down and back slowly away from that TV.


  1. Kelly on June 30, 2015 at 5:50 pm

    I’m in Atlanta. There are now confirmed cases in the area. My dog had been attending a doggie daycare. She is a 7 month old Havanese. Her nose felt really warm two days ago and for the last couple days she has occasionally sneezed or coughed. I’m probably over paranoid because of the newscasts. Yet I’m considering running out to wholefoods and picking up the remedies. Anyone else in the area? I’m really hoping she is strong and won’t have complications. I called a vet and they said not to bring her in due to no treatments available. I’m lost at what to do.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 1, 2015 at 5:51 am

      Kelly, I’d not waste time. Get the remedy I recommended in the post before this, and get started. Why wait? No downside to it, and odds are high it will prevent (or treat if this reaches you too late) the dog flu.

  2. L on May 22, 2015 at 4:47 pm

    They kind of admit that, in the rest of the article:
    Experts say dog-to-dog contact is the primary means by which the flu is spread, and dog owners are urged to avoid trips to the veterinary hospital if they believe their dog may have been exposed to the virus.
    Canine flu is not fatal in most cases, nor does it pose a threat to humans, cats or other pets, the MSPCA said.
    Angell’s prevention protocol centers on the following recommendations:
    •If traveling to the outbreak states, steer clear of all dog parks, veterinary hospitals (save for emergency treatment) or other areas in which dogs assemble
    •Do not assume your dog is protected if he or she has been vaccinated against canine flu. H3N2 is a different strain, as yet there is no vaccine for it and prevention is the only surefire way to avoid infection
    •Know the primary signs of canine flu which generally include coughing, runny nose, decreased activity, decreased appetite, and generally seeming unwell. If any of these symptoms are present, call you veterinarian immediately
    •If your dog is sick seek treatment at your veterinarian’s office or Angell — but inform staff upon arrival if your dog has traveled to the outbreak states, and keep well clear of all other dogs in the waiting area(s)

  3. L on May 22, 2015 at 4:21 pm

    BOSTON —The MSPCA’s Angell Animal Medical Center in Boston says it has seen the first local case of a dog flu that is quickly spreading across the Midwest.
    MSPCA said a 5-year-old female terrier with a hacking cough was brought in on May 3 following a family trip to Chicago. The hospital is awaiting confirmation of the exact strain, but veterinarians suspect it is the same strain that has now become an epidemic in the Midwest. The dog is recovering at home in Watertown.
    More than 1,700 cases of dog flu — dubbed H3N2 — have been confirmed in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Wisconsin and Texas, the MSPCA said.
    Excerpt from:

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 22, 2015 at 4:32 pm

      I have a strong inkling that the cycle on this epidemic is over, just like it came to an end for West Nile Virus several years back. It sickened fewer and fewer dogs until it sickened none (except perhaps those severely immune compromised ones). But large numbers of dogs, when tested, showed titers to the virus without ever being sick. It means they were exposed, responded appropriately, and never missed their dinner.
      To use the words “quickly spreading across the Midwest” is a red herring now. It is done quickly spreading, and far fewer new cases are presenting now than even a few weeks ago, according to local sources. If the flames are still being fanned, it means there’s still hope for vaccine income, even though no protection will be provided.

  4. Olivia on May 20, 2015 at 1:23 pm

    Dr. Falconer, I’m a pre-veterinary student wanting to specialize in homeopathy. I have a job at a conventional clinic (because no other clinic was hiring at the time) and I always feel uncomfortable when I hear the employees and such tell the pet owners how important vaccinations are and what not. So, my question is, should I resign and just shadow with a doctor or clinic that incorporates more natural styles of treatment/medicine? By the way, I do other things to get experience with animals, such as volunteering at cat and dog shelters and helping out at the the wildlife rescue center.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 20, 2015 at 2:30 pm

      Hi Olivia,
      Good for you (and I hear your pain!). I think your logic is sound. Even working for a holistic vet who may not use homeopathy would be a step up and great for your comfort level as well as experience.
      I’d have you come here, but I do so much work on the phone it’d be a boring experience for you.
      Best of luck, and keep your grades up! That counts for a lot in getting in to vet school.

      • Olivia on May 20, 2015 at 6:13 pm

        Thank you so much 🙂

  5. Tricia on May 18, 2015 at 11:53 am

    How incredibly frustrating for you Dr. Falconer. I applaud you for taking the time with the reporter and doing the interview knowing this was the likely outcome. Like a previous poster mentioned – it will at least drive more traffic to your website where the good stuff is.

  6. L on May 18, 2015 at 10:49 am

    Iris was right to be concerned, I think these homeopathic remedies would have the best results and ideally should be done under the care and supervision of a homeopathic veterinarian.
    After all, we are talking about serious illness here. Natural doesn’t always mean benign.
    I thank Dr Falconer for the information, and I appreciate all comments. They inspired me to look up nux vomica.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 18, 2015 at 5:47 pm

      Actually, L, as this is acute disease, like a human cold or flu, it’s well within an untrained individual’s capability to treat. If you follow the guidelines I gave in the previous post on how to do it, you’ll have no untoward effects.
      Chronic, lingering disease, the norm of today, is another story. You need professional help to get these animals cured.
      I wrote these last couple of posts to encourage people to do this, in fact! Karen and Sara did this without my help at first, and discovered the remedy in their emergency kit that became the star remedy for this epidemic. All I did was coach a bit and give some higher potency versions of the remedies they chose from my kit.
      If any gets started on this and feels stuck, just post here (assuming you’ve read the Remedy for an Epidemic post first, where I’ve laid out how to do both prevention and treatment). I’ll be happy to help those who are helping themselves.

  7. Texas Dawn on May 18, 2015 at 10:33 am

    o.k. what exactly are we suppose to get at the health food store for dog flu. Nice to know there is something to cure it, but what is it???

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 18, 2015 at 12:16 pm

      Hi Dawn,
      You may have noticed several words or phrases underlined in this article. Those are called links. Choose a phrase that hints at what you’re looking for, click on it and you’ll be taken to the blog post that spells it all out for you.
      Let me know if you have any further trouble.

  8. Mary Marseglia on May 18, 2015 at 10:16 am

    Very well put Dr. Falconer! The media is full of BS! All they want you to do(allopathic vets & pharmies that is) is to get this stupid flu vaccine which is actually going to cause your dog to get sick! Stop the insanity!

  9. Nora on May 18, 2015 at 8:54 am

    Yeah! We know you TRIED, doc! The dinosaur media gave you a bump, tho. Your blog circulation has jumped, with your fame!
    I’m from the Show Me State, (MO) so I’d say you SHOWED ’em, they were just too “sold out” to honestly pass it on. That’s why so many people have quit watching TV and turned to more trustworthy sources, like you! I actually think O’ Brother Where Art Thou? was filmed in MO using real residents! Maybe an old classmate of mine, or two–I’ll check the Laclede High School Annual.
    I personally think your concerns about your “bald head” are baseless, since it’s obvious your brain has grown so large that the hair just can’t cover it anymore. It is not the hair’s fault they are getting farther apart.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 18, 2015 at 10:14 am

      Aww, Nora, you’re too kind. I just attended a conference that was humbling. So many smart people in the room. But Dr. Blanco and I were the only two veterinary homeopaths!

  10. Drea on May 18, 2015 at 7:53 am

    I worked in Television News as a Broadcast Systems Engineer for more than 6 years and I can tell you that this kind of “reporting” is par for the course. The purpose of News is not to disseminate information, it is filler in between commercials and advertising. Seriously. That is one of the main reasons I don’t watch mainstream News anymore.
    Dr. Will is doing a fantastic job of getting this information out in the world via his blog, and with folks like me and others reposting, sharing, and talking about the alternatives to allopathic “methods”, we can do a better job of getting at the truth than this failed News snippet ever could.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 18, 2015 at 10:12 am

      Amazing take on this industry from an industry insider! Thanks Drea. We’ll carry on without them, eh?
      Power to the keyboard!

    • Joyce on May 21, 2015 at 11:19 am

      Drea, so very well said! Definitely agree with you, and absolutely,
      Power to the keyboard !!!!

  11. Iris on May 18, 2015 at 7:17 am

    What about the strychnine in nux vomica? I’m told that even though amounts are small, it can build up in the body & become toxic & kill.

    • Drea on May 18, 2015 at 8:00 am

      Iris, do some homework on how homeopathic remedies are actually made and you’ll find the answer to your question, and maybe spark more learning in the process!

      • Iris on May 18, 2015 at 10:33 am

        After a nasty reply like that to a question I really just wanted to know the answer to, I hope that someone nice will explain it to me.

        • L on May 18, 2015 at 11:01 am

          I appreciated you comment. I think people should be careful when using supplements and such.
          I said something to that effect, below.

        • Deb on May 18, 2015 at 5:21 pm

          The science behind homeopathy is not simple, therefore a simple explanation is difficult. The tiny bit of knowledge I feel I have is based on reading several books and joining blogs. The simplest answer I can give, while it will likely make no sense, is there is so little left of the source of each remedy once it is in its dosing form that there isn’t really any toxicity to speak of.
          Not to mention, most remedies are dosed only a couple of times. It’s not something you take long-term. Often only 1-3 doses are all that are needed.
          You were likely warned by someone who doesn’t understand. Until you have seen the unexplainable happen it can be difficult to believe a tiny, white pill, or sprinkle of powder, could hold so much good inside of it. I didn’t initiallybelieve in them myself, now

          • Deb on May 18, 2015 at 5:23 pm

            Oops! …was going to end by saying, now I have about 50 remedies in the cupboard, along with several “extras” that follow me in my purse. 🙂 they just work better and faster for so many things!

        • Dede on May 22, 2015 at 2:34 am

          Hello, Iris. I don’t see the answer as nasty. Drea is correct that we need to learn about how homeopathy works and that means we’ve got to read and research for ourselves. It’s important that we understand it, and it’s why reading everything on this blog is so helpful. It’s easy for online postings to be taken the wrong way. Those of us on the natural path want the best for each other and our animals. Let’s give each other the benefit of the doubt. I hope no one has hurt feelings.
          Another fabulous article, Doc! We’ve shared these articles with our family and friends just in case they encounter dog flu. Totally agree with the others about informed people not looking to the MSM for factual information. That’s not what they traffic in.

          • Will Falconer, DVM on May 22, 2015 at 10:34 am

            Me, in my innocence, plumb forgot this, Dede. I got excited and saw it as a no brainer that it should be shouted from the mountain tops: The Dog Flu Can Be Quickly Cured!! With a cheap remedy, widely available! I’m a week or two older and much wiser now. 😉

        • Elaine on May 24, 2015 at 12:01 pm

          There’s no strychnine in the Nux Vomica, but I am not knowledgeable enough to explain how they are made. There are many excellent books and resources out there, Dr. Will Falconer’s newsletter too. Good luck

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 18, 2015 at 5:38 pm

      Hi Iris,
      The remedies I’m recommending for this dog flu are both 30C potencies. Even though that’s a relatively low dilution, compared to what I often use in practice, they have no trace of the original substance left once they are made, so they are completely energetic. Still have the “energetic footprint” of nux vomica, but none of the physical toxicity, so they are completely safe. No build up, no harm possible.
      If you’d like to know more, the best explanation of this amazing art and science I’ve come across is actually a free download on my Resources page. Look for the book by Dr. Dooley (a human homeopathic doctor) called Homeopathy: Beyond Flat Earth Medicine.
      Thanks for stopping by!

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