How Safe is Your Pet from “Just a Rabies Vaccine?” I

Part One: Rabies Vaccine on Trial

“Oh, we’ve learned how vaccinations can make our animals sick. We only give rabies vaccine now. It’s the law.”

Are you endangering your pet, following a law that has no basis in immunology? Are you absolutely sure it’s safe for your pet to get this vaccination every few years, or worse, yearly?

Herein lies a dark and scary birthday tale, a tragedy we’d not wish on our worst enemy, let alone our beloved animals or children.

The “birthday present?”

A near death experience followed by a year of languishing health for a young cat named Tigger.

And then, a second near death experience at the beginning of his second year.

Happy Birthday! Or Not.

When he had just crossed his first birthday, life fell apart for our innocent little gray and brown tabby. It all began with a visit to Dr. WhiteCoat’s clinic, where it was decided that Tigger was “due for rabies vaccination.”

Little did anyone know what would unfold when this vital little guy received “just a rabies vaccine.”

His is a cautionary tale for those of you who feel you must follow a law that fails to reflect immunological understanding about the duration of immunity.

Duration of immunity: that “how long does immunity last?” in a vaccinated animal question.

It’d be wise of you to know this and side with the experts.

Odds are, your vet doesn’t understand this point or chooses to ignore it.

The Victim: Tigger, A Barely Two-Year-Old Cat

We have a very ill two year old kitty who is severely anemic and may not make it through the end of the week. His PCV was five yesterday.”

With that introduction, Tigger became a new patient of mine some years ago.

I was the third veterinarian to try to save his life.

He had spent the prior year (!) in an anemic, underweight, weakened state before nearly dying when Laurie left me that scary email message.

It was only after taking his full case that I learned it was his second brush with death.

From the same rabies vaccine.

On Trial for Animalslaughter

Let’s go now to the courtroom, where a heated trial is taking place over Tigger’s fate and the sentencing of his perpetrator.

“All Rise. The Honorable Judge Justice Forall presiding.”

Just the Facts, Ma’am

The court calls to the stand Laurie L, owner of the victim, on behalf of the prosecuting attorney.

Prosecuting Attorney: “What exactly happened to your cat Tigger on or about his first birthday, Ms. L?”

LL: “Well, we took Tigger to be boarded at the vet clinic while we were away for a few days.

Attorney: “So, you brought him to Dr. WhiteCoat’s office then?”

LL: “Yes, and while he was there, they gave him a rabies vaccine. It was likely not his first, as he’d been adopted from a shelter, and we all know how many vaccinations shelters give.”

Prosecuting Attorney: “Ouch! So true. Ahem, I mean, I see. And would you describe what happened next, please?”

LL: “Well, within hours of this one rabies shot, Tigger was found to be severely anemic on his blood test. His PCV came in at 8%! He was sent to the Emergency Clinic for a transfusion and I was afraid we were losing him.”

Prosecuting Attorney: “How very odd. Had he been sick before going in to boarding?”

LL: “No. He’d been perfectly healthy up to that point, and was a joy to behold, racing around our house, playing with toys and befriending anyone who came to see my husband and I. Now he was limp and lifeless and fighting for his life in the ER.”

Expert Witness and The Smoking Gun

Prosecuting Attorney: “Thank you for your testimony, Ms. L.

If it pleases the court, I’d now like to interview the current veterinarian on Tigger’s case, Dr. Will Falconer. Dr. Falconer, in reviewing the facts of this case of your newly acquired patient, please tell the court your findings.”

WFDVM: “I was called to this case as the third veterinarian in the past two years of Tigger’s life, your honor. What follows are the facts I could piece together from various sources, including extensive records from his previous vet, Dr. WhiteCoat.

It seems the victim, one Tigger by name, led a perfectly normal, playful first year of life, as one would expect from a well fed youngster of the feline persuasion. Ms. LL told me, as she stated to the court, that this all changed after he received his rabies vaccine at approximately his first birthday.

I’ve been provided with some documents pertaining to his case, and will present these findings now.”

Prosecuting Attorney: “Please continue, Dr. Falconer, and tell the court what transpired after this fateful day around Tigger’s first birthday.”

WFDVM: “Here are the facts of the case, your honor:

1. Almost immediately after his rabies vaccination, Tigger’s PCV fell so dangerously low that he was rushed to the ER for a blood transfusion.

PCV stands for packed cell volume, meaning the percent of red blood cells in a volume of blood, after it’s spun down (packed) in a centrifuge tube.

The normal PCV for a cat is between 30 and 45%, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual. Tigger’s values were dangerously low on admission to the hospital, at 8.1, about 20% of his expected normal.

Something was clearly wrong, and Tigger was referred to the Central Texas Veterinary Specialty Hospital for further assessment.

2. Here, in Exhibit A, are the results of a bone marrow biopsy taken at the speciality hospital to try to determine why Tigger no longer had sufficient red blood cells to sustain his life.

Here’s the pathologist and his findings:

Dr. James Walberg, DVM, DACVP (Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists) of Stone Ridge, New York, reported the following:

On “good to excellent quality” bone marrow smears, a finding of “erythophagocytosis by neutrophils” was determined.

Prosecuting Attorney: “The gall of the man, using such big words! Please explain that to the court in plain English, Dr. Falconer.”

WFDVM: “I’d be happy to. Red blood cells are also known as erythrocytes, and phagocytosis simply means the condition (-osis) of eating (phag-) cells (cyto-). Neutrophils are a kind of white blood cell, normally designed to eat foreigners, like invading bacteria or viruses.

So, in essence, Tigger’s white blood cells were in a very confused state, feeding on his own red blood cells, which are necessary to life. One cannot live without red blood cells to carry oxygen to all the organs and tissues of the body.”

Prosecuting Attorney: “Thank you, Dr. Falconer. Do you have enough evidence here to point to the cause of this poor cat’s downfall?”

The Perpetrator: One Rabies Vaccine

WFDVM: “I do, yes. Your honor, if it pleases the court, I think there’s one very clear perpetrator in this case. This cuddly, fun loving youngster named Tigger was most certainly the victim of immune system confusion brought about by a single intervention that was both unnecessary and dangerous:

Dr. WhiteCoat’s rabies vaccination at one year of age.”

Courtroom scene of hysteria.

The judge, rapping his gavel, calls for order, as the courtroom noisily explodes amid loud cat calls from conventional vets in attendance, women fainting in the aisles, and anguished weeping from the family of the victim, now realizing their worst nightmare: they had, unknowingly by “following the law” nearly killed their beloved Tigger.

Judge: “Please go on, Dr. Falconer, and explain the nature of the crime committed.

And be warned: any further outbursts on the part of dissenting veterinarians will result in their expulsion from this court!”

The Crime: Causing A Year of Anemia and Nearly Death. Twice on the Death Part.

WFDVM: “Thank you, your honor. The crime, as I see it, is one of iatrogenic immune dysregulation.

Prosecuting Attorney: “Damn, man, now you’re using those big words! I-at-trow what?”

WFDVM: “I’m sorry. That’s just another fancy word to confuse the public, sir. Iatrogenic means simply, ‘the doctor’s procedure caused the illness.’ The evidence for this is as follows.

  • Almost immediately after a single rabies vaccination, our normal vigorous and healthy young cat became dangerously anemic. Lab tests indicate Tigger was losing his red blood cells to autoimmune attack.
  • Tigger lived his second year of life with chronic anemia, never fully regaining his heath as his white blood cells continued to attack his own red blood cells.
  • At the time I took his case, he had relapsed into severe anemia, this time with the aforementioned PCV value of 5. He was also underweight by 15%. Tigger presented on two powerful drugs, prescribed to suppress his immune system: prednisone and Atopica.

Prosecuting Attorney: “Wait. Suppress his immune system?? You mean that system that lives in every being that protects them from foreign intruders like viruses, bacteria and parasites? Our best friend’s best friend?”

WFDVM: “Yes. That very perfectly designed immune system Tigger and all of us are born with.”

Prosecuting Attorney: “But why suppress it? That sounds downright dangerous!”

WFDVM: There is only one reason, sir: His immune system was trying to kill the victim!

Prosecuting Attorney: “Why, that’s outlandish! Where in the name of normalcy is an immune system going to attack its own body?

Pardon me, your honor, I also own pets, and I’m just surprised that such a serious illness could occur after a single rabies vaccine. And that the cure was thought to be shutting down his immune system! I’ll refrain from such outbursts in the future.

The prosecution rests.”

Judge: “The defense may now cross examine the expert witness.”

The Defense’s Argument: It’s The Law

Defense Attorney: “Thank you, your honor. Dr. Falconer, you do understand that this cat was vaccinated against rabies according to the law, do you not?

WFDVM: I do.

Defense Attorney: “Why then do you call call this rabies vaccine ‘unnecessary and dangerous?’ Laws must be followed, certainly, do you agree?”

WFDVM: “I do not categorically agree, no sir. When laws have the potential to harm innocent animals (and people) and have no basis in scientific understanding, I think it’s our duty as citizens to question them and avoid them as much as possible.

You see, veterinary immunologists, like their human counterparts, have known for decades that immunity to virus vaccines lasts a very long time; in most cases, for a lifetime. This is called duration of immunity.

This is the very reason that you and I don’t receive postcards telling us to come in for a “booster” to our smallpox vaccination, which we received at a young age. Human physicians know that immunity was firmly established then and likely stays with us to the grave.

Rabies, like smallpox, is caused by a virus, so Tigger’s early vaccination against rabies, given at or around four months of age, would have been sufficient to establish immunity of a very long duration.

Defense Attorney: “That certainly makes sense to me, er I MEAN, I think this is dangerous thinking, Dr. Falconer. Next you’d have us all driving through red lights!

Prosecuting Attorney: “Objection, your honor. Supposition.”

Judge: “Sustained. Let’s not be silly, sir. This argument is quite well thought out and one that bears further consideration. Dr. Falconer is not wildly suggesting ignoring all laws.”

Defense Attorney: “So, Dr. Falconer, is there any other evidence you wish to provide to support your argument of this vaccination being ‘unnecessary’ then?”

WFDVM: “Yes, in fact, the other indisputable understanding that the science of immunology has established is that there is no benefit from further vaccinating an already vaccinated animal (or human, for that matter). It’s well known that the efficacy of such a revaccination is lacking.

The reason is simple. The established immunity from the early vaccinations will actually prevent that later vaccine from stimulating the adult’s immune system.

The idea of a “booster” effect is largely rejected by immunologists, once an animal reaches adulthood.

Tigger very likely had had a rabies vaccine, as have most all dogs and cats over the age of four months, and, as such, his immunity, in the form of antibodies to rabies virus, would simply inactivate any further rabies virus that’s injected into him.

And remember immunology’s findings: that immunity is highly likely life long.

Defense Attorney: “That’s amazing. And yet we have laws that make such an unnecessary procedure mandatory.

But what about your allegation that this law is also dangerous? Surely, a single rabies shot can’t be all that dangerous, can it?

Danger: When A Grey/Brown Tabby Turns Yellow

WFDVM: “Tigger’s condition after his one rabies vaccine is proof positive it was a highly risky undertaking, sir. He not only became dangerously anemic and could have died from this, but when he presented to me, he was also yellow with jaundice.”

Defense Attorney: “Now wait. Didn’t you tell the court earlier he was a grey and brown tabby, Dr. Falconer? How could he turn yellow??”

Cat with yellow ears: jaundice.

“Psst: I’ve got yellow ears, but I’m not Tigger.” “That’s okay, you’re illustrating a symptom. Here, have some halibut.”

WFDVM: When the breakdown of red blood cells is severe enough, as it was in Tigger’s autoimmune disease, the release of hemoglobin from the dying cells results in high levels of bilirubin.

This turns the skin and whites of the eyes yellow. It’s called jaundice.

Tigger’s illness was in this severe category, and at PCV 5, his ears and gums and whites of his eyes were all yellow.

His urine was golden yellow, too, as a result of all the excess bilirubin being eliminated.

Defense Attorney: God, that sounds really dangerous. I mean, , no further questions, your honor.”

Treatment Response Aids Diagnosis

Prosecuting Attorney: “Dr. Falconer, I believe something about your treatment of this case supports the argument of the rabies vaccination causing this illness whereby Tigger attacked his own red blood cells. Is that correct?”

WFDVM: “It is. As a veterinary homeopath, my job is to find the remedy most similar to the suffering of my patient. In other words, a substance that can create symptoms when taken in excess by a healthy individual can cure a sick patient with similar symptoms when taken in safe dilutions called remedies.

Walk with me as I unfold my thought process and reveal what happened after Tigger’s treatment.

Tigger’s History and Symptoms Unlock the Needed Remedy

Tigger’s is a very interesting case of vaccinosis, and while I had a hunch that this was true, his response to a well known vaccinosis remedy further verified that thought.

I was working on the assumption that, because of the timing (within hours of vaccination, Tigger fell dangerously ill as a result of immune system disease), his illness had to be caused by his rabies vaccine.

What system is the vaccine aimed at stimulating?

The immune system, of course. Everyone would agree here.

But, might the stimulation run amok?

We homeopaths see it happen regularly, and know that injecting viruses with a needle defies all the innate intelligence the animal possesses to develop an orderly, measured immune response.

It’s a wonder we don’t see immune disease every single time an animal or person is vaccinated. But perhaps we’re not looking hard enough.

Skin Symptoms: A Major Clue

Tigger had an odd symptom that caught my eye. In addition to being horribly anemic, the top of his head had a bared area that was oozing and red.

Here’s a picture:

Tigger with head eruptions

I didn’t ask for this. It appeared after my rabies vaccine.

He was also a very thirsty cat, even before the dreaded prednisolone was begun, and he had an odd craving:

Tigger wanted to lick his litter and concrete and was crazy about mouthing plastic.

So, here’s my patient’s case:

  • Vaccination.
  • Illness with skin eruption.
  • Thirst.
  • Pica (craving for indigestibles).

Response to a Vaccinosis Remedy: Brilliant.

All of this lead me to a well known vaccinosis remedy, sulphur. Tigger received a single dose of sulphur 30C on June 25, 2014.

Though he was also sent home with a second remedy called phosphorus, he did so brilliantly after this one dose of sulphur that it was never needed.

I think we should let Ms. L tell the court what she saw at home, your honor.”

Judge: So be it, call your witness, Mr. Attorney.

Prosecuting Attorney: “Ms. L, would you return to the stand please and tell the court what transpired after this teeny tiny dose of the homeopathic remedy called sulphur was given to Tigger?”

LL: “Well, it was actually quite amazing, truth be known. The evening of the dose, Tigger had lots of stool come out, fully 12 inches worth! And did it stink! The next day, more followed.

Then, his yellow skin fading to normal, he began his old habits of jumping to countertops, purring more, and wagging his tail again. He went from a dull affect, staring straight ahead to engaging with my husband and I! The light came back to his eyes! He was alert once more!

Over the next week, he gained some of his lost weight back, his head eruption quieted down, and lymph nodes that were swollen under his jaw and in front of his shoulders started to shrink back towards normal. We were both amazed and thrilled.

Tigger was coming back to being a vital animal, like we hadn’t seen him for a year!”

WFDVM: “Your honor, and members of the court, this remarkable response, to a single dose of a well known vaccinosis remedy, clearly points to causation in Tigger’s illness: it was the vaccination, his “one rabies shot” that initiated his downhill slide into life threatening illness. This is the only logical explanation.”

Tying it All Up

Prosecuting Attorney: “Your honor, if it pleases the court, I’d like to summarize what our key witness has brought before us, as to the cause of this animal’s suffering.

Judge, hiding his hankerchief quickly after mopping his eyes: “Carry on, man.”

Prosecuting Attorney: “These are the salient points brought up by this trial today, your honor:

    1. Tigger, a young male tabby cat, was healthy, vital and playful up until the day he received his rabies vaccination, in March 2013.
    2. Almost immediately after said vaccination, Tigger plunged into a dangerous autoimmune disease, Immune-mediated Hemolytic Anemia or IMHA.
    3. Vaccinations have been implicated as one cause of IMHA.
    4. The patient had so few red blood cells on the night of his vaccination that he was transported to the ER and given a blood transfusion to save his life.
    5. He recovered, but not fully, and spent the next 11 months in subpar health that included continued anemia, weight loss, and lethargy.
    6. This year, in February, he had a relapse of anemia, and by May 2014, at the time Ms. L contacted Dr. Falconer, his PCV was 5% (normal being 30-45%).
    7. Dr. Falconer, suspecting vaccinosis as the cause, gave a well known vaccinosis remedy in a single dose (sulphur 30C) on June 25, 2014, and Tigger’s recovery proceeded apace. No transfusion was necessary.
    8. As of this trial’s write up, July 20, 2014, Tigger continues to thrive. In Ms. L’s own words on July 18th:

I have not given him any other remedies and he is doing great.  He is running around the house like a wild man and has been chasing our other cat around.  This it characteristic of him feeling well.”

Given the preceding facts of this case, presented here by the veterinarian of record who has most recently treated Tigger, we can draw no other conclusion, your honor, but this:

The “one rabies shot” Tigger received nearly cost him his life, twice, with a year of poor health between the two incidents.

We, The (Thinking) People

“With the facts of immunology as a basis, especially the long lasting immunity that results from viral vaccination, and the potential for serious illness this case illustrates, I think any rational person can make a clear conclusion:

We, as a people fond of animals, and seeking to protect them from harm, need to pursue legislation on a national level that overturns the requirement for repeated rabies vaccinations throughout an animal’s life.

This law, on the books in every state and many provinces in No. America, and in many countries throughout the world, has no basis in scientific understanding.

Until we replace this law with something more sensible, it is up to each animal loving citizen to question, for themselves and their animals’ wellbeing, the necessity of following this law if they have a previously rabies vaccinated animal.”

Judge: “Thank you for that summary and closing argument, sir. This court will adjourn and the jury will deliberate before a verdict is reached in this case. The public is invited to continue this discussion where ever this appears in print.

This is clearly a much needed discussion in the public realm. We cannot afford to blindly go forth, following a law that is both out of touch with scientific facts and risky to the health of so many innocent animals.”

And with that, the gavel fell and the trial was recessed.

Have you had experiences with illness coming after “just one rabies vaccine?” Have you found ways to avoid this unnecessary and dangerous law? Let us know in the comments below. Part Two is here.

While this is a true case with a real animal in my practice,
this “trial” was fictitious, used for story telling purposes only.
-W. Falconer, DVM

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  1. Annabel on February 3, 2025 at 6:33 am

    Interesting that he had skin symptoms and sulph was curative, sulph being Hahnemann’s chief anti-psoric. Thuja is another commonly indicated anti-vaccinosis remedy frequently given based on Burnett’s work, although I wager it is often given even when the symptoms don’t agree. It’s the main anti-psycotic remedy. Seems these vaccines are bringing out the latent miasmatic tendencies of these animals. Might be an interesting future article to take a shallow dive into this. Might be helpful for people who read these articles and, despite your admonitions to find a veterinary homeopath, attempt to treat on their own. Might increase their chances of helping their animals if they had a basic understanding of when to give sulph vs thuja vs merc.

  2. Susan on August 27, 2024 at 11:03 am

    Invaluable!!!! Thank you, Dr. Falconer.

  3. Gina on October 17, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    I don’t believe in viruses and I don’t think bacteria cause disease. Therefore, I certainly don’t believe in following a ridiculous law. I had to take my 10 year old cat in to be spayed finally and the receptionist told me she had to have her rabies. I said no and said she never goes outside and she’s very healthy. After some arguing and my stating I will just go elsewhere, the vet relented and said as she is already ten years old and an indoor kitty, he would let it go. I was ready to fight to the death over it, ha ha! Kitty is still incredibly healthy and never been sick a day in her life.

  4. Cathi Catlett on August 26, 2023 at 9:01 am

    I will be glad when owners feel confident to tell their Dr Whitecoat that their animal has already been vaccinated, so they do not need another shot. Thank you! Then, they just leave Dr Whitecoats office.

  5. Joan Adams on May 5, 2023 at 7:03 am

    Thank you for publishing about the danger of vaccines. I am a trained “old time” Classical Homeopath. I groomed dogs and cats for over 40 years and watched my beloved pet clients fall apart after vaccines. I started educating my clients about the dangers. I made some headway but once a client is in the vet office they loose power and courage to stand up. My saddest case was when a wonderful sweet kitty went for her exam and against my warnings the owner let the vet give the annual rabies shot. The cat came home and went wild, climbed the walls, ran around, the owner was bit several times. They took the cat back to the vet, and what did the vet do — OMG the vet gave the cat another rabies vaccine!!! What kind of thinking do we have here?? The cat had to be euthanized. I grieve as much as the owner, I loved all my clients. We need to find a way to educate pet owners. Thank you for listening.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 5, 2023 at 9:33 am

      This is truly stunning, Joan. I have no words, though “gross negligence” “ignorance” and “willful malfeasance” all come to mind.

    • Nancy Hoyt on December 6, 2024 at 9:18 am

      How horrible. Thank God, I have the courage to never back down. After the COVID scandal, Dr Whitecoats will never convince me to vaccinate my pets, and even less so after recently learning about the “colorable” laws and the vested organizations that drive the rediculous GREED-BASED rabies annual/tri-annual vaccinations!

  6. chezron on August 24, 2022 at 8:10 pm

    I hate vaccines! I live for the day when everyone realizes that health does not come from a shot.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on August 25, 2022 at 11:23 pm

      I hear you, and would take it a step further: I long for the day when people look back and say, “How in the world did we ever think vaccination was a good idea?!”

      • chezron on February 5, 2023 at 11:21 am


  7. ken on July 11, 2022 at 4:54 pm

    what can we as owners keep from having our animals snatched away by animal control agents? If someone rats you out and they show up at your door demanding the animal, what possible leg do I have to stand on? This would be the Rabies vaxx scenario from hell

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 12, 2022 at 9:51 am

      No one gets to “demand your animal” for anything, Ken. Relax. Worst case, you put up some no trespassing signs, but even that’s a step into paranoia I think. No snatching. Just live your life.

      YOU are ultimately responsible for your animal’s health, certainly animal control should not be given that power in anyone’s mind.

      • Carol on February 12, 2025 at 7:40 am

        I live in New York State (unfortunately) and the DEC recently confiscated a pet squirrel named Peanut and killed him to test his brain for rabies (in the absence of any symptoms) – the test came back negative but the parent was devastated. How can we protect our pets from that kind of irrational intrusion? And yes, moving out of NY is definitely one option.

  8. Melinda on December 21, 2020 at 11:47 am

    I sold a Standard Poodle puppy to a family of whom gave her “ just one rabies vaccine “. at 5 months of age. Her human mom said she wasn’t right from that day forward and the dog knew it she said.
    Fast forward to 10 months of age… she died from liver failure. Since the day she got her rabies shot she had diarrhea that couldn’t be cured with anything tried. She walked with her head cocked oddly to the side. She went from a bouncy healthy puppy to a weak quiet pup from the day of the vaccine.
    The vet concluded that she had a liver shunt WITHOUT doing any testing. Puppy’s mom and I both know it was the rabies vaccine.

  9. Cheri Keller on September 28, 2020 at 10:51 pm

    My Parson Russell Terrier , Murphy. Had 1 rabies vaccine after 1 year of age.(given a homeopathic remedy after) It was the only vaccine he’s ever had. Within a day after receiving the vaccine, he started with full blown allergy symptoms, itching, digestive, some aggression. He will itch or bite himself to bleeding within moments. He’s 12.5 yrs old now, his rabies titer still shows protection after all those years. We get short periods of time here and there when he gets some relief, but for the most part he’s terribly itchy. Have tried many supplements, homeopathics, diet changes, even conventional meds….Breaks my heart.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on September 28, 2020 at 11:24 pm

      Wow, Cheri, just that one shot and a life of suffering. Truly a sad story. If you haven’t already, you’ll want to get on balanced raw food (and watch for my Vital Animal Podcast interview with Thomas Sandberg, animal naturopath, who’s seen raw food cure about 85% of the allergic dogs in his vast experience with thousands of dogs). You will also hear on that episode how longevity increases substantially, making 12 years look like barely middle age.

      The other is to hire a dedicated homeopathic vet, as this is chronic disease, and trying “homeopathics” is decidedly different than hiring a professional trained to cure the chronic cases like Murphy’s. I walk you through how to choose wisely among my colleagues on this page.

      All the best. I think there’s definitely hope for Murphy.

      • Cheri on October 1, 2020 at 7:18 pm

        I’ve been doing a lot of praying and asking for help from our “helpers” I feel I’ve been led to your site and that what I will learn through your articles and some changes that I’m making to his diet will be our answer. He has definitely taught me many lessons. I work for Holistic Vet. doing natural therapies and intake appointments. I have been able to help so many animals with what I’ve learned from our journey. It is frustrating that he’s still struggling. I want him to have comfort and peace for the rest of his years. I think reaching out to a homeopathic vet will be a great addition to his care. Thank you , so much for all that you’re doing to educate pet people. You are truly an inspiration. Blessings

  10. Martha on September 26, 2020 at 5:56 pm

    My (now) 3 year old indoor kitty, Ollie, was vaccinated, as I adopted him from the shelter when he was 7 months old. I brought him for his physical and repeat vaccinations last year, after which he was sick for a few days. I am anti-vaccine for both myself and him. The problem is that I am hoping to have two residences to split our time that would be in two different states 2000 miles apart (where family resides), and Ollie and I will need to fly to and from once a year. How can we do this if his shots aren’t ‘current’, since it is mandatory in order for me to take him on a plane? He is my emotional support animal but I doubt that will pardon us and allow us to travel anyway. I can’t even find an alternative medicine vet in my area here in Albuquerque. I feel so defeated. I would never give him up. It appears I can’t go forward with my plan to be closer to family.

  11. Chasity Ganimian on September 13, 2020 at 1:27 pm

    My 4 year old cat, Balboa had his 2nd rabies shot and nearly died within days of receiving his “booster”. My husband stumbled upon this article and I immediately ordered surfer and phosphorus for him. I gave him the dose in this article and within days, he was drinking. Balboa had a fear of drinking water. I had to give him 50 ccs of water via syringe multiple times a day and gave him unflavored electorate fluid so he wouldn’t get dehydrated more than he already was. I couldn’t afford to take him to the vet for IV fluid and was NOT about to take him back to the vet that nearly killed him with no regard to his failing health. Within a week of doing this and the sulfur then phosphorus he was nearly back to his old self. We were calling him a zombie cat. He did nearly everything he was doing prior to the shot with the exception of fetching his little mice but we could live with that since he was alive and thriving again.

    Now fast forward to nearly 2 years since the shot, he is starting to display some of the same ‘fears’ he did after the shot such as he loved going outside on his harness to play in the back yard, then after the shot and we got him well enough, no fever and eating and drinking and such, he was afraid to go outside. I dug further into your articles and found one that talked about giving a dose of the homeopathic Jimsonweed weed, sorry I can’t think of the homeopathic name of it. I also ordered that and it worked for a little while but now he’s starting to do the same behaviors.

    Please Dr. Folconer, can you please give me some insight on my little boy?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on September 14, 2020 at 9:58 pm

      Hey Chastity,

      I wish it were that simple. If you look up fear in the homeopathy books, you’ll find over 100 remedies. What you need to get your cat cured is a hired professional, meaning a homeopathic vet who’s curing chronic disease like this on a regular basis. Nothing DIY about it, especially when it’s mental/emotional like this. Head over to my Resources page, scroll down to the AVH list and its accompanying video on how to choose a good one.

  12. Sue Arnold on April 1, 2020 at 11:31 am

    Hello!! LOVE your newsletter! I’ve fed raw/do titers since 1999 for my Standard Schnauzers and cats. I’m trying to join your “pack” and it (site) won’t let me finish! Keeps saying my email is already in use and to log in, which I can’t do! VERY frustrating!
    Thank you and I hope I can join soon!
    Sue Arnold

  13. Monica on March 14, 2020 at 2:33 pm

    I had two Pomeranians and one died about three weeks after having his Rabies Vaccine. We had to Euthanize him. He was roaming slowly from room to room aimlessly, He would just stop and stare at a wall.
    I could see something had damaged his brain or Neurological system.
    Later he would cry out in pain and try to talk to me in a strange voice. We rushed him to the Animal Hospital where we decided to put him to sleep. The Vet said his whole Neurological System was gone. He couldn’t even stand by now.
    Now, three years later I have to have my other Pom Vaccinated this week. I’m scared to do it. Is there anything I can give him to counter the affect of the rabies Vaccine?
    Why are we allowing our Government to take our Right to Choose away from us? All we have to do is Unite and say NO. Stand up to them with overwhelming Numbers.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on March 15, 2020 at 10:30 pm

      It all starts with individuals, Monica. Just refuse to vaccinate your Pom, especially if you’ve got a history of past vaccination for rabies. You’ve studied DOI, right?

      “Due”? Says who? Who’s paying the bills and who’s having to live with the outcomes of over-vaccination?

  14. hopeful on February 10, 2020 at 3:27 pm

    Do you know of any attorneys who protect animal owners who don’t want to vaccinate? It’s sad, but it feels like it’s come to needing an attorney to keep an unvaccinated pet from being stolen/killed/rehomed by law enforcement. Having an attorney won’t stop a surprise visit from an agency with a warrant to search and confiscate unvaccinated animals but it MIGHT get you your pet back sooner and get you out of some of the high boarding fees these authorities charge after confiscating pets.

    Animal rights supporters don’t realize that by enacting more and more “animal rights” laws, they give authorities dominion over our animals. These laws give authorities the right to confiscate, vaccinate, and often kill well-cared-for pets. Laws that give the government the right to decide what’s good for our pets are always going to bite good pet owners in the butt. PETA would like to see that nobody has the right to own an anmal for any reason, but most people have no idea of their agenda and they don’t think twice about donating to this cause. If PETA supports any law, I am immediately suspicious. Most people are overworked and tired so they don’t have energy to research organizations or even look over the actual wording of laws. Even if they had the time, the laws are deliberately written in a confusing language. Thank God for the internet. Things will change thanks to people like you, dr Falconer (and people like me who do their best to lead the sheeple to you).

    I like that pets have some protection so I’m not against animal rights laws. I feel they just aren’t clear enough. There are dangerous people who torture animals and I feel comfort in knowing they can be locked up (where they hopefully will get help dealing with their own traumas) before they start doing the same to people. To us sensible folk, there’s a huge difference between torturing animals and choosing to feed a raw diet (this got a dog rescuer charged with animal abuse) and abstaining from harmaceuticals. Still, we have to be very careful of what rights we hand over to authorities. Until the law changes to allow choice on pet vaccination, I feel I have to comply with the rabies vaccine mandates in the cities I visit. If there’s even a small chance that animal control could confiscate a dog (in my case, a service dog) because it isn’t in compliance, they’d immediately vaccinate the dog against 4 or 5 diseases in addition to rabies. While I fear the consequences of even a single rabies vaccine (the worst offender of all dog vaccines, I think), the risk of severe immuno-trauma (or death) from multiple jabs in one day is a bigger fear. Bear in mind, city shelters generally don’t have staff to watch animals for vaccine reactions.

    When lost animals are turned into shelters, the animals are vaccinated on intake regardless of if they have a microchip or other identification that offers the authorities a complete health history to include warnings of vaccine reactions, cancer, diabetes, etc. The exception is rabies vaccine. If a pet is wearing a current license, the authorities might abstain from offering a rabies vax. Thank God pets with known severe reactions can get exemptions and be licensed. Wearing a license may be the only thing to save them from getting a rabies vaccine and it *might* get animal control to look up their records to find the exemption which in turn *might* cause them to abstain from other vaccinations. Since I’ve worked with animal control, I know they make mistakes, but the internet and voices demanding accountabilty are making things better and better.

    Shelters vaccinate on intake because they like to charge for the vaccines along with (generally) overpriced boarding. I encourage anyone who finds a pet NOT to take it to animal control, but to notify animal control and to put a flyer in the animal control’s found pet log. In addition, they can use social media and classified ads to reach out to members of the ommunity for the sake of finding the pet’s owner and/or a place for the animal to be fostered while a dliligent attempt at finding the owner is made.

  15. hopeful on February 10, 2020 at 1:41 pm

    Thank you Dr Falconer for all you do. I wanted to ask about passive immunity and how it might affect rabies vaccines. In San Diego, CA (one of the places we visit often and might move to) they changed rabies law so puppies have to be vaxed at 3 mos instead of 4. Isn’t there a risk it won’t take if the pup still has rabies antibodies from it’s mom? Additionally, I’m under the impression that if a completely unvaccinated dog bit someone, the authorities (in most places?) would decapitate it to inspect the brain for negri bodies. Is this not true?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on February 10, 2020 at 10:08 pm

      The official vax age for rabies, from the experts, is 4 months. Don’t know why municipalities feel they know better.

      If you’re a Pack member, you can download the Compendium on Rabies, which I’ve highlighted for you. Unvac’d dogs have the option of 10 day quarantine. That’s assuming Animal Control follows expert advice, which may be a stretch for some. Good to print it out and keep it on file, so you’re the smartest voice in the discussion around a dog bite.

      p.s. If you’re ALREADY a Vital Animal Pack member, just login here:

  16. Sad in Dallas on October 13, 2019 at 2:22 pm

    We discovered we adore the Shihtzu breed, after my daughter rescued two of them from a public road in horrible condition. We sadly put one up for adoption with a local rescue, as we didn’t know how we would care for 5 dogs (since, we found 5 are no more difficult than 4, which we have now). They were a bonded pair and there is not a day goes by I don’t think of that little one we let go. The rescue owner was supposed to ensure after the week trial was up for the adopter that it was working out for us as well, but she just offered him to the adopter. Now we are looking to find another laidback male shitzu, but the ‘rescue nazis’ make it very difficult with their adoption forms. We have super healthy, happy dogs who get acv with e.o.’s for a bath rinse which has kept them completely flea/tic free, and a holistic HWF solution from Amber Tech. for heart worm protection. And we don’t do additional vaccines since their originals. One rescue operator told us she wouldn’t even let people foster who don’t use heart worm meds for their own dogs. I don’t know of one rescue in the Tx area that uses natural methods. We feed organic food, veggies, fruits, meats; they are well spoiled and happy. Why do the rescues have to be such bullies?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on October 17, 2019 at 6:42 am

      Big egos? A way I’ve worked around this: I’ve written a letter of explanation for my clients that paints the picture that they are aware that there are better, safer ways than repeated vaccination and pesticides for HW prevention. If you have any relationship to a holistic vet, you could ask for the same. They just need a reframe, and a DVM on a letter can help them get their minds right.

  17. Weary Reader on June 24, 2019 at 2:06 pm

    I value your opinions and the factual data I get from posts like this, but your long-winded writing style sure does tax my patience. Would you consider a brief synopsis at the top of these articles for those of us who don’t have all day to wade through your rambling prose? Thanks.

  18. Pam McDonald on April 6, 2019 at 12:34 am

    Wow, I’m reading all of this and just getting more and more upset. My son had Infantile Spasms (seizures) begin a couple days after he received his DTP vaccine in 1991, he was 6 months old! At the time, no internet, I had to get a letter from our pediatrician to use the Medical School Library to research. Very LONG story short, his seizures stopped with the first injection of ACTH (he received one shot every day for 4 months)! On his last EEG, Valentines Day 1992, I read while waiting in the neurologists office, that in Europe they had stopped using the live virus pertusis vaccine years ago because it caused infantile spasms! I asked the neurologist and he said we will never know if it was the cause or not that he might have been genetically predisposed. For years I would not let him get any other vaccines. Nor his younger sister. He had no seizures for 6 years and no medications. He suffered separation anxiety terribly and had many fears (going through a car wash, paying at a grocery store) and terrible diaper rash that would come on in minutes, resulting in screaming and almost blisters in less than 15 minutes. Epson Salt baths and soaks was the only relief. THEN kindergarten, they wouldn’t let him in without an MMR vaccine…. our then pediatrician (a different on in a different state) called the school district to try to get him exempt…. they wouldn’t do it… he got the vaccine a few days later he had a grand mal seizure and stopped breathing, my husband had to give him mouth to mouth until the EMS arrived! Everyone said I was being ridiculous (seems continually over these past 28 years) to think it was because of the vaccines! There has never been a doubt in my mind. So much so that I joined a Rastifanian Church in order to keep my daughter from having vaccines. (the only way they would let her into school – wish I had known that before to keep my son from getting vaccined!) Anyway my dear son is now almost 28 and is still taking 3 different seizure meds and suffers from cognitive decline (probably from Tegretol – seizure med) and will probably never live on his own!

    Wow, I’ve recognized so many similarities in reading the “animal” stories …. bless you all.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on April 6, 2019 at 5:52 am

      Oh, Pam, I am so glad you’ve shared your amazing story here. It continues to amaze me and confound me how the “medicine machine” fails to respect the mother’s wisdom and instincts. You knew it was the vaccines as the only variable that triggered the catastrophe, and you were blown off. Dr. Andy Wakefield rightly calls this out, and how doctors are routinely ignoring your inner wisdom that’s allowed our species to survive for millennia in favor of a paternal “science knows best” attitude.

      The animals lead the way in calling out vaccines concerns, but my colleagues are either woefully ignorant or refusing to look at the high, high correlation of events between vaccines and chronic disease onset.

  19. Jennifer on June 21, 2018 at 2:00 pm

    I adopted a 9 year old retired working dog (Belgian Malinois) from oversees (Kuwait). She has never stepped foot on U.S. soil until Feb 2018. From what I’ve looked over in her medical records (which by the way, they don’t do a proper job in recording vaccines or anything medically significant as “Veterinarians”). I’ve counted at least 5 rabies vaccines done while “working”. Anything prior to being bought by the contract company is unknown. Then unfortunately, U.S. law requires that any dog coming into the U.S. needs to be vaccinated regardless of the prior history. So not only did this dog get vaccines in January (oversees), she got a bunch of vaccines in February and again in March when she arrived in the U.S. Keep in mind, while oversees, she was already showing signs of neurologic issues (all 4 limbs uncoordinated, constant GI issues, atrophy of the temporal muscles, atrophy of muscles of hind limbs) but they wanted to continue working her. After many months of pleading, they agreed to retire her. The Veterinarian that received her in the U.S. has done many things to her, to include a muscle biopsy (which was inconclulsive). After seeing at least 3 Veterinarians, they think she has DM (Degenerative Myeopathy) and/or previous trauma while working that caused severe nerve damage. Long story short, I am now her caretaker and have changed her diet to homecooked meals, she gets acupuncture treatments. We have had to stop chiropractic treatments and rehab (water treadmill and exercises) due to the fact that she gets real weak post treatments. She is on Metacam for her severe arthritic hips and knees. But I am trying to wean her off with Essential oils and CBD.
    Vaccine history (known):
    Rabies (Sep 2010), (Sep 2011), (Nov 2016), (Nov 2017), (Jan 2018), (Feb 2018)
    DHLPPC (undocumented oversees but most likely done multiple times as well), (Feb 2018)
    Bordetella (Apr 2018)
    Influenza CIV (Apr 2018)
    Influenza H3N2 (Apr 2018)
    *All the vaccines done in 2018 were done by a Veterinarian in the U.S. even though the dog was not in a “healthy” state.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on June 21, 2018 at 6:03 pm

      Oh, Jennifer, what a case of veterinary/regulatory abuse! If she doesn’t implode in this next year and be unable to rise on her own and walk, I’ll be very surprised.

      The USDA (I think that’s who regulates imports of animals) needs to learn from the Hawaiian experience. Titers before and after coming, minimal vaccines, maybe a very short quarantine if any suspicions arising from country of origin) and most dogs could avoid situations like this.

      I sincerely wish you the best with her, but know you’re up against a wall of damage now.

  20. Kathie Lockhart on April 19, 2018 at 4:29 pm

    I called a dr from your list in ft Myers fl and she gave me the names of some homeopathic dog foods so I bought one yesterday called Earthborn and the wet also some treats! I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying daily for Blue! I am also gonna buy some of the T Factor but not sure as to buy just that or T Factor plus Tri Factor?! Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you much
    God Bless You And Yours
    Kathie Lockhart

  21. Jeanne on April 1, 2018 at 6:43 pm

    Dr. Falconer,
    You stated that if vitamin C had the same effects in vivo an in vitro that we would not have HIV, herpes, etc.
    Respectfully, that is not quite true. It’s been known for nearly 100 years now how successful vitamin C is for essentially all toxins, virus infections, etc. This includes things such as polio, MS, smallpox, TB, rattlesnake bites, rabies, and so forth. The key is in the dose. Dr. Klenner used very high doses (high is a relative term) for success. And he had successes repeatedly. Vitamin C successfully treats things like Ebola, Scarlet Fever, Typhoid, tetanus, etc. Quite simply, it is, as Dr. Tom Levy says, “Curing the Incurable”. I have used high dose vitamin C in far too many situations to list, from various animals to people, old and young. The results have been nothing short of amazing and mind boggling. But, again, the dose is key. The above post where you stated this (paraphrased) is quite old so maybe your views have changed. At any rate, people need to be aware the value of Vitamin C in treating, essentially, everything. It is safe. There has never been a dose shown to be harmful. Dr. Klenner, Dr. Cathcart, Dr. Levy, Dr. Saul, the list is long of doctors and others that see the benefit. Of course Dr. Klenner practice many, many decades ago. As with all basically simple, safe, and natural treatments, the information is a best suppressed and at worse completely discredited or even made illegal. As a side note, I have also used high dose C, (sodium ascorbate and Liposomal C), to successfully treat chemical toxicity and autism like symptoms in a young child. It never ceases to amaze me. Even goats who make massive amounts of Vitamin C when under stress benefit from additional C is some situations. Another area where C is saving lives is in the treatment of sepsis. Too bad so many doctors and hospitals refuse to accept it’s use because it’s not a drug and profitable.

  22. Jeanne on April 1, 2018 at 6:41 pm

    Dr. Falconer,
    You stated that if vitamin C had the same effects in vivo an in vitro that we would not have HIV, herpes, etc.
    Respectfully, that is not quite true. It’s been known for nearly 100 years now how successful vitamin C is for essentially all toxins, virus infections, etc. This includes things such as polio, MS, smallpox, TB, rattlesnake bites, rabies, and so forth. The key is in the dose. Dr. Klenner used very high doses (high is a relative term) for success. And he had successes repeatedly. Vitamin C successfully treats things like Ebola, Scarlet Fever, Typhoid, tetanus, etc. Quite simply, it is, as Dr. Tom Levy says, “Curing the Incurable”. I have used high dose vitamin C in far too many situations to list, from various animals to people, old and young. The results have been nothing short of amazing and mind boggling. But, again, the dose is key. The above post where you stated this (paraphrased) is quite old so maybe your views have changed. At any rate, people need to be aware the value of Vitamin C in treating, essentially, everything. It is safe. There has never been a dose shown to be harmful. Dr. Klenner, Dr. Cathcart, Dr. Levy, Dr. Saul, the list is long of doctors and others that see the benefit. Of course Dr. Klenner practice many, many decades ago. As with all basically simple, safe, and natural treatments, the information is a best suppressed and at worse completely discredited or even made illegal. As a side note, I have also used high dose C, (sodium ascorbate and Liposomal C), to successfully treat chemical toxicity and autism like symptoms in a young child. It never ceases to amaze me. Even goats who make massive amounts of Vitamin C when under stress benefit from additional C is some situations.

  23. Diane Jacowsky on February 15, 2018 at 5:00 pm

    Thanks so very much I can’t wait to read it later when I get home from work. I’m sure it’s going to be extremely informative. Diane

  24. Diane Jacowsky on February 15, 2018 at 4:48 am

    Hi there and so glad to have found you. Just wondering what your thoughts are on spaying our two 1 year old Shih Tzu mix puppies? They have both had one Heat and from everything that I’ve been researching I feel that it’s not a good idea to spay them health-wise. Thanks so much, Diane

    • Will Falconer, DVM on February 15, 2018 at 6:09 am

      Hi Diane, I’ve got a pretty in-depth page of research for you here:

      • Diane Jacowsky on February 16, 2018 at 9:43 pm

        Such a wonderful article and thank you. At this point I feel that spaying them would not be good for their health and well-being. One of my friends who is a vet of course brought up pyometra and how deadly it can be for unspayed females and I do understand this but what is the actual likelihood of this occurring. I mean I’ve had breast cancer twice but it doesn’t mean that chopping them off would have been a great option for me before the onset. Thank God that wasn’t something that I had to go through but you get what I mean I’m sure. Also wanted to know what you thought about the spay procedure where the ovaries are kept and not the uterus versus the uterus kept and the ovaries taken.

        • Will Falconer, DVM on February 17, 2018 at 12:20 am

          I may have only shared this with my NR students, but try a search on my site ( has the search box) for “pyo” and “breast cancer” and you’ll see what I think. Short version: not an issue if you’re doing largely NR lifestyle.
          Save the ovaries! Yes.

  25. Michelle on March 18, 2017 at 9:09 am

    Hi Dr. Falconer! I’m new and just joined and so glad too! I have a lot of similar stories with my cats and vaccines. I almost lost mine when she was vaccinated to the FVRCP at two-three months old. She got sick that night and I rushed her to ER early that morning and bloodwork showed anemia and decreased white blood cell count. She was feverish, very lethargic and refused to eat. The attending vet said that it was not good. He told us that she probably had panleukopenia. She was in the ER for almost a week on IV fluids and antibiotics. She improved and I brought her home but now at 2 yrs. old I feel that these vaccines are rearing its ugly head in other ways. She has been developing fear of everything. I say this because my other cat who was vaccined way to young (not even 6 weeks old), now has asthma and a lot of fears as well. I refuse to vaccine anymore. No one would spay my cat until I got her rabies vaccine so ultimately I did do that. But none of them get any anymore vaccines.
    I get asked at the ER and other vets every time, have they had their rabies and up to date? I’ve had to tell a fib a few times, other times I’ve been able to say yes because they have had their rabies (just “overdue”). You have given me more strength Dr. Falconer, to stand up and tell them like it is. My biggest problem is the “taking them in the back” thing. They refuse to let me go and I know they are back their doing stuff I don’t like. But, not anymore. I’m their mom and we don’t let our children go “in the back” without us, so not our fur babies either.
    Dr. Falconer, what should I do for her asthma? I’m really concerned and frightened on how to care for her. She did really well for the last year with the purifiers but we also had less pollen due to a lot of rain. This year she is having more problems and the pollen is just starting. I have air purifiers in every room that run 24/7. I want to give her a homeopathic or something but she is hard to handle (due to her fears). I’m afraid to leave her alone. She coughs and I can hear the congestion. She sounds like a child coughing and it breaks my heart. I want to something natural for their fears and the asthma. Any thoughts? Thank you so much for your work!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on March 20, 2017 at 9:16 am

      Hey Michelle,
      First, I want to congratulate you on standing up for your family’s health rights. I’ve long told clients who own previously vaccinated animals to state boldly, when asked, “Yes, she’s current.” That’s not a lie, according to the understanding of vet immunology.
      As to dealing with asthma, it’s important to see this for what it is: chronic disease. There may be some things that help ameliorate it (air purifiers, humidifiers, etc.) but you want to CURE it, and that takes professional help. Stop over to my Resources page, scroll down to the AVH list (if you’re in No. America) or the IAVH list (if you’re in Europe, Anzi, etc.) and search for a homeopathic vet with two particulars: 1. Their practice is mostly or only homeopathy, and 2. They’ll work by telephone. It’s unfortunate, but we are simply not enough to go around, so every town or even big city won’t have a dedicated vet homeopath. It matters not. Telephone consulting has helped a great many animals.

  26. P.J. on March 3, 2017 at 10:08 am

    Hello Dr. Falconer,
    First of all..I want to thank you for your information that has given me so much knowledge. I have a 15yr old Maltese spayed female who is always itching, scratching, and biting her feet until they bleed. She is on Natural Balance Fish & Sweet Potato Limited Ingredient grain free food. I tried Apoquel as a desperate last resort after my vet stated it was safe (and before I did my own research which led me to you)..and it only worked for about 2 weeks. This was after using colloidal oatmeal shampoo..chlorhexidine shampoo (vet prescribed) shampoo..and colloidal silver soap. I am now going to try Transfer Factor Plus..but I have a question for you about how to deal with my vet concerning rabies shots. As you recommend..I no longer want to give my Maltese..nor my 14yr old spayed Siberian Husky female any more of these shots..but since it’s the law here in my state of Mississippi..I am hoping you recommend how to convey this to my vet without getting in trouble legally. I know already my vet is not going to agree with this because I brought this subject up a few years back and my vet fought me on it and stated it is the law and that is that. But now that my dogs are so elderly..I want to keep them around as long as possible and not take any chances. Do I have any legal ground to stand on refusing these shots for my elderly, indoor dogs? I just don’t want to end up being fined or worst if my vet reports me..or whatever they do in cases like this. Thanks so much for any help and is greatly appreciated.
    PS: I have tried searching for a Homeopathic Vet near my small, rural town but there is none.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on March 7, 2017 at 9:29 am

      Hi P.J.
      It really depends on you and your relationship with your vet. Neither of your dogs should be vaccinated, and that’s worth fighting for. At their age, they are immune to rabies for the rest of their lives and one is already sick (chronic allergies), so another shot is all risk, no benefit.
      If your vet stands on the “This is the law!” perhaps gently telling him you’ve learned that the law is ignoring what immunology has known for years (that immunity to virus vaccines lasts a very long time). And you know from your studies, that your Maltese is too sick to get any vaccines (it’s on every label: Only for Use in Healthy Dogs, Cats, and Ferrets).
      You don’t really have a “legal ground” to stand on, but neither does your vet. He’s not a sheriff, he’s a vet. No one is going to arrest him (or you) for allowing your dogs to live out their last years well within the intent of the law (they’re immune to rabies), but not within the letter of the law.
      It all starts with your relationship with him, and his willingness to be reasonable. If he’s not willing, you need to fire him and seek someone more up to date and open minded. And homeopathic vets are too few to be even in every good sized city, but don’t let that stop you. I tell you in my Apoquel Alternatives Report (it’s on your Member Home) how to find one who works at a distance.

  27. Jo Ann Zant on February 2, 2017 at 12:10 am

    Thank you Dr. Falconer. I have two pretty sick dogs, considering their ages. I just bought that Transfer Factor … the Canine powder, however, I was doing some other reading on the Apoquel Alternatives page and it stated that it is not recommended for them to take the Canine Powder (for excessive itching) and instead the Transfer Factor Plus, so I just purchased that tonight. I did not get the Insider Immune Protocols ebook when I ordered the powder (they have only been on that since January 27th…and are not getting any better). So, I am hoping the Transfer Factor Plus that is for humans also will help them. Please tell me how I can get the Insider Immune Protocols ebook or send me a link :). I need to know how long to keep them on the Transfer Factor Plus…the dosage, etc.
    There doesn’t seem to be any homeopathic vets in the Houston/Katy area now. I have gone through the list and they are all “vaccine-oriented”. Such a shame what they are teaching in Vet School. I know these vets don’t really know or understand what they are really doing to these precious animals … you’d think seeing all these results, they would wake up. Again, thanks for the comments and I am educating myself tremendously from your website.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on February 2, 2017 at 2:08 am

      Hi Jo,
      Your Member Home is where the Insider Immune Protocols lives as well. And the Canine Complete (powder) may be wrapped in a zip lock bag and frozen for later use when you’ve got them well.
      Don’t worry about distance for using a homeopathic vet, please! The Apoquel Report explains how to hire a good one, distance be damned, but I’d also interview them before you hire one, specifically asking if they’ll help you without demanding further vaccinations. I think MOST would be fine with this, especially understanding that vaccines very likely caused the itchy allergic state they are in.
      I’m so glad you’re finding value here, Jo. Keep up the good work!

  28. Jo Ann on January 23, 2017 at 4:05 pm

    Hi, I have two dogs that have both been vaccine damaged…vaccinosis is the obvious diagnosis. For the past year I have had them on something I discovered called the Nzymes Program. It isn’t working very well…it is “controlling” the constant itching and biting and pulling out of the hair, but it is not a cure. I live in Katy, Texas…Houston area and have been trying to get a hold of Patricia A. Cooper who is a homeopathic veterinarian but I keep getting a busy signal…two websites have her listed…Cooper Animal Clinic with phone numbers 713-861-1155 and/or 713-520-5588 (Dr. Pitcairn’s website). The last time I called on my cell phone and after I hung up with the busy signal, my phone was attacked with ten text messages one after another…each saying, “do you wish to download?” Suspect something is going on there…have heard of too many homeopathic doctors being harmed….and this could be tampering.
    Please advise how I can get a hold of Dr. Cooper, or if I may call your office, Dr. Falconer, for some advice ? I am writing up a synopsis and history of both of my dogs…they are large dogs…one a Rott 70 lbs. and the other a mix Border Collie/Mastif – 120 lbs. Both have different vaccine stories, and both are continuously sick…off and on. I stopped vaccines on them when their annuals came up again in 2013…The Rott, Harmony, was born on 7/04/2010 and the Border Collie, Champ, was born on 1/08/2013. Need some advice quickly as they are now going at it again with the itching and chewing and I’ve got hair all over the house on a constant basis. I also have them, for the past 8 months now, on a raw food diet …bought Dr. Karen Becker’s book and using that for my raw food guidelines.
    I have been doing a lot of reading and educating myself about these horrible vaccines. It did not used to be that way. I am 69 and when we had dogs (dachsunds) we only gave them one Rabies and that was IT for life.
    Please let me know if I may contact you or please send me an email at the above email address.
    Not many homeopaths around. I saw your email about the March Rabies thing and I am thinking of attending !
    Thank you so much !
    Jo Ann Zant
    150 Concordia Dr
    Katy, Texas 77450
    Landline: 281-392-0096
    Cell: 713-791-3951
    Cell where you can leave a message: 281-690-0846 (husband)

    • Will Falconer, DVM on January 23, 2017 at 8:58 pm

      Hey Jo Ann,
      Pretty sure Dr. Cooper left practice years ago for a family crisis. Too bad the web isn’t up to date with that significant change.
      I’m not taking new chronic patients, focusing instead on teaching and helping the youngsters get a proper start on real prevention, but I’ve outlined how to find a good vet homeopath in my free Apoquel Alternatives Report. You’ll find it in your Member Home for an easy download.
      All the best, and I hope to meet you, maybe in the Rabies Deep Dive!

  29. Marie on November 27, 2016 at 7:17 pm

    Hi! I just joined Vital Animal, and what caught my eye about it was the issue of “kidney diets” made of crap, as I’ve never bought into that. My furry ones get the same quality meat-based diet, especially if any organs are at risk. And while their kidney values may be higher than the range, the range is developed based on kibble eating cats. So a bit off topic but wanted to share.
    So these are awesome comments, and I’m glad you ran this again. My answer to the rabies law is easier because I have cats, and I do not let them roam. They have a gorgeous fully-enclosed yard, about 6,000 sq. ft. Neither do I license them. The rabies law is fear based, not logically based, and I’ve known it was highly toxic since I long ago followed a vet’s advice to give them. I then watched my precious angels develop immune-compromised diseases that these same vets could not heal. I quit listening to allopathic vets long ago. So while I read about a remedy that can help immediately after the vaccine, is there one that will help several years after the rabies vaccine? I ask because I moved from the mountains to the city several years ago with a higher incidence of animals carrying rabies, and against my wishes and behind my back, my former vet vaccinated all of them for rabies because of the higher incidence in my area. (No issues so far that I can prove.) That’s partly why she’s my former vet. Thank you!

  30. D on August 6, 2016 at 4:42 pm

    forgot to add one of my boys has Alopecia X and lost his coat at around age 5.

  31. D on August 6, 2016 at 4:27 pm

    My family and I are relocating to Costa Rica. I have two elderly Poms and do not vaccinate Organic foods including filtered water with Braggs ACV added in their water bowls. One presents with Thyroid Disease which is treated by an herbalist The second who was a rescue, had a Rabies vaccination about 5 years ago.
    They both have Dental disease but given their ages the Vet I used to go to, who somewhat into holistic treating and tolerated Natural Health Herbal Treatment mumbo Jumbo said that even she wouldn’t recommend the trauma of getting their teeth cleaned. I use a natural cleaner developed by the herbalist which seems to be removing the plaque pretty well. One has occasional sinusitis issues which treat with Oil of Oregano
    I spoke with some contacts in Costa Rica, who stated that I should have no problems getting in with the information from the Vet. However, they both may be required to be quarantined. Some said they were never even asked for documentation at all.
    Just in case, I am trying to find someone to state(as per your Vaccination Waiver article) this on their International health certificates and waive the vaccinations. The previous vet has gone, unable to locate her. The partner there is a total “white coat”. The holistic vets in my area seem to be afraid of the USDA paperwork. Leaving my companion animals is not an option; vaccinating them is out of the question. With utilizing herbs and natural treatment protocols, they are happy and I desire to keep it that way. Any advise?
    Thank you so much for all you do!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on August 11, 2016 at 8:45 am

      Hi D,
      So, there’s really two things going on:

      1. Your dogs should never be vaccinated again. Both show common signs of chronic disease.
      2. You are traveling internationally, which means regs come to bear.

      No easy answers here. Going for you is the fact that it’s a Third World country with maybe some laxity in the enforcement of animal import regulations. But can you count on that? On the day you land, you could be met by power hungry petty officials, intent on serving justice (or getting bribes, perhaps).
      I don’t think a health certificate pointing out illness will buy you a Get Out of Quarantine Free card, again, depending on who’s on duty. I lived for years on Oahu when the rabies quarantine was 4 months long. (Happy to say my study of that system changed it to much shorter, but it took several years to turn those gears).
      Best I can think of is closely interviewing everyone there who already went through what you will go through, and learn all you can about how to grease you skids to slide on in. Bring a normal health certificate, including the dates of the prior rabies vaccines, and hope for the best. Have to look at the worst case and decide if you can survive it. Many older dogs came through Hawaiian quarantine and had daily visits from their dutiful owners. They are more adaptable than we, truth be known.
      p.s. I’m remembering a phony arrest my taxi driver got caught up in in India. We argued for nearly an hour, as our flight was leaving for the U.S., and he finally took pity on us and let us drive on. The driver said the phony “cop” was really looking for a bribe. “Oh! How much?” we asked.
      The answer floored us: 100 rupies! In the day, that was about $2!! Had we known that’s what it was all about, we’d have been on our way in short order.
      Suffice it to say that even $10 or $20 to a Costa Rican official would probably get you through any difficulty and on your way.
      p.p.s. They’re not rabies free, so a quarantine, in the face of a recent health certificate, is really baseless.

  32. alan johnson on August 3, 2016 at 12:04 pm

    we will leave Hawaii and then return. Hawaii law requires 2 rabies shots, 1 month apart. Blood is teetered for high enough level. What rabies shots do you recommend please? Thank you.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on August 5, 2016 at 7:45 am

      Oh, damn Hawaii and their over reaching “laws.” So, your dog is going to the mainland U.S.? He’d have to tangle with a rabid skunk or bat or coyote to make this “law” make any sense at all, wouldn’t he?
      I think the risk is there with all the rabies vaccines, and 1 year and 3 year is most often the very same vaccine, just studied for different lengths of time. Is there a thimerosal free version? If so, I might prefer that. It’s just important to know that mercury (thimerosal) is far from the only risk with vaccination. Here’s an eye opener about that.

  33. DEBORAH BELLES on July 26, 2016 at 7:50 am

    Hi Dr. Falconer
    I have a 6.5 yr old Dogue De Bordeaux who was diagnosed as hypothyroid at 1 yr old and has been on thyroid replacement ever since. His one and only rabies shot was at 7 months. He has not received a shot since. It has not been a problem since I had a pet sitter come into the house when I went away. My problem is that I now find that I am going to have to board him because I can’t find a pet sitter who will handle a 147 lb dog. I have found a kennel that does not care about the regular vaccines but insists on a rabies shot or positive titer. Since Fla is an exemption state, they will except that but I haven’t found a vet who will write me one. He was titered in 2012 and it came back as inadequate <0.1IU/mL.
    My question is there anything I can do to increase his titer or get an exemption written.
    Thanks for your help.
    Deb Belles

  34. Ashley on July 23, 2016 at 6:24 pm

    Is it a good idea to avoid rabies vaccine all together in my 8 week old kitten? Also how would I go about avoiding it, when the time comes for her to be spayed next year?
    Thank you

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 23, 2016 at 9:16 pm

      Hi Ashley,
      It depends on a lot of factors, not the least of which is how this cat will live. 100% indoors? I’d not give a rabies vaccine. In and out both? Here’s an article to help you make this important decision. To get a spay without, you’ll have to find an understanding holistic vet, and that’ll take some searching. You can start with my Resources page where both holistic and specifically homeopathic vets are listed.

  35. Angelica on June 26, 2016 at 4:40 pm

    Hi Dr. Falconer,
    I am new to your website but found it doing research for my 3 1/2 year old beagle, Gus. I adopted Gus from a local shelter when he was about 1 1/2 years old. Gus came in as a stray and was not claimed by an owner so I became his person. I’m guessing Gus was not vaccinated as a puppy since no one came forward to claim him, so the shelter vaccinated him before I brought him home in Jan. 2014. We went to see our vet and since Gus had received all the required shots we wouldn’t have to do anything until 2015 for boosters. So, come Feb 2015 Gus went in like a good soldier (lol!) for his boosters. He received the usual ones plus the 3 year rabies shot since the prior year the shelter only gave him the 1 year shot. Then in about late March/early April he began having allergy issues. He started with the scratching and it was so bad we took him back in to the vet and at that time got a steroid shot to “help”. This seemed to do the trick and the scratching was minimal. Then in the fall the scratching stopped so we assumed it was just seasonal allergies.
    Fast forward to March 2016 and Gus again marches in for his yearly boosters, minus the Rabies because he had that in 2015 right before the “allergies” started. Well, about a month later again (late April/early May) he starts with the scratching. This time it is 1,000 times worse! He is scratching non-stop, can’t sleep because of the constant scratching, is dragging his belly on the carpet, and his skin on his belly is all but gone and a very irritated bright red. He is to the point where he is ready to break skin. So, again off we go to the vet. This time they give us something called Temaril-P. Of course he did great because it is a steroid/immunosuppressant. Once we started to wean him off it, guess what? Yup! The scratching came back. So he was placed on another round of this medication. It was at that time I started doing research on homeopathic medications and vets and came across your site.
    Prior to reading your site about vaccinations, I had never made a correlation between Gus’s supposed “seasonal allergies” and the timing of his boosters. I am now convinced that rabies or other vaccines caused these “seasonal allergies”. I am looking for a homeopathic vet in my area and getting him in asap! This poor boy has been suffering and I am a big believer in natural/holistic remedies for me and my family. I always thought I was doing the right thing for Gus by taking him in and giving him his annual boosters. At least that is what we are taught to be good pet parents. But not anymore for this household!
    Thank your for all the information on your website. I am sure I will be studying it and learning more.
    P.S. I am also starting Gus on the Wysong diet and will be incorporating raw food into his diet as well.

  36. Mary on November 14, 2015 at 2:39 pm

    Dr. Valconer,
    I am desperate and need your help/advice. I rescued my beautiful kitty, Grant, 2.5 yrs ago when he was only 5 mos old. He came to me having his rabies vaccine and first round of shots.
    He has developed Pica and had to have emergency surgery last January which cost me close to $5,000 as everything he had eaten had become compacted and he could no longer keep anything down. He has eaten portions blankets, IPHONE cords, plastic baggies, cardboard boxes, t-shirts, socks etc. When I see what his new ‘taste’ is I remove it but obviously it is too late as he has already devoured some of it.
    I have tried essential oils, Reiki, NAET, animal communication, crystals…… and nothing has helped!!! From this article I have now discovered Sulphur and will try that as well. Do you have any ideas for me? I am desperate as I love my boy so and don’t want to have him (or me) going through another surgery.
    Thank you for your time.

  37. L on August 7, 2014 at 7:46 am

    Whenever I have used the 24hr/ emergency veterinary clinic, I fill out the form, confirm that vaccinations are current, I tell them that I don’t have a regular vet at the moment.
    I have had no problems receiving treatment for a pet.
    In my experience, a veterinarian cannot condone/give you permission not to do something that is required by law (rabies vaccine). Unless the dog has a condition that meets the criteria for the waiver.
    They may support your decision, off the record, but…
    Just my 2 cents

    • Carrie on August 12, 2014 at 10:09 am

      Thanks for sharing your experience and viewpoint – good food for thought.

  38. Carrie on August 5, 2014 at 12:58 pm

    Dr. Falconer, I have been a subscriber to your newsletter for about a year now. I can’t even begin to tell you how much you’ve enlightened me about vaccinations and homeopathy! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge of these subjects with us!
    I have been having an internal struggle regarding rabies vaccine for my two rescue dogs – one a border collie mix (male) and the other an australian shepherd mix (female). My male will be 5 years old in October and we have been “flying under the radar” so to speak on his vaccinations (he hasn’t had any boosters since we brought him home from the local humane society in 2010). We are facing the same issue with my female who was due for her vaccine boosters in March. She was only a year old when we adopted her in 2013 – of course the shelter gave her vaccinations while she was in their care and we have no idea if she was ever vaccinated prior to that. We are somewhat rural, but the county we live in does still require rabies vaccinations. I haven’t checked yet because we moved recently, but they may accept a titer (although I doubt it because they are somewhat like the gestapo around here when it comes to other stuff). Anyway, sorry it has taken me a bit to get to the point, but is there any way to get a titer outside of taking them to the vet? I know titers can be expensive and since I have two dogs, I was hoping I could alleviate some of that expense by going an alternate route. Obviously, I keep quiet about the fact that my dogs aren’t “current” on their vaccinations, but in case anything should ever happen, I would at least like to have their titers in-hand. My other fear is that if/when I do have to take them to the local vet for anything, they will ask me if they are current on their vaccinations. I am afraid that if I say no, they will report me to the humane society. I hope not, but since we moved, I haven’t established them with a new vet yet. I would LOVE to take them to a holistic vet, but conservatism runs rampant in these parts and folks just don’t believe in that stuff. In a community of 650,000+, we have TWO holistic vets (and I had to do a LOT of research just to find THEM). Of course neither of them is anywhere near where I live now, so I would have to take the whole day off of work just to take my dogs in for a routine appointment. Anyway, sorry to complain. Your blogs and articles are all SO valuable, especially for those of us who have very few holistic resources for our pets.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on August 6, 2014 at 1:00 pm

      Hi Carrie,
      Thanks for your kind words and thoughtful questions.
      There are really two separate things to consider:
      1. Are my dogs immune to rabies?
      and 2. Are titers that prove that worth anything to those in power?
      The answer to one is highly likely Yes, for life. Both have a history of rabies vaccinations, and probably multiple ones. Immunologists agree: odds are high they are immune for life.
      The 2nd answer is No, highly unlikely the titer will be worth anything to anyone in a position of authority. Most won’t even know what they are, let alone have any provision for recognizing their validity in lieu of further rabies vaccinations.
      So, if you, in your heart of hearts, are comfortable that your animals have immunity, own that and act from there. It’s a place of power. A powerless place is begging the officials to notice and accept what you know to be true. Not a good place to go, in my mind.
      If you need a vet, it’d be worth traveling to someone who’s nominally holistic, I’d think. Even if they push vaccines, they’re going to understand your viewpoint, and would be more likely to respect it. Is that worth a day away from work to establish that? I think so. Read up on the two holistic vets, see if they are online anywhere, get a sense of who’d be a better fit for you, and go from there. All it takes is one.
      Best to you and your pack. And I don’t think anyone would “turn you over” to the HS for being “out of date.” In fact, you can, again, from a place of power, truthfully answer YES if asked “are they current?” Right? We just interpret that via immunology, not a calendar of whim.

      • Carrie on August 12, 2014 at 10:07 am

        Thanks so much for your thoughtful words. I am pretty comfortable that they are both immune but I may seek out a vet that will do a titer, just for my own peace of mind. One of the two holistic vets does have a website and from what I’ve read, I think I would be comfortable taking them to her. At least now I have a plan and can go from there. Thanks again for taking the time to respond. All the best to you!

  39. L on August 4, 2014 at 5:19 pm

    I agree. All okay, for now. Thanks

  40. L on August 4, 2014 at 1:52 pm

    That’s the thing, like I said I went to 3 vets (refused to sign the waiver) one of them a specialist said “Why are you going all over the place, from vet to vet?” I said, because I am trying to get a waiver signed for my sick dog. He said, no one is going to sign it, just don’t give her the rabies shot…he would not put this in writing.
    I spoke to a homeopathic vet over the phone (he was kind enough to call me back), he said he wouldn’t sign it, however if the dog has a neurological condition such as seizures you might have a chance on getting the waiver signed.
    @Crystal, I hope you have better luck than I did.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on August 4, 2014 at 4:45 pm

      Remind me, L, are you up against enforcement like Crystal, or can you just quietly opt out and fly under the radar? The one vet’s suggestion has been mine all along: just stop, and don’t bring attention to yourself unnecessarily. By and large, that’s worked for my practice members.

  41. Crystal Fairman, DC on August 2, 2014 at 6:48 pm

    Hi Dr. Falconer,
    I found your website after searching all over last week. I was at my parent’s house and had my teacup Yorkie along and the Dog Enforcement Agent came in a big truck with his pad and paper to “write me up” for not having a rabies shot for my dog. My Yorkie is 2 years old and only three pounds, and I do NOT want this shot for him. He did “write me up” along with my mother for her two dogs, and we absolutely disagree with this procedure. What are the options and how do I refuse this shot without being charged or worse, having our pup taken away??? He gave us a postcard to send in when we get the shot. Please give any advice you can… My Yorkie is a happy and healthy dog with such vibrant life. I don’t want to endanger him with a needless shot. Also…what is your recommendation for a natural flea control?
    Crystal F.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on August 3, 2014 at 2:32 pm

      Hi Crystal,
      So sorry the “storm troopers” descended on you and your mom’s dogs. Where are you located that this happens? (I like to keep track, informally, of where this happens and doesn’t).
      They are likely not going to take an argument in lieu of a rabies vaccine. They are petty officials, and as such, are not wired to open mindedness.
      As I mentioned earlier, a client of mine had an earlier dog die of kidney failure that appeared to be tied to a vaccination. She decided No More! and ended up in court in her city, contesting what you’re up against, and opted to pay a $900 fine instead of giving in. They don’t bother her any more. She did this with several dogs, and the $900 may have been the total for 3 or more, I don’t remember the details clearly.
      She had her day in court, they heard the logic of why more vaccinations were not needed nor healthful, and held her ground to the point of paying fines.
      If your state allows medical exemptions, perhaps an open minded vet would write a waiver. I know I can *almost always* find some symptoms of health challenges in my patients, so will write these waivers (for grooming and boarding, so far, not gestapo) regularly.
      Let us know what you end up doing, and remember: try to deliver the information with a smile and hope for the best. You have a lot of science behind you, and they know none of it in their little cubicles.
      I wish you all the best.
      Non-Toxic Flea Control on this page.

      • Crystal Fairman, DC on August 4, 2014 at 8:54 am

        Thank you Dr. Falconer… I am located in southwestern Pennsylvania. Do you know of or have a list of holistic vets that I could see to possibly get a waiver? Thank you for all of your great information.

        • Will Falconer, DVM on August 4, 2014 at 9:49 am

          Hi Crystal,
          Sure, on my Resources page, you’ll find two lists, one for homeopathic vets like me (AVH) and one for the larger group of holistic vets (AHVMA).
          You’re in a state where homeopathy has deep roots! Hopefully, someone will step up to help you.
          All the best.

  42. Roberta on August 1, 2014 at 9:41 am

    FYI, the website i listed is a natural rearingsite with two directories. One directory is a listing of roth food suppliers, herb suppliers, holistic practitioners and veterinarians, pet sitters and boarding kennels that do not require vaccines and that will feed raw food, book lists, etc.
    the other directory is a raw feeding/ natural rearing directory listing of breeders. Mostly dogs, some cats and even a few bird breeders.
    these lista have been an ongoing compilation of mine since 1993. One should still do their due diligence when contacting any of these suppliers or breeders.

  43. Destiny on July 28, 2014 at 4:22 pm

    I forgot to add to my post above…
    I dont *THINK* my vet sends postcards, just email reminders. However, the vet I go to, is NOT the same one she got her rabies from… I went somewhere else to titer her and got it done there and just transfered her paperwork, but never got her (nor any of my dogs ever have) been licensed with the county.MY vet doesnt send postcards, so I am hoping neither does the other vet….
    My Papillon also displayed nervous and scared behaviors around new dogs and people 1 month after the rabies shot… Took lots of training to fix.
    I do my own grooming and have family watch my dogs if need be. No need for current proof of vaxx.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 28, 2014 at 6:42 pm

      Good for you, Destiny, offering a grooming/boarding option that’s enlightened. The story of why will help many others, if they are interested to hear it.

  44. Destiny on July 28, 2014 at 4:10 pm

    My rescue Great Dane had every shot out there in 2012. We fosteref until adopted. She needed a dental bad. One year later the vet would NOT do surgery without a new rabies shot. Ever since her coat has been bad – oily, shedding, dandruff and smelly. No more vaccines ever. She is on a raw diet now but still no improvement.
    My 1 yr old papillon had a vaccine reaction to her parvo shot at 13 weeks. Vet dismissed it of course. Titered her and her parvo numbers were sky high. The highest they have seen. She got her rabies at 5 months. At 10 months old she started scratching her ears and mouth bad. I believe its vaccinosis. She is on raw now too. At 15 months old she has been on raw for 5 months. All natural free range, no hormones, gmo, steroids or antibiotics. Her mouth itching has stopped but her ears have not. I am NOT vaccinating her again. My state (Arizona) wont accept rabies titers so i am hoping to get a DO NOT VACCINATE put on both my dogs records.
    I had a lady yesterday ask me to educate her on no more shots. I do in home dog boarding and grooming and vaxx records arent required. She is so happy.

  45. sharon on July 28, 2014 at 2:26 pm

    Several years ago I rescued a dog from the side of the freeway, she was bright, playful and happy. Then I took her for her rabies shot and soon after she became very highly strung, worries about everything, doesn’t like to play as much and is often fearful of her water bowl. Its heartbreaking. I gave her Thuja before and after the vaccine but it was still too much for her tiny body. The area she was given the shot swelled up like a golf ball, she is a Jack Russell mix.
    I was trying to be a good citizen and license my dogs. I feel very guilty now.
    I avoided vaccines for all my animals after that. To be honest I try and avoid Dr Whitecoat all together and keep my animals healthy holistically. Last year I adopted a dog from the shelter, he was very scared at the shelter but once I brought him home he did fine. Until he had been here about a month, then he became fearful of everything, feathers, crickets, bags, you name it and especially strangers. It was if he has suffered brain damage, he had no time to calm himself, he would just go straight into fight or flight. With a lot of training and understanding he is getting better but now, after I’m reading these comments, I’m wondering if his delayed terror was due to the rabies shot they gave him when I adopted him?

  46. Karen on July 28, 2014 at 1:02 pm

    I am relieved to read here that a young dog can build up immunity to rabies by being exposed to other already vaccinated dogs. We have a young pup (10 months) who, other than the distemper and parvo vaccines that he received thru the rescue group prior to joining our family at 8 weeks of age, has received no further vaccines. And he won’t be, either. I contacted provincial officials (we live in Canada) several months ago and learned that there are only 5 cases of rabies in the entire province each year and those 5 are found in either bats or raccoons. So the risk is negligible and not worth exposing him to the vaccine. But I did wonder if he could build up natural immunity so am glad to hear that he can. I realize that I could have him titered (and that would be valuable information to have) but I wouldn’t vaccinate him anyway, even if the value proved “non-protective” and am really tired of being bullied by the vets here. My deep appreciation for posting this very important information.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 28, 2014 at 1:38 pm

      Hi Karen,
      I’m glad you’re finding help through these pages.
      While I agree that your risk of rabies, based on your locale, is very low, it’s also important to know that for natural immunity to “take” in an exposed dog, there’s got to be something live in that exposure. So, in my earlier post about Parvo/Distemper Immunity w/o Vaccination, those pups were contacting live parvovirus and distemper virus in small, controlled exposures.
      When Louann wrote in that she’d achieved the same results with rabies, she was speaking about exposure to *recently* vaccinated pups as the source. In other words, they could be shedding virus in the early stages after they were vaccinated. Exposure to animals weeks or more from being vaccinated would likely not confer this same immune response, as the shedding would had stopped.

      • Roberta on August 1, 2014 at 12:15 pm

        Just wanted to chime in. According to Ron Schultz, passive exposure to rabies vaccine is “impossible”. But I think it may be present in the saliva. I have dogs who’ve never been vaxed, never eaten bait, and I had 6 year old fitted and his titre came back better than just adequate. I wrote to him and he was coming up with crazy reasons (that the dog was infected in the past with a virus similar to rabies…..say what?!?! He them asked me to titre all my dogs thru hemopet. I can’t afford that…not gonna happen.. Anyway I happen to know that I’m not alone…. Others have had ditto titres on dogs who’ve not been jabbed.
        Parvo has happened here and over the years it has become more like a VERY mild flu. The only time I lost pups was the first couple times, then it stared to become milder and milder and most of the time now pups barely are symptomatic or completely asymptotic. I believe this to be TRUE HERD IMMUNITY (which doesn’t happen with vaccines).

        • Will Falconer, DVM on August 1, 2014 at 1:59 pm

          Nice, Roberta. I think Louann was writing from direct experience, also, and if you know of others with titers and no injection, it’s real.
          Love your experience with herd immunity. Yep, that’s the true definition of the word, and very different from what vaccine advocates are thinking happens when lots of kids are vaccinated against something.

  47. Claudia on July 28, 2014 at 9:28 am

    I am scared to death to give our 16 week old springer spaniel pup any more vaccinations. He had his first one at 6 weeks when he was still with the breeder. Took him home at 7 weeks, he was still lethargic for a few days. I have been educating myself on homeopathy and the dangers of vaccines, and planned to do only his 12 week shots and be done with them. He was around his litter mate at 11-1/2 weeks for a day, and the puppy had just received his 12 week shots a little early. 2 days later, our puppy seemed disoriented, weak, and slept MOST of every day for 5 days. We had traveled to a remote area of the state to a little seaside town, so veterinary care would have been 2 hrs. away. I truly thought he was going to die.
    Dr. Falconer, I’ve been trying to find SOMEONE to advise me on what to do from here. HELP, PLEASE. There are no holistic veterinarians within 350 miles of us, and if I take him to a mainstream vet, I can’t trust their reccomendations any longer. He’s apparently healthy and active now at 16 weeks.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 28, 2014 at 1:57 pm

      Hi Claudia,
      It sounds highly likely that this guy is now immunized by exposure to his litter mate who was recently vaccinated. Is he still unwell?
      If that’s the case, we could schedule a brief appointment to get him treated. You can see how I work via my Contact page and contact through there if you need help. You’ll see a form and instructions.

      • Claudia on August 3, 2014 at 8:29 am

        He has been perfectly healthy since that incident. Thank you Dr., my intuition was telling me that might be the case. I will indeed contact you if I have further concerns.

        • Will Falconer, DVM on August 3, 2014 at 2:21 pm

          Excellent, Claudia. Likely now immune for life from what ever the others were vaccinated against. And without the downsides that come from injecting foreign material into the body.
          Carry on.

  48. Christine G on July 27, 2014 at 12:49 am

    We were great dog custodians! Took them to the vet every year, fed expensive kibble etc. Then my 4 yo lab developed a tumor. It was diagnosed as a lipoma via needle biopsy. 2 weeks later pre op to have it removed. They offered her rabies so I wouldn’t have to come back the following month. Not knowing any better, I agreed. 2 weeks later, her walnut sized benign tumor was the size of an orange. Vet called me back to OR (I was a paramedic) and showed me the mounded handful of malignant fatty tissue she pulled from my 4 legged baby. Her lipoma had turned into liposarcoma in 2 weeks time and invaded her uterus, colon, bladder and everything in between. TWO WEEKS! She was so eaten up with cancer that the vet said there was nothing more that could be done. “Take her home, say goodbye and bring her back when you’re ready. But she only has a week – maybe two.”
    I went holistic and kept her comfortably alive for almost 2 yrs (no documented cases of liposarcoma going past 90 days) until I screwed up and gave her comfortis for a particularly stubborn flea infestation. It was 4 years ago July 14th. My heart still aches for her.
    Her brother will be joining her next week. He is riddled with tumors and in a lot of pain tho I never vaccinated him after her diagnosis.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 27, 2014 at 4:39 am

      Oh, Christine, what an amazing story, and a heartbreaker at that. A four year old with a benign tumor, suddenly turned malignant in two weeks post rabies vaccine. Wow. I’m glad you were at least able to extend her life way over the expectation with your natural approach.
      The old homeopathic physicians saw cancer’s correlation with vaccination, as do we today. Warts, skin tags, lipomas, all the way to malignancy, all part of the proliferation associated with vaccines, rabies among them.
      Thank you for sharing this with us, Christine. A great warning shot across the bow for us all.

  49. L on July 23, 2014 at 3:12 pm

    That is what someone said (that lives in Canada) on another forum, don’t know if it is true. Anyone know?

    • Paula on July 25, 2014 at 10:14 am

      It’s not required in B.C. I’m pretty sure it is in Ontario. I don’t know about the other provinces. The Rocky mountains make it difficult for infected land animals to pass through. Bats do carry rabies in B.C. but it is really rare, they live in much smaller colonies and most the time just pass quietly away. I’m sure the cold winters have something to do with it too.

      • Will Falconer, DVM on July 25, 2014 at 11:03 am

        Thanks, Paula, good to know.
        We have a very large bat population in Austin (actually, a tourist attraction!), yet very few cases of rabies as a result. Like you, I think they likely die off of the disease and don’t transmit it very readily.
        Anyone speak for the rest of the Canadian provinces?

        • Nadina Stainsby on February 13, 2016 at 9:10 am

          I live in Calgary, Alberta. The municipal law does say that rabies vaccines are required, however, they (nobody) has ever requested proof of vaccines for licensing. I haven’t vaccinated either of my dogs since they were 6 months old. they are 7 and 11 years old now.

          • Nadina Stainsby on February 13, 2016 at 9:18 am

            Further to that, Alberta has had 2 reported rabies cases, both transmitted by bats in the early 1980’s.
            Also, because of our proximity to the mountains and our cool evenings we have zero heartworm cases. Our temperatures never stay above 28 C for long enough for those mosquitos to survive.

          • Will Falconer, DVM on February 13, 2016 at 10:15 am

            Sounds like a great place to raise Vital Animals, Nadina. I hope it stays that way.

  50. L on July 23, 2014 at 9:30 am

    The rabies vaccine is not mandatory in Canada…..something to think about.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 23, 2014 at 12:49 pm

      Wow. Really? Whole country? Amazing. Next interest would be the incidence of rabies in humans and domestic animals if that’s been put into practice for quite some time.

    • Darci on July 29, 2014 at 11:39 pm

      Not true for all of Canada L. there are laws stating they must be vaccinated for Rabies in some parts of Canada as often as every year. Ontario is one of the Provinces that has a high incidence of Rabies.

      • Will Falconer, DVM on July 30, 2014 at 12:36 pm

        Arrghh. Yearly laws? That’s low. Are those provincial laws, or local laws of some municipalities, Darci?
        And does Canada have the same confusing mess we do in the US, where the state might have a 3 year law but a city or county may have a 1 year rule?

        • Roberta on August 1, 2014 at 9:31 am

          It is only mandatory in 2 provinces…Ontario & Manitoba. The rest are not mandatory. So far as Ontario, its a regulation, not a felony law. 3 year duration vaccine is acceptable…. Many vets like the $$$ and do the so called 1 year label. :-((((
          I personally stopped the needke-go-round-russian-roulette years ago.

  51. Nicky on July 23, 2014 at 6:27 am

    Thanks Will, I think i will give the Lyssin a try. I have the Homeopathy book for cats and Dogs which is slowly becoming my bible!
    I have 5 Standard Poodles, 3 of which are adults who were vaccinated till two years ago when one suffered a reaction. My vet at the time denied it was the vaccine that caused the reaction even though it had been administered just 12 hrs previously and symptoms were text book! The vet practice also had no system of reporting vaccine reactions! Something which I have discovered is comman place in a lot of practices here in UK! This led me to question the validity of the safety data on vaccines and was the reason I started looking into vaccinosis and the pros and cons of vaccination. The UK Veterinary culture is still geared towards yearly boosters and vaccination takes place regardless of the current health of the animal, in fact in a lot of cases a poorly animal is seen as in more need of being vaccinated!! These practices have led me to forgo vaccination and in place try a more natural route. My home bred pup has had no vaccinations at all and at 7 months is doing very well. My imported pup, who unfortunately had to be given the puppy vaccinations and rabies vaccine in order to enter the country, is now on a more natural regime too and along with my adult dogs I feed only a raw balanced diet. I use Colloidal Silver as an antibiotic replacer, raw, organic Apple Cider Vinegar, a boric acid, gentian violet and Isopropyl alcohol mix for ear cleaning, pumpkin seeds for worming to which I will be adding DE over the coming months and many other small changes in the quest to do the very best for my dogs.
    I am keeping my fingers crossed that my Polish boy shows a steady improvement over the coming months and I appreciate all the suggestions and help to that end.
    Thank you 🙂

  52. Nicky on July 23, 2014 at 2:09 am

    I am in the UK. Where the rabies is not given as a routine vaccine however any dog or other pet coming into the country from abroad must, by law, have the rabies vaccine at least 3 weeks before travel and entry into UK.
    I recently imported a Standard Poodle puppy from Poland and it a month after arrival he started to exhibit symptoms of fear agression, he became reactive to cycles, people but especially other dogs when out of the house on his lead. His tail which normally would be erect and confident would drop completely and he would be constantly looking around as he walked as if he were being stalked. I started treating with Belladona but this made no difference so then swapped to Thuja and also extensive behaviour. Work. His fearfullness has improved slightly and we are continuing with desensitizing treatments too.
    When we visited Poland to see him as a 6 week old pup he was extremely confident and outgoing. We are hoping that with perseverence we can see that confidence once again emerge.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 23, 2014 at 5:17 am

      What a sad story, Nikki, thanks for sharing it. If you read the remedy lyssin in the materia medica, you will likely see this state. It may be worth a try. I’d use it high, at least 1M. Luckily, you also have pharmacies there that carry tautodes to rabies vaccine, which may be a help as well.
      Best of luck getting your confident pup back.

      • Darci on July 29, 2014 at 11:19 pm

        What is a “taut odes”?

        • Will Falconer, DVM on July 30, 2014 at 12:34 pm

          Spell checkers hate them. Most vets and animal owners have never heard of them. A goodly number of vaccine damaged kids and their moms swear by them.
          Tautodes are remedies made from drugs or vaccines. The man who’s written the most about them is Tinus Smits, a Dutch homeopath now deceased who found them invaluable to get the autistic kids back into their bodies and minds. You’ll find his work with a search on his name.
          Interesting stuff.

  53. Pat on July 23, 2014 at 1:05 am

    Dr. Falconer, I enjoyed your play-script style for this blog. Had it been 50 pages, however, I would have stopped reading. Since I’m dyslexic, it took a little effort to follow but it was entertaining and informative. I saw myself in the picture; I’m emotionally ready for my county to try to force me to vaccinate my dogs.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 23, 2014 at 5:13 am

      Bravo, Pat!
      And yes, it got long, and I’m glad my experiment didn’t dissuade you from reading the whole thing. Thanks for the feedback.

  54. Pat on July 23, 2014 at 12:59 am

    My concerns about titers: I have been told that if my dog is licensed and registered as unvaccinated because of a titer test or waiver, then if he does bite someone and they see he has not had a rabies vaccine, then they will cut of his head to examine his brain for rabies. That is, no quarantine. Don’t know if this is just scare tactics or not and don’t want to test the waters. If its for real, then registered and unvaccinated it not very safe for your dog should he bite and the person bitten reports the bite. Better to plant lots of bushes so no one knows you have a dog, bring you car into the yard for dog to board out of sight and keep him quiet and hidden as much as possible so no one knows you even have a dog.

    • Jeri on July 23, 2014 at 4:40 am

      I’m sure Dr. Falconer can address this, Pat, but I’d bet on fear tactics. You may want to read this page specifically on Rabies: Why accept a titer, give license and tag for it, and then treat the animal as if a stray if there’s an incident? I think there’s so much fear out there on this that it fuels great confusion in terms of what the laws do and do not say. If you read Dr. Falconer’s page, he clearly distinguishes between what is considered a vaccinated versus un-vaccinated animal. The latter have no owners, no record of vaccination ever.
      If you want to know what your own local laws specify, check the state and/or county/city laws out online or get a trusted vet to call them. In our situation, our vet’s office called to find out if a titer was acceptable “as proof of vaccination”. They wanted to know to be sure they, our dog, and we, were protected. Yes, it is. The city/parish doesn’t issue tags and licenses to un-vaccinated animals. I don’t know who told you otherwise, but please don’t believe them. Find out for yourself what the law will and won’t do. Our state laws do not even provide for killing the animal except by consent of the owner — and quarantine is always an option (though for longer period if the animal is bitten than if he/she bites someone.) I know for a fact that the latter only warrants a week’s quarantine because my parents had a feral they took in to be vaccinated and he bit someone (vet’s office was clearly unprepared to handle feral cats). He was quarantined for a week. Period.
      I won’t live in fear, and would discourage others from doing so either. Protect your animals, naturally, but don’t assume that the worst would happen automatically. I’ve never heard of “instant death” for animals who have a history of vaccination, and there would be no point whatsoever in the city issuing license and tag to a titered animal and then acting as if the animal were un-vaccinated without history of vaccination if there were an incident.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 23, 2014 at 5:12 am

      Hi Pat,
      So, missing here is the understanding of where a titer comes from: exposure to a disease. It’s antibodies, formed as part of the immune response to exposure to a disease organism. In rabies titers, that means a vaccination, most often, with the rare exception of what Louann suggested earlier (exposure to another dog recently vaccinated and shedding the rabies virus).
      So, in 99% of the discussions of rabies titers, it’s in vaccinated dogs. And these dogs should have records somewhere, showing the earlier vaccination that caused the titer.
      It is true: an unvaccinated dog (never vac’d) who bites someone, can be euthanized to have the brain exam to determine if rabies was the cause of the bite. Vaccinated dogs, even “out of date” vaccinated dogs, are at most quarantined (provided humans with intelligence are calling the shots, no pun intended). Updated with more info: quarantine is a choice. This is in the Compendium of Animal Rabies, which you should have a copy of. I’ve linked to it, with highlights, in this post.

    • L on July 23, 2014 at 6:52 am

      “Better to plant lots of bushes so no one knows you have a dog, bring you car into the yard for dog to board out of sight and keep him quiet and hidden as much as possible so no one knows you even have a dog.”
      Exactly, I agree.

  55. Jeri Howell on July 22, 2014 at 9:23 pm

    Dr. Falconer, So sorry about the long-winded post with no pause breaks! I guess I’m used to posting on FB and if you do a “return” there, you have posted it!
    So nice to know that’s not the case here (although I wish there were an “edit” button!) Esther, you are right about your point that our mainstream vet did not know about titeris being sufficient. I was rather caught off guard by that one also. Sadly, I’d be willing to bet that few, if any, vets in our area know about that. I was discussing the fact that titers are acceptable with the receptionist at the clinic where we take our older dog for acupuncture and chinese herbs. They were unaware of that as well. WHY isn’t this being advertised?? With titers being more expensive, you would think the vets would see this as a boon to their business – an upsell, if you will. Sure, not everyone would take advantage, but some would!
    One more funny story (about raw feeding). We took both dogs in June to have complete blood work/EKG and check up (everything except vaccines – which I made clear). Our younger dog, a Chow mix, used to have terrible teeth and gum disease. He had 4 infected teeth removed back in 2011. (Needless to say, before we knew better, our dogs were on kibble.) The vet on duty was a substitute for our regular vet that day, and she looked at his teeth and was amazed at how good they looked. I wouldn’t have said anything, but she went on and on and then asked if he had had a recent dental. (At this point my mind was racing and I was trying to figure out how to diplomatically get out of there without a lecture. I decided I’d rather have the “raw food” lecture than the “raw bones” lecture…..) I laughed and said, “No…he’s raw fed.” She said “Oh….Uh…..Oh. Well, you know there was a recent recall?” (Bravo had just recalled some of their products). I said “Yes, we know. But it doesn’t affect us.” She said “Ok” and that was that. Poor vets! I could almost feel sorry for them….almost. When they don’t bother to inform themselves of what lies beyond vet school, they are like the person who perpetually claps off beat or throws himself into a Mosh pit after everyone has stopped dancing!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 23, 2014 at 5:05 am

      Oh, Jeri, that last story is so funny. I’ve had reports of this before, and posted about it on Seeing is Not Believing | When the Mind Gets in the Way.
      Thanks for sharing that. Made my day.

    • Esther on July 23, 2014 at 8:18 am

      Hi Jeri: That is a funny story. I guess she had not heard of kibble being recalled for Salmonella! or maybe they close their ears to that! Bravo did had a recall but they always point out to the raw, and they refused to see what is before their eyes.
      Thanks for sharing.

      • Jeri Howell on July 23, 2014 at 12:43 pm

        Isn’t it sad, Esther? There have been far more recalls for kibble than raw and yet…. vets parrot the AVMA and every anti-raw bit of propaganda they can find out there as soon as they come face to face with the obvious. Closed minds indeed. I remember that Kymythy Schultz, who breeds Newfies and has written at least one book on feeding raw, had a similar experience when she took her dogs in to the vet. They were far older than any other Newfies the vet had seen, and in far better shape – and their blood work was perfect. The vet went on and on and finally asked what they were eating. Kymythy told them she fed raw and the vet responded “Oh, don’t do that! You’ll kill them!” Just unreal.

        • Will Falconer, DVM on July 23, 2014 at 12:46 pm

          This is what I love about hot topic discussions: I learn form them! “Far more” recalls on kibble, Jeri? I had no idea this was the case. Are you certain?
          And more ammo for the seeing is not believing case. Geez.

          • Esther on July 23, 2014 at 1:43 pm

            Yes, Dr. Falconer there are more recalls for kibble than for raw food. I am in a recall list that they let me know when a food has been recalled or the treats.
            I often wonder how do they get Salmonella in a food that is so cooked and processed!!
            Yes that story of Jeri about Kymythy Schultz is really seeing is not believing! It is sad indeed!!

          • Jeri Howell on July 23, 2014 at 5:01 pm

            You can begin with 2014 and scroll from there to other years on this site: I know that unless a recall involves a raw food company, I don’t pay that close attention, and there have been very few raw brands recalled (Bravo has had a few in the past 5 years or so). Kibble, on the other hand, well…see for yourself — and not just for pathogens, but also molds, aflatoxins, excessive vitamins, etc… I haven’t done a “formal count” but my impression is that kibble wins the recall award hands down over raw.

            • Will Falconer, DVM on July 23, 2014 at 5:25 pm

              Thanks, Jeri. That’s one awkward list, but I get the idea. About 10 pages in, up pops a huge list of IAMS and Eukanuba foods. Probably be easier to track this when they get their pages fixed so you don’t have to slog through one individual report per page.
              Stopping at page 10, it looks to be about 80% kibble vs 20% dehydrated or raw foods recalled. And why aren’t these kibbles hitting the news? Hmmm…

          • Jeri Howell on July 23, 2014 at 8:42 pm

            Oh, the recalls hit the news, but the vet professional organizations (like the AVMA) appear to be too indebted/linked to the pet food industry to pay attention to the elephant poop in the living room. They’d rather pretend it’s the mouse droppings in the attic that are making everyone sick…. Bait and switch. Divert attention to what is NOT causing a problem so that no one notices what is.

  56. Jeri Howell on July 22, 2014 at 1:20 am

    Dr. Falconer, I read this horrific story (so glad Tigger is going to be ok!) and wanted to share my own journey to refusing to vaccinate anymore. Our older dog, now 15 (Bijou) and our younger dog, now 8 (Rocky) were due for their 3 year vaccines last year: distemper, parvo and of course the dreaded Rabies. I walked in and told our vet “I want to titer for everything.” He reminded me that titers were not accepted – as far as he knew – in lieu of vaccination for Rabies. I told him, “Yes, I know, but I still want to titer and we’re not going to vaccinate”. He told me he had to put “Declined all vaccines” in the file – and I told him that was fine. In essence, we flew under the radar for a year.
    Fast forward to this year — Bijou needed a dental. Our dogs are raw-fed, but she had a tooth that appeared to be bothering her. Our mainstream vet has the unfortunate belief that vaccines are harmless. He has even said as much. He insisted that Bijou be up on her Rabies in order to protect his employees (although it was never clear to me how a dog who has been anesthetized could bite, but I digress…). He also wasn’t happy that she wasn’t getting the Parainfluenza and Bordatella – and he constantly reminds us that we live in an area of Lepto and don’t we want to vaccinate for that, too?. I told him we weren’t going there. He said he’d give me a pass on Parainfluenza and Bordetella if we’d take care of the Rabies. (I had brought her in that day for him to sedate her and see if there was something he could see. He said she needed a dental – which I knew already, and knew he would do x-rays when she was completely out. She has some picky eating habits and has a history of IBD which we’ve basically cured with a raw novel protein diet — but because we’re not sure what foods she has an intolerance for, we are restricted in what we can give her to eat.) I told him I’d bring her back in a couple of days for the Rabies and then at least 2 weeks from then, we could do the dental. He said he could do the Rabies that very day, but I wouldn’t let him because she had been sedated, to which he replied that he has given vaccines when animals are getting dentals and it was no big deal. I told him she did not need all of that in her system and I would return. Period.
    When I returned home with her, I got a call about 30 minutes later from the Clinic. They had checked with A.C. to see if titers were sufficient for a tag and license (I’d always wanted to know, but wanted to get a “burn phone” to find out!) and lo and behold — they are! I said “I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth” and we have titered “above the radar” this year. It’s been 5 years since our two have had any shots — and their titers have not wavered for parvo or distemper in the two years we’ve titered and their Rabies remain very high.
    I have shared your wonderful and comforting booklet on Rabies and will do so with a friend who has 2 Doxies – one of whom has a history of increasingly violent reactions to Rabies. Her (now FORMER) vet vaccinated YEARLY and my poor friend didn’t know any better. When Curry would have a reaction, the vet would just give her more Benadryl!! My friend said the episodes were getting worse each time and she was fearful that the next time the Benadryl wouldn’t work. That’s when I told her that her vet was vaccinating too often and negligently since only healthy animals are to be vaccinated anyway. I will share your booklet with her and also tell her what our mainstream vet discovered. (We also have a vet who practices Chinese medicine and acupuncture, but sadly he’s not “full time” so we have to have another vet.)
    Anyone reading this: do not give up! Change is coming. The Rabies Challenge Fund is in its final stages and when that is completed we can all push for titers and waivers to be accepted in lieu of vaccinations in all 50 states. Hang in there, everybody!! Fly low until then!!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 22, 2014 at 5:08 am

      Hi Jeri,
      Thanks for this very inspiring story! Bravo for having your facts in a row and taking a stand for titers with your vet! Cavalier attitude aside, he should have also known digestive problems and a special diet indicate illness, right? “Only for healthy dogs, cats, etc.” — so says every vaccine label.
      So, is A.C. your county? How enlightened of them to accept rabies titers and allow licenses! YES! We need to use this info to change other government agencies. Please share with us where you live.
      And more help from your story: if you can get your vet on board to put Do Not Vaccinate on each of your animals’ records, you’ll have won a major milestone. Just beware, as with this vet, that it won’t be chiseled in stone. Great start, however.

      • Esther on July 22, 2014 at 11:57 am

        The story of Tigger is amazing. Fully recovered AIHA with one homeopathic remedy! Wonderful! All the stories written here are so informative and you can learned something from each one, but Jeri story is the one that with all need to have happen in each locality. Where does she lives? I really do not know how long this is going to take. We are fighting against very powerful people, the Veterinarians do not want to be without a job. No vaccines, therefore less sick animals and they will fight this anyway they can. One of my dogs is “supposed to have her rabies this year” I am kind of afraid that the clinic will call the county, which is not a nice one as the one Jeri lives. I do have a homeopathic veterinarian but she does not have a clinic, works from home and not all the time. Only once a month she sees people in a clinic. So I need to have the others just in case. They do titers for any of the other vaccines if I want, but rabies is another matter the law is involved with it.
        And remember Dr. Falconer that in Dogs Naturally in an issue last year there was that article written by a holistic homeopathic veterinarian that said it was wrong to tell people to disobey the law. How are we supposed to convince others if a holistic veterinarian is stating this belief?…
        Maybe I should look for another holistic veterinarian. Also interesting was the person that said rabies was not required in her county!!

        • Jeri Howell on July 22, 2014 at 6:05 pm

          Hi, Esther — Just read your comment. I still live in fear that next year they will say “Oops. That’s really not the case. We made a mistake.” and we’ll be “illegal” again, but by next year’s time I’m hoping our dog won’t need another dental (working on different aspects of her diet to see that that’s not the case), and we can still go “without”. Just taking it one step at a time. Louisiana is rather known for being “different” in the approach it takes towards issues that are dealt with in a more “heavy-handed” manner elsewhere. Animal Control has neither the time nor the inclination to “hunt out” those who aren’t vaccinating. If your dogs aren’t “out and about” where they can be picked up, and there are no incidents, it’s pretty much a non-issue. I suspect they know it would be a lost cause to try to crack down on it because we have many poor people with animals and those with lower incomes who simply don’t vaccinate — or at least not regularly. Of course, if they were asked and put on the spot, they might change their tune — which is my fear. I think the local people have the right to interpret the laws as they wish? Is that right, Dr. Falconer? As I said in my other posts, I was STUNNED that my clinic called and told me they had confirmed that positive titers are sufficient for registration. Surely they should be, of course, because medically the science is there – and you’re also paying far MORE money for Rabies titer than for parvo or distemper. It’s the most expensive one and takes the longest to get back from the lab (3-4 weeks minimum — for the others just a few days).
          I really appreciate Dr. Falconer’s view on this because he’s the ONLY holistic/homeopathic vet I’ve heard come out and advocate for NOT following the law. You are right: most will talk about how terrible the vaccine is and then in the same breath shrug and never talk about titering for Rabies. If there is one for people (and there is), and there is one for animals leaving the country (and there is), then there is NO medically sound reason why there cannot be and should not be one for animals within the U.S. I pray the Rabies Challenge Study will be completed next year and the push can begin right away. I had a “robust” discussion with our conventional vet about the 3 year vaccine requirements. I told him I couldn’t wait until the Study was finished so the protocol could be extended and he said he didn’t think that would ever happen because vets “don’t see clients enough as it is”. I told him that as vets they should be pushing this because they are supposed to stand for the animals! I told him he should let the human side be spoken for by the human medical community, but that I and people like me wanted the vets to lead the charge on this. The science does NOT support 1 or 3 year protocols!! He told me that I am the exception because most of his clients come in and only want vaccines and they don’t come in on time as it is. I told him that would always be the case no matter WHEN the protocols say they are due! He said that the further the time between vaccination protocols, the less chance that when he saw an animal with a problem, that he could fix it. He said that most don’t want to do the blood work. (We do a LOT of blood work — full chem. panels on both dogs: younger once per year; older every 6 months — in addition to titering.) I told him that the vets just needed to educate their clients, but that over-vaccinating my dogs was not something I could allow regardless. He reminded me that the Rabies laws were in place to protect the people. I said “Let the people take care of themselves; let the human medical profession speak to that. I want you to speak for the animals. Other people are not my problem. These are my responsibility (pointing to my dogs). Their health is my responsibility. Over-vaccinating is not in their best interest.”
          It’s so easy to say “Talk to your vet. Consult with your vet”, but the reality is that until people are educated about what they should be asking (what are titers, why titer, etc…), they don’t know what to say! I feel like our mainstream vet should have told us about titers — but the fact is I did my own research about vaccines, immunology, titering, and raw feeding — without any vet input because it simply wasn’t there. Please don’t think I’m boasting, but I am the one who goes in and tells him what tests I want to run and why; what titers I want, etc… Hang tough. As I said, we were prepared to “go rogue” as we had for a year — and will do so again if needed. If our parish were contacted, they might give out a different story. Don’t know. I really don’t want to rock the boat on this since it’s a true gift this year, but I completely understand why others would want to push for the same with their own local cities/counties because when you have an animal who needs to be treated and you can’t get it without the “legal proof”….it’s an issue. You can’t sacrifice your animal’s immediate need for lack of a vaccine, but know he/she doesn’t need it…so what do you do? It’s a problem. A big one.

          • Will Falconer, DVM on July 22, 2014 at 7:10 pm

            Hi Jeri,
            I added a couple of returns to your writing, in the hopes that it might be more readable. You can do this, too, as you write a comment.
            I’ve always *counted on* animal control and regulatory officials to not have the time or budget to pursue vaccination status. I think now that it depends where you live. Some California folks live in a real police state where they actually knock on doors to check on this! You are indeed in a lucky place to have such a laissez faire attitude working for you. I would ride that train as long as it’s running!
            Your vet fuels future blog posts with his misunderstanding of immunology, so thanks for sharing his views. “Protecting his staff” is sadly laughable. Must have been out for coffee when immunity was discussed back in vet school, I guess.
            Part of the confusion around rabies is that, yes, every municipality can make their own rules, and the state could well have different rules. Just today, a client from hours away said her town has a rule for yearly rabies vaccination, while Texas deemed every three years to be their law about a dozen years ago. And guess who wins? If the local law enforcement shows up with your fine, do you think the state would care? Not unless you poked them pretty hard with a lawyer and a stick!
            You are a brilliant example of what I want for all animal guardians: you’ve educated yourself and actually know more than your vet about most of this critical vaccination area! It HAS to be a grass roots movement by animal owners that changes the world — it won’t come from the vets, certainly. Sad to say, but they have no motivation to change, and if Texas’ public hearings on going to 3 year rabies was any indication, they’ll scream for their livelihood being lost instead of embracing what’s best for the animals.
            Folks, you need to step up and educate yourselves on this, and lead the way with what you want for your animals. Then, when you have amazingly vital animals that draw people to them like magnets, let the questions be answered. Education spreads, lives are changed, and often in ways that can’t always be immediately seen.

      • Jeri Howell on July 22, 2014 at 5:30 pm

        I am in Baton Rouge, LA. I have no idea how they got to the point they accept titers, but I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth. I was shocked because I read all the “state” laws and while they are more lax than other areas both in terms of having a more “laissez faire” attitude unless your animal has a problem and afterwards (quarantine is allowed for both biting a person and being bitten by an animal – seizure isn’t really in the legalese of the law for our state). A.C. = Animal Control. Sorry for the confusion! 🙂

        • Jeri Howell on July 22, 2014 at 5:34 pm

          …Didn’t finish the above thought: …I was shocked because despite what I read, there was nothing in there about accepting titers…but that’s what they said to our clinic, so that’s what we’re going with! I’m not about to question it!! We now have both papers and tags on our animals — via titering — although we will have to titer every year (guess our parish has to get their money somehow…but it’s still a very small price to pay for not having to vaccinate again….) Our 15 year old’s titer was 2:5 and our younger was 14!! I truly believe that with titers that high it would be quite dangerous for them to be vaccinated again.

          • Esther on July 22, 2014 at 8:25 pm

            Hi Jeri: I am really happy and amazed that Baton Rouge, LA has allowed your dogs to get licensed with titers for Rabies. And I am more amaze that your veterinarian did not know this to begin with, and had to call A/C to find out.
            He is right when he say the laws are written to protect the people but like Dog Lover said:
            “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty” – Thomas Jefferson.
            I believe that veterinarians get the Rabies vaccines themselves, I do not know if all do, but I have heard some do. But they titer later on, they do not keep getting it every year. I am aware that the Rabies titer is very expensive because years ago, I refused to re-vaccinate a dog even though I had a holistic veterinarian at the time, she was not in agreement with me. But I told her I would not do it and run a titer, his values came so high he could have gone to Hawaii at the time. Never mind this dog was sick and that should have been enough, later on he died of cancer. At the time we did not know he had cancer, only then she said I was right. It was too late, we could not save him. Your are right when you said Dr. Falconer is the ONLY veterinarian to come out and advocate not to follow the Law. He is an honest person that have his beliefs, and he is fighting for what he believe is the correct thing to do. I admire him for that, his honesty always shines through. He has this drive and conviction to reach and teach people with this wonderful blog and his excellent ability to write. No matters what he says there are not too many vets doing what he does. It has to take a lot of time and commitment to write a newsletter every week. Thank you Dr. Falconer for caring!!
            I do not think you are boasting when you said you tell your vet what test to do and what titers. I do the same with the conventional veterinarian, like I said they have go along with everything but this R is the big one. I could only hope the do not call the county because I know they are not good about it. They asked for the vaccine at the dog park. A friend has a dog that had a reaction to the Rabies vaccine. A dermatologist wrote a letter to send to the county for the dog to be exempted. They did not respond for about 1/2 a year until finally she heard from them, and the exemption was granted. I also hope the Rabies Challenge study will be finished soon. In the meantime we will have to fly under the radar, I really hope I can accomplish this.
            Dr. Falconer said earlier about a lady that showed her dog and never had trouble with vaccines. Well, I show dogs and they do not ask you for vaccines at the shows. I belong to a training club that accept titers for everything. But the dog park has the police at the door asking for the R vaccine. Shame on them!!

    • Hope on September 2, 2014 at 12:30 am

      Hi Jeri —
      You are located in Louisiana? I was trying to catch up with what you were saying, but did you mean that pups can now be titered here in LA instead of forcing vaccinations?

  57. karen on July 22, 2014 at 12:21 am

    Thank you for all of your shared wisdom!
    I have a 5 year old 10lb Chihuahua who has reacted to vaccinations from the first after getting him at 10 weeks old. Of course he was given several shots at one time (at only 3 pounds). His reaction was within 3 hours, severe anaphylactic shock thankfully I noticed his little face swell enormously. Not knowing then what I know now I continued to vaccinate until this happened again. At this point I knew better than to continue and adopted a NO vaccination attitude.
    Forward to last June…. I took him in for a teeth cleaning and was told that he needed a rabies vaccination and when I declined they said that if he bit anybody in the office he would be quarantined and possibly put down, so I relented. Within a week he displayed severe anxiety and I took him back to the vets office and was given zanax which I did not give him. Since he is now a dog that hides under the bed often and has definite issues. Thankfully he is most often a really happy little dog. Recently he had severe swollen lymph nodes and we feared lymphoma, but the test said no. I am wondering if a year later this could be caused by the vaccination?
    We live not at all near a holistic vet… I have been putting rock rose (Bach remedies) in his water dish, but so far not seeing any improvement. Any suggestions???

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 22, 2014 at 4:56 am

      Hi Karen,
      I can see vaccinosis illness cropping up at quite variable intervals. I think the vital force does the best it can with what it’s given, but at some point, disease has welled up to the point where it breaks through. Age is a contributing factor in this, quite often.
      Fears that come after vaccination are best taken to a vet homeopath. There’ll be much more to the story when a full homeopathic intake is done, and it will take case management and more than one remedy to cure, quite likely. My Resources page has the AVH list, and remember, ALL: a homeopathic vet needn’t live in your town to help. Many do telephone consults, so don’t let distance throw you. If you can clearly describe your animal (and hey, most of you can do this very, very well), a vet can work with you from a distance.
      Good luck with him, Karen. And congrats on putting the pieces together and giving the vet a healthy dose of Vitamin N: NO MORE!

  58. Kathi Richards on July 21, 2014 at 8:27 pm

    I just had to have one of my dogs vaccinated a month ago. Required by law and the county knows she is here. I didn’t want to. They would accept a titers and a note from her vet stating that she was not “healthy” enough to be vaccinated in lieu of the vac. They would not license her if she did not have the vac, but would have her titers on record just in case she got picked up. Since I didn’t have time to get the titers before her license would expire (results would take a month to come back), I went ahead and let the vet give her a shot at the clinic. I am not thrilled with myself. She has more emotional issues than physical and I wonder if they are worse because of the vaccine. I will continue to watch her for signs of vaccinosis. She is around 8 now. In 3 years I will have a plan in place for her.
    As for the format of this blog, I prefer your regular witty style. It was fine to read but I get more from the other format. Thanks always for your wonderful blogs, articles, and caring. Blessings

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 22, 2014 at 4:49 am

      Hi Kathi,
      Thanks for the feedback, always valued.
      So, you live in a fairly enlightened area, sounds like, if titers and a vet letter are acceptable in lieu of rabies. Is that a state wide ruling, or only your county? And where are you please?
      And yes, “expiration” of something that doesn’t really expire (in truth, immunity doesn’t, while licenses, a human construct, do), often propels people to act in ways they later regret. I do hope you’ll not have to pay with more disease for this decision. If, emotionally, she clearly gets worse, you’ll want a good homeopathic vet on board to help you undo this.
      Thanks again.

      • kathi richards on August 12, 2014 at 4:31 pm

        I live in Mono County, California. I think that the ruling is statewide as far as a dog being to ill to be vaccinated. I don’t know if I would call our county truly enlightened or just aware of the law. Either way I am fine with that if they leave my pups alone. They know I am a big time dog lover and so “not having a dog” would be a red flag for them. In 3 years I will have a titers done and get a note from her vet. So far she has not gotten emotionally worse. She loves her flower remedies and I think that they are helping her tremendously.

  59. Jena on July 21, 2014 at 8:25 pm

    Unnecessary vaccines killed my cat and I sued my vet. Vaccine Associated Sarcoma killed my cat on February 14, 2011, and my lawsuit has been ongoing since then. I am representing myself and have made it all the way to the Texas Supreme Court which dismissed their appeal. I am awaiting a jury trial date. You can read the whole story here and like my facebook page for recent updates
    I do not vaccinate after initial puppy and kitten shots.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 9:50 pm

      Wow, Jena. What’s the vet’s argument? With a disease named as “associated with a vaccine,” what legal leg does the vet have to stand on? I’m going to guess: SOP. Standards of Practice. “This is what is done. All of us in the profession do this, so I did, too.” Something along those lines?
      So, the Texas Supreme Court sided with you, then? Bravo!!

      • Jena on July 22, 2014 at 10:19 am

        Main argument is standard of care locality rule. In other words all the veterinarians in Corpus Christi do the same thing by over vaccinating, administering unnecessary vaccines and do not disclose the risks associated with said vaccines. Stay tuned….

        • Will Falconer, DVM on July 22, 2014 at 10:56 am

          Got it. And it’ll be great to call that flimsy defense into question so we can establish a new standard of care! Go get ’em. And please keep me posted on your outcome, Jena.

  60. Paula on July 21, 2014 at 5:55 pm

    I only ever vaccinated one of my two dogs with rabies. It’s not required where I live, but I wanted to be a ‘good dog owner’. I did my homework and found a good breeder who bred for all the things I was looking for. She got the full round of recommended puppy shots and at 16 weeks she got the rabies. That was when things started to go wrong. She was my first puppy, my family never had dogs when I was growing up so I missed a lot of things that I shouldn’t have. She started getting a pot belly. People who saw her said she was a chubby puppy, some said she might have worms. Neither of those things are overly concerning. It wasn’t until a couple more months went by and I took her in to talk about getting her spayed. That was instantly forgotten when the vet examined her. He noticed there was fluid in her abdomen. He took her to the back and ‘confernced’ with the other vets for a couple hours. He came back and we decided to do some tests. Skip ahead many months and several hundred dollars later and I still had no answers. First they thought it was her heart, then her liver, then spleen and then kidneys. I finally could not afford any more tests and I never did find out what was wrong with her. The breeder gave me a replacement who I proceeded to again give all the puppy vaccines suspecting nothing and ended up giving this one severe pollen allergies. The first dog lived with me until the age of five when (I think) her bowl twisted. The ulta-sound showed her intestines flapping like ribbons even then and she only got bigger. Now looking back I see she had almost all the hallmarks of rabies vaccinosis. She was a spunky girl though and seemed happy right up til the end.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 6:04 pm

      Amazing, Paula. Sounds like she had something significantly amiss to have an abdomen full of fluid, and because she didn’t have a diagnosis that satisfied Dr. WhiteCoat, she “couldn’t” be treated. A homeopath would have started curative treatment regardless of naming the disease, but you didn’t know that then and did the best you could.
      It sounds like both dogs were great teachers for you and you are much the wiser for having lived through their challenges.
      Thanks for posting their stories. Lots to be gleaned from this.

  61. Jen on July 21, 2014 at 5:49 pm

    A few years back one of my dogs, a one year old cockapoo, was given a few vaccines at a time, including his 1 year rabies booster. When we got home from the vet visit, within an hour of the vaccines being administered, he was lethargic, his gums and tongue were grey and he was not fully alert. I rushed him back to our vet at the time and they gave him a benadryl shot and then suggested that we split up his vaccines next time into a few visits.
    We haven’t vaccinated our dogs since that happened two and a half years ago and we’ve since been working to try to repair the damage done to our pups by too many vaccines.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 5:57 pm

      Wow, Jen, within hours?? Sounds like Tigger, doesn’t it? Was this Charlie? I hope I have this noted in my records…
      Thanks for sharing this.

      • Jen on July 22, 2014 at 10:55 am

        Yes, within the hour he reacted like that! It was terrifying and that experience was what prompted me to follow my gut, pursue the natural path, and begin working with you.
        This was Reese. We did discuss it during their intake and he was prescribed his remedies with that in mind. I am grateful every day that we are aware of and don’t follow conventional ways and to be operating under your guidance to do our best by our pups.

        • Jen on July 22, 2014 at 11:15 am

          I’d also add that our other dog, Charlie, has a host of other issues that may be related to being vaccinated according to protocol, which we are trying to improve through our work with you, Dr. Falconer.
          Charlie suffered a seizure that came out of nowhere at 2.5 years old, he was given a “pancreatitis” diagnosis (because our old vet needed a diagnosis for his unwellness, the x-ray was inconclusive for anything) which was diagnosed the day after he had a seizure, and he was just diagnosed with Addison’s Disease this past February, two months shy of his 5th birthday.
          After Charlie’s seizure, I began questioning whether everything we were doing was right. We were following all of the rules– vaccinating, giving flea and heartworm medicine, feeding the best dry kibble, annual vet visits for their check up. My gut told me that something wasn’t right– we were during everything “right” and they were not vibrant, healthy pups (at the time they were 1.5 and 2.5 years old).
          I was a subscriber to the Whole Dog journal and the articles always led me to further research. We started with their food, we transitioned them to the Honest Kitchen and eventually to a home-prepared cooked diet. Then I began questioning their flea and heartworm treatments one winter– telling myself that it was cold so they could go off for a few months. By the time spring came around, I’d decided that the risk wasn’t worth poisoning them little by little. I stumbled onto Dr. Falconer’s information and reached out and through our work got the courage to stop vaccines and transition to a fully raw diet.
          A little over a year later and our 4 and 5 year old pups are more vibrant than I’ve seen them since puppyhood. We are still working on getting them fully vital and healed but there’s proof in the progress they’ve made. They are more playful and happy than they were when we had them on the conventional path.
          I hope that sharing my experience will give someone else the courage to start somewhere and keep going. It can be overwhelming to know where to start. We are their guardians and they deserve to have us do the best we can by them.

          • Will Falconer, DVM on July 22, 2014 at 11:52 am

            Thanks for writing this so clearly, Jen. You’ve made great strides with your dogs, and you’re absolutely correct: there’s a lot out there to learn and guardians need to take a step, even if it’s a small one to start.

  62. Margaret Wilby on July 21, 2014 at 4:37 pm

    I had a large charcoal grey cat that adopted me some years ago. After having him for a year, I found out that he had feline aids and that he should not receive the rabies vaccine because of his compromised immune system, so, he never did…until one day, supposedly, he attacked a small dog that approached him as he was resting under a car outside my house. I didn’t see the incident, but the dog’s owner told me that in trying to “save” her dog, she was scratched by my cat and that the cat chased them down the street! I was dumbfounded, my cat was a bit psychotic, but really, she actually ran away from a cat! I couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of my cat chasing a woman and her dog down the street! So, the next day animal control shows up and my cat has to be detained for 10 days (he’d had no current rabies vaccine). My vet agreed to take him in and let me come twice a day to feed him, so that he didn’t have to go to “the pound”. 10 days later before I could take him home he had to be micro-chipped and vaccinated for rabies, I reminded the vet that he had told me this animal could not be vaccinated, and he then denied ever telling me that. I said that this vaccine would probably kill my cat and the vet shrugged his shoulders and said that he had no choice in the matter. Two months later, after suffering with cancer, my Smokey died on my kitchen floor. I never went back to that vet and he had been a long time, personal friend. I have had other unfortunate outcomes from visits to traditional vets which is what prompted my search for someone who practiced alternative medicine for animals. I now have 3 dogs and they are under the care & guidance of Dr. Falconer, who I was so fortunate to find when I acquired my first puppy.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 4:56 pm

      Oh, Margaret, what a sad tale. I’d never heard about Smokey, I don’t think, perhaps before my time with you. How old was he when the fateful vaccine was given?
      A shrug and a nod to a law that superseded common sense. Sad outcome for such a cavalier attitude.
      Thanks for telling us her story.

      • Margaret Wilby on July 22, 2014 at 2:29 pm

        Smokey, was about 10 years old when he was finally vaccinated and died as a result.
        He had lived for 9 years with Feline Aids without any significant problems, a couple of respiratory infections that did not kill him as my vet then, had predicted. And yes, Dr. Falconer, this was long before I found you! It did; however, play a big role in my decision to search for an Alternative Veterinarian.

  63. Jama on July 21, 2014 at 4:10 pm

    My 12 yr old cat had mild seizures and was VERY sick after her rabies vaccine, which the vet gave without my permission, saying it was the law. (She was just there for upper respiratory infection caused by a bad tooth.) In April she was so not herself–just sitting upright with her head down and not eating, playing or even walking around–that I took her to the cat care “experts” who x-rayed her and found a tumor the size of a golf ball. They advised me to put her to sleep or start her on chemo drugs and leave her in hospital, to the tune of $800 a week. I told them no way and took my baby home. I started her on the cheap stuff first, just baking soda in raw maple syrup 3x a day. Then we did a round of Essiac tea thrice daily, then went on the vital pet lipids, celloquent powder and lots of supplements. She is now back to being her old self, “singing” and playing, and she has gained back all the weight she lost–2 &1/2 pounds. I know her bad episode was related to the vaccine. She won’t be getting another.
    I wonder if there is anything I can give to stop the seizures? She is still making progress on sulfur, sublingual vitamin B, olive leaf extract and Lysine, along with her vitality “meds”, but the seizures haven’t stopped completely. The cavity in her tooth has healed and she is clear of infection, thanks to the MSM, pink salt and minerals. Suggestions?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 4:51 pm

      Remarkable how much you’ve accomplished, Jama.
      I’d not have a suggestion except this one: the “whole cat” has yet to be addressed with constitutional prescribing, hence the seizures are still present. If the sulphur you speak of is in potency, I’d stop it and get a professional homeopath to help you find the simillimum. Staying too long on a “close” remedy can do damage.
      All the best to you and her.
      p.s. it was malpractice to vaccinate for rabies, law or no law. This cat was sick at the time, and that’s counter to every rabies vaccine’s label: “Only for Use in Healthy Dogs, Cats, Ferrets, etc.”

      • jama on July 21, 2014 at 5:20 pm

        Thank you Dr. Falconer, I would have lost her months ago if not for your ability to use common sense and rely on nature’s systems. The MSM is (derived from organic vegetables) encapsulated. I give 1/6th of a capsule in turkey baby food 1x daily–a tiny bit. The tooth was so badly rotted her breath was putrid, but is normal “tuna breath” now. There is a black speck where the hole was. I found a dental gel that’s made from botanical peppermint oil that really knocks out the germs, and it gets into the spots her toothbrush can’t. She is so much a well cat compared to what she was, and to think they wanted me to put this funny girl to sleep! She had a heart murmur, and outlived their projections by 11 years! If I’d gone back to the exam room with her, I’d have stopped the vet from giving that rabies shot! They don’t let pet parents back there, sadly, and they make a lot of money on those vaccines. I don’t have a holistic vet who can do a work up in my area. I’ve done pretty well with what I learned here! Many thanks.

  64. Marti Miller on July 21, 2014 at 2:50 pm

    OMG!! This is a client of mine! I am so glad she caller you! He was so close to death the last time I talked to her, that she was going to euthanize him the day after her sons birthday. I can not express my gratitude that he was saved after a vet did so much harm to him. Thank you for sharing this story and I plan on posting it as well. We will make a difference in the law, we have to!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 3:59 pm

      Yes, small world, Marti. Another client was nannying for these folks and recommended me, so that’s what prompted her to write.
      The last vet before me on the case was amazed Tigger was able to stand up, as anemic as he was. It almost seems like he was hanging in there for his story to be told…

  65. terry on July 21, 2014 at 1:48 pm

    We have a pup that developed seizures shortly after her first rabies vaccination. These gradually became further and further apart until her one-year rabies ‘booster’ which set her off on another cycle of seizures. The further away from her rabies vaccines she gets, the further apart her seizures become. We are seriously considering becoming law-breakers when her next ‘booster’ is due. (just a note and certainly not to be rude, I prefer your usual narrative for your articles. I found this to more confusing and made me want to skim,…again, please no offense meant)

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 3:55 pm

      No offense taken, Terry, it was “experimental” and tried on for size. We’ll see how painful it was for the others who read it. I’m not attached to this style, but had a lot of fun writing it this way.
      A point in your favor, as I point on my Vaccination Waiver page, it’s malpractice for anyone to revaccinate your animal. You’d have a strong case for that, given your pup’s history. I’d start with reasoning with the vet to get a waiver at that level. Clearly cause and effect, two vaccines running. It’d be playing with fire to get a third! I’d not go there with any amount of coercion!

  66. Tricia on July 21, 2014 at 12:56 pm

    Rabies is a tough one. I have not found a way to avoid this one vaccine. I have been successful using waivers for the others but not Rabies.
    As an example of hard this can be – A few years ago, in a small town in Montana, we were caught overdue for rabies at a dog park and given 30 days to make it right or leave the county. After 2 rounds with the Sheriff, showing evidence of previous vaccination, titer tests and even the local vet intervening on our behalf, there was no option other than quit my job and move. I was trapped.
    Its been almost 3 yrs since we were forced into that vaccine and I expect a postcard in the mail any day now. I have no intention of vaccinating again and I accept responsibility for that decision. Although its the “unlawful” path, I would much rather play the odds with getting caught and work to affect change in the laws.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 3:51 pm

      I hear you, Tricia. I have a client in West Texas who opted to go to court and pay hundreds (thousands?) in fines so she could keep her animals from further vaccines. I’ve had people tell me they’ve told the authorities their animal died to avoid further unnecessary and potential dangerous rabies vaccines.
      And one long ago client (who I hope to interview soon, if she okay’s it) who, taking my advice to heart twenty years ago, had a champion dog who went through shows all her life without a single vaccination for anything. I suspect it was largely possible with a very positive attitude and a warm smile! She never pitched a battle with anyone, AFAIK.
      As long as all you get is a postcard from the vet, you’ll likely be fine. Some municipalities carry it further and vet alerts officials who make life miserable. I hope that’s not true where you live.

  67. cherri wise on July 21, 2014 at 12:43 pm

    This is SO timely. I resuced a kitten around 10 weeks old – over 3 years ago. I did the first round of vaccinations, and think I did the 2nd and I also had her spayed. She has always been an indoor cat. I have been feeding her Platefuls along with Epigen 90 (your recommendation) as a supplemental food. I got a new 5 lb bag, my dog ate some and had diarehha. Then I gave it to my cat the following day and came home to diarehha. So she was to be contained in the bathroom, the room I had used for timeouts. The room she absolutely HATES!. She is semi-feral and I have had significant battles to keep her contained for the past 5 days. One night when I turned the shower on to clean off poop from my foot, she freaked out so much I got a glimpse of what a truly wild animal looks like. I was afraid for myself. I just took her to the vet this morning to get her ready to become an outside cat – becasue I realized she is too wild and that I am not equiped to take care of her when she needs anything (e.g. she won’t let me handle her now,etc.) To my shock, I was told because she had bit me, and that I couldn’t verify that she had any rabies shot, which I am sure she had her 1st, they had to put her in quarantene for 10 days. This was protocol because she didn’t have 2 rabies vaccinations 2 years in a row (only then can you legally skip for 3 years). They also have freaked me out pretty good stating that the rabies virus could have been dormant in her for 3+ years and that I potentially have been exposed to rabies. I will only know if she dies within the 10 days. Also after thinking about it after leaving the vet, I was concerned for my 11 yo dog, since the virus is tramsmitted through saliva, they have shared a water bowl. My dog has had at least 2 or 3 rabies shots, but I haven’t given her one in at least 5-6 years. Dr. Falconer any comments you might have as to how to address this situation – would be so greatly appreciated!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 3:44 pm

      Hi Cherri,
      The paperwork will tell the story: how old she was when she had a rabies vaccine, whether or not she had two, etc. If you don’t have it, the clinic that gave them will.
      If quarantine proves her to be normal in behavior after 10 days (which I’d highly suspect) all’s well. Odds are she’s just acting like a feral cat, freaked out by confinement and handling that was beyond her boundaries.
      And saliva of a truly rabid animal usually has to meet broken skin to infect someone. But I highly doubt this cat has rabies, given the history. Not impossible, just highly unlikely.
      Please let us know, will you Cherri? At the end of 10 days of observation, it should be clear to all involved.

  68. Karin on July 21, 2014 at 11:38 am

    Another excellent article! We lost a cat years ago after a feline Aids vaccine which led to a full case of feline Aids.
    Our pup just had his 4 month Rabies vax yesterday. Although I am vehemently against vaccines and haven’t vaccinated fully our other dogs we’ve had, I still have been too fearful to forego the “lawful” Rabies vax. Especially since our dogs go camping with us and the only place I carry our Rabies tags and paperwork is in our RV. We did do the Tautode protocol you sent us and he will get his final Rabies tautode dose today. We comforted our Pup (or rather ourselves) with the statement “That is the only visit you will ever have with a Dr. WhiteCoat.” (hopefully, we never have to visit an Animal hospital, which would only be if there were serious trauma)
    I look forward to Part 2 and maybe we will never do this with another animal.
    Thank you Dr. Falconer!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 3:37 pm

      So, Karin, just watch for symptoms occurring in about a month. As you can see from this post and the comments, they could be almost anything. If you see them, get back in touch or get on board with a local vet homeopath and get the vaccinosis cured.
      No “one size fits all,” as you’ve likely gleaned from reading my various posts on vaccines. But you know what normal looks like, and if your pup veers into abnormal, take good notes about how that looks. Those symptoms will point to a remedy, just as surely as Tigger’s did for him.
      Fingers crossed for you that the tautode will be all you need.

      • Karin on July 28, 2014 at 1:26 pm

        Thank you for the advice and I will do. I did not know about the “one month” concern so I will be watching for that.
        Also – loving your Bach Flowers series. I’m a big user of Bachs as well.
        Take care,

  69. Suzi on July 21, 2014 at 11:14 am

    I lost my border collie mix at 6 yrs old to lymphoma, she was diagnosed 3 months after her 3rd rabies vaccine … I have learned so much, & am so convinced vaccines are not just unnecessary, but toxic ! …
    I now have a 5 yr old lab mix… Daisy received one “1 year” rabies vaccine as a 6 month old pup (she had one set of ‘puppy shots’)… Since then we have done a titer yearly and she is still showing full antibodies ! …
    Here is my question : we travel in our motorhome… How do I work around the “rabies vaccine records” requirements ? … I am not worried at all about her getting rabies or anything else… Very simply, she would have to be exposed to rabies before this could ever become an issue ! …
    Thanks ! Suzi

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 3:33 pm

      Suzi: you just carry a copy of your 6 month old shot records. Done deal. Odds are, you’ll never be asked for them, but if someone beats those odds, further odds are they won’t notice the date or be concerned about it. See my earlier post about Dogs and Cats Who Can Fly.
      Driving is way less risky to get asked for any records at all, and that last post points out that even flying, odds are high you’ll do fine with “out of date” shot records.
      You’re golden, I’d bet.
      p.s. and you’re right: she’s protected, and will stay that way very likely for life.

  70. Jackie on July 21, 2014 at 10:54 am

    My shihtzu was ‘due’ for the 3 year rabies vaccination this spring. When the vet was going to prepare for the vaccine I took a deep breath and said ‘No, no more rabies shots for him’. I got a puzzled look and questions about my decision. We went back and forth with our own court-room style arguments! I basically said that I will not vaccinate because the law says it’s necessary. My pets health is my main concern. Duration of immunity says he’s covered and that’s all I need. I had to sign a waiver, which I gladly did. Phew.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 3:28 pm

      Way to go, Jackie!! That took some ovaries and I applaud your persistence to get this done! A waiver on his record? Small potatoes compared to risking another unnecessary and potential dangerous rabies vaccine.
      My hat’s off to you. Thanks for the inspiration. Taking this control of our own animals is where it has to start. I hope many more follow your lead.

      • Jackie on July 22, 2014 at 10:07 am

        Thank you for the kind words Dr. Falconer!

        • jolieqe on April 24, 2016 at 11:25 pm

          Hi Jackie – waiver for rabies…does that do anything? I mean, does that trigger the license/county to come after you to force a rabies vaccine? I’m terrified of that!

  71. Frankie on July 21, 2014 at 10:36 am

    Facing a dilemma right now….none of my dogs have gotten a booster since their first rabies vaccination; for some, that was almost 5 years ago. I have a 16 month old who has not had the first rabies vax yet…..I’m worrying about what to do if animal control comes knocking on my door.

    • Dog Lovers on July 22, 2014 at 1:52 am

      We all must decide if we’re going to allow our animals/children to be harmed by vaccinating them. My husband and I are Christians, and have decided we’ll never vaccinate again – human or animal. Our first pack of dogs ALL suffered serious health, behavior and mental problems from vaccines. Allergies, Cushing’s disease, seizures, aggression and more was the result from the vaxs. Our last vaccinated dog was 8 years ago. He was severely damaged by “just one” rabies vaccine at 13 months old. It also was a TF variety, done separate from anything else, and we convinced our vet to give him a half dose since he weighed 7 lbs. 4 weeks after that vax he was a different dog – afraid of everything, anxious, a loner, and more. Gone was the happy, confident, friendly, amazing little dog we all adored….all from that jab.
      The Bible teaches that we’re to keep the blood pure, and keep the seed from being mixed. Obviously, when genetic materials from bacteria, viruses, yeast, animals, birds, and other humans are injected during vaccination, the blood gets contaminated, and genetic changes occur. God warned not to do this. To do so violates these teaching of the Bible. Our objection is based on our deeply-held religious beliefs and our past experiences. We believe God’s law is to be obeyed when man’s laws conflict with it. We’ve been able to avoid animal control so far, but if we’re forced to, we’ve decided to appeal to our local county government. If that doesn’t work, we’ll take it to court and consult with a vaccine attorney. No person or govmt has the right to harm any living creature. “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty” – Thomas Jefferson.

      • Will Falconer, DVM on July 22, 2014 at 5:25 am

        Brilliant quote! My hat’s off to your disciplined resistance.
        You saw the ill effects of “just rabies” and took your stand, holding it for the past 8 years.
        Bravo!! Thanks for sharing your strength with us here. (I’m going to have to borrow Jefferson’s quote. Powerful rallying point for our pack.)

        • Dog Lovers on July 22, 2014 at 4:30 pm

          I forgot to include this. Mobile groomers don’t require proof of “current vaccines.” You can also find videos online to learn how to groom dogs; we chose to do that. At first, the dogs didn’t look so great but like everything, you get better as you go. Another option is to educate your groomer or call around to find a new groomer who understands all this. My sister educated her groomer on vaccine facts and they no longer require proof of “current” vaccines. The shop owner has 2 small dogs with serious vaccine damage. If a customer has an unvaccinated dog, they must sign a waiver so the groomer isn’t responsible if their dog becomes ill.
          Thanks for such a wonderful newsletter, Dr. Falconer. We read it all and love any format you use. You’re an excellent writer and your love for animals shines through.

  72. Elizabeth H. on July 21, 2014 at 10:23 am

    The vaccination “situation” is such a huge problem, we do have to figure out how as pet owners we can effect change. The best I hope I see is getting titers accepted as proof of immunity. When it comes to the horrors of commercial pet food we can vote with our choices, with vaccinations we are stuck by law.
    I’m used to living outside the mainstream and not using groomers or boarding kennels. In my city I have to try to live off the grid and not license my dog or I’ll be forced to do rabies. I would like to do therapy work with my dog but that means up-to-date vaccinations, and I’m not willing to risk her health for that. I feed raw and there have been some issues with therapy groups about not allowing raw fed pets to do therapy work. I’m not interested in having to lie about my beliefs so it means one lovely little dog who has a lot to offer won’t be able to be an official therapy dog.
    So much needs to change. But thank god when we are forced to vaccinate we have homeopathy to help support our pets finding their way back to balance.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 3:25 pm

      You’ve identified a sticky situation, Elizabeth, and another that needs change: therapy dogs are pretty much now limited to those whose owners are willing to feed kibble and vaccinate regularly, both impairments to health. A lot of valuable “canine therapists” are excluded, as you point out.
      I applaud your priorities of keeping your animals vital vs entering into the mainstream where it’s still quite risky to health to live. Bravo.

      • Angela Kaiser on August 11, 2016 at 7:46 am

        Hi, just a few comments on the therapy dog comments above. I have a therapy dog that is registered through Alliance of Therapy dogs. And it would be good to know that it did require a initial rabies vaccination to get him in but unlike the other therapy dog agencies, this one will accept titers from now on and does allow you to feed your dog whatever diet you wish. I now use the titers and feed my dogs raw and I do not have any issues. 🙂

        • Will Falconer, DVM on August 11, 2016 at 8:29 am

          This is great news, Angela!
          And, if they want to take their enlightened approach a step further, please share this page with them. There they’ll learn that they need not demand more vaccinations when the titer inevitably falls.

        • Shielah on January 18, 2018 at 10:30 am

          The ADA in the US does not require your therapy or service dog to be registered by anyone, and they can be trained by their owner.

    • Raven on July 22, 2014 at 12:28 am

      Good news! Therapy Dogs Incorporated (not to be confused with Therapy Dogs International) allows raw feeding. They also accept titers instead of rabies vaccines (I can’t remember the titer number required.) The titer must be accompanied by a note from a vet saying it wouldn’t be good to vaccinate. (This isn’t hard if you find a good vet like Dr. Falconer, they are around).
      I am so thankful that this organization is ahead of the rest of them! The problem becomes the county you live in. If your county doesn’t accept titers then your dog can not (legally) do therapy work there, but most places therapy dogs visit do not check on this. So, there are therapy dogs working out there eating raw and not getting vaccinated. Hurray!

      • Will Falconer, DVM on July 22, 2014 at 5:16 am

        This is indeed good news, Raven!
        And there’s another tip in your comment, useful to others: if there’s a weak link in the chain that helps you achieve no further vaccines, USE IT to your advantage. So, not all places that take therapy dogs check on county requirements. Great. You’re in.
        We have to be creative and a bit subversive sometimes in the name of what we know is right, and to protect our animals! If you know your animals to be previously vaccinated, (and therefore immune, bonus if you have a titer to prove it), you don’t need to bring up county requirements as you enter into therapy work, right? Same with raw feeding. Salmonella appears in kibble as well, you know.
        More often, less said is better! Assume a dominant, but friendly role and get things done without risking your animals’ Vital Animal status. Here’s an earlier post on attitude to help you do this.
        Carry on! March forth with exemplary shiny magnets of health and change the world, one conversation at a time!

  73. Lynn on July 21, 2014 at 9:05 am

    My papillon has had one rabies vaccination at 6 mos old, I got him at 11 mos, and had Dr Dodds do a titer which was inadequate level. I’m reluctant to get another! Should I get the mercury free and then give the sulfur ? I do everything I can think of to keep my dogs healthy, prey model food, oils, organic cleaners, etc, what do you think would be my best plan of action???

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 3:21 pm

      I’d start with repeating his titer. A colleague of mine stopped all rabies vaccines in her horse and watching his rabies titer climb for the next 8-10 years!
      Also, a very important understanding that I suspect Jean Dodds is not on board with, but Ron Schultz speaks to: ANY titer shows there’s protection. The adequate vs no argument is a red herring. Titers only measure antibody production, which is only part of the immune response. Any evidence of a titer, AFAIK, indicates immunity has set in, and he should be protected going forward. Six months is plenty old enough for the average healthy animal to mount a significant immunity, too, so I’m glad he was this old when he got his rabies vaccine.

      • Lynn on July 21, 2014 at 7:17 pm

        Thank you, I’ll wait and repeat the titer.

        • Louann Hansen on July 22, 2014 at 1:46 am

          If you expose your Papillon to other dogs that have recently been vaccinated for rabies, his titer should go up. I have had puppies who have never had a rabies vaccination show rabies antibodies when titers were run….they were exposed to the virus through shed vaccine in other dog’s urine and developed immunity (a much more natural process than an injection straight into the muscle tissue). If you aren’t required to vaccinate against rabies, I wouldn’t!

          • L on July 22, 2014 at 4:08 am

            Is this true? What if the dogs received the rabies vaccine a few years ago?
            I have a young dog that has a medical issue, no one will sign the waiver and I’m not comfortable giving him even one rabies vaccine. My other dogs received the rabies vaccine 3-4 years ago.
            So, he may show antibodies if titered?

          • Will Falconer, DVM on July 22, 2014 at 5:34 am

            Louann, brilliant idea! As you say, key word here is “recently.” That vaccinated animal may shed vaccine virus for days, possibly weeks, and that route of exposure is relatively safe. Good call! Titers and immunity will benefit without much risk with natural exposure.
            That’s corroborated in my colleague’s work on parvo and distemper, done in CT for a solid decade. Read more here about that.
            Love this discussion! You all have such value to contribute and our collective experience is a powerful voice of change!!

      • Gudrun Hoerig on October 16, 2020 at 10:40 am

        Dear Dr.Falconer,
        Firstly, I am so happy I found you online and subscribed to your newsletter.
        Secondly, what a wealth of information in these blogs!
        I just adopted a 6 year old Pitbull from our local shelter, 7 weeks ago and the dog
        was vaccinated with every vaccine known to man. When I took him home he started having
        the worst diarrhea ever and it became so bad I took him to my regular vet. He was diagnosed
        with C-diff and had to be put on Flagyl! At least it cleared up the infection, however the
        poor boy became an itchy, scratchy mess. I did contact the Homeopath who I have personally
        used for years and she also treats dogs. The detox powders she gave him to detox the vaccines produced the most horrifying side effects, of coughing (like kennel cough to the extreme) retching, reverse sneezing, heaving. I then administered the calming powder which
        did help and he calmed down within about an hour. The itching continued to the point where I was no longer able to watch him suffer. I made the decision to visit our regular vet again and he felt that the only way to treat this “allergy” was to administer a shot of Cytopoint which is a new drug (and supposed to be given for three months once a month!) and he assured me he has given it to one of his own dogs, blah blah blah……unfortunately I let myself be persuaded and Loki got the shot. So far so good and the itching has stopped. I also asked the vet if he could check the titer, but he felt that it would not show anything (!) I went online and checked out this new drug and of course, am horrified of what it does. Between the signs of vaccinosis, the antibiotics he was given
        at the shelter and afterwards and now the injection, I am concerned what the health implications will be for him.
        I would love to get your opinion on what to do now!
        Thank you very much,

  74. Wendy Wolfe on July 21, 2014 at 8:55 am

    After avoiding rabies for my maltipoo for 9 years I was forced to vaccinate him when I moved to a small town. (I had been in the country so could forgo the licensing). I sought out the vaccine with the least harmful adjuvant and did a homeopathic remedy before and after. Four weeks afterwards he began having seizures. I took him to another vet with better knowledge of homeopathic remedies who did an entire work up on him. After one dose no more seizures and the fearful tendencies which had come on also disappeared. The only good thing that came out of it is he will never have to be vaccinated again as he now has a “get out of jail free” card. We must change these laws.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 3:15 pm

      Wow, Wendy, what a story! A month after vaccination is so very common to see illness cropping up, and conventional vets miss this all the time, as they’re not looking for it.
      Also telling is this: you did the very best you could, chose the vaccine carefully, gave a remedy before and after, and STILL had seizures! Damn.
      So glad the homeopathic vet found a remedy that hit the mark for him.
      And yes: these laws must be changed!
      Thanks for sharing this with us, Wendy.

    • VICKI on August 4, 2014 at 10:09 am

      Just want to say that if you support the work of Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM and donate to the Rabies Challenge Fund, you can watch the state laws change.
      The work of the Rabies Challenge Fund has been the foundation of the change in the law in something like 12 or 13 states.
      As pet owners, we need to become activists and get on it with our state legislatures. You can do it if you have the right data for them and someone like Dr. F. to advocate for our pets as well as providing “intelligent” information to lawmakers.
      The AVMA will NEVER be our voice. Let’s use Dr. Dodds’ research and find homeopathic vets like Dr. F. to speak up!

    • jolieqe on April 24, 2016 at 11:19 pm

      Wendy, what remedy did your homeopathic vet use to help your pup get over the vaccinosis of rabies??

  75. Tracey Simpson on July 21, 2014 at 8:24 am

    I’ve witnessed two cats suffer from seizures within a week or two of receiving rabies vaccines.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 8:27 am

      Relatives of each other, Tracey, or unrelated cats?
      Seizures: another all too common sequelae of rabies vaccine, a nervous system virus.

  76. Connie on July 21, 2014 at 7:39 am

    My male Malinois was given a TF Rabies vaccination mid-May and has had to be back on Rx I/D food; He has had a sensitive stomach for years prior to this latest vaccine but I had been able to get him switched to a less costly food that he was doing well on. Since his tummy issues surfaced again I’ve been feeding half and half but will have to go back to full Rx I/D. Everything was fine until this most recent vaccine.:(

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 8:21 am

      Hi Connie,
      What’s a TF Rabies vaccination?
      I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with another face of vaccinosis. It really can look so different in different animals. Where ever their weak point is, it’ll get challenged by a vaccination.
      Thanks for sharing his story with us. Confirmation that just a single vaccine can undo health.

      • Connie on July 21, 2014 at 3:19 pm

        TF is Thimerosal-Free.

        • Will Falconer, DVM on July 21, 2014 at 4:45 pm

          Ah. There lies a rub that more need to be aware of: vaccines are significant predictors of ill health to follow regardless of adjuvants or toxic ingredients like thimerosal. I spoke to this in this post, and it’s worth a read.
          Thanks again, Connie.

          • Connie on July 21, 2014 at 5:43 pm

            I had read your article and searched out a white-coat vet who carried Thimerosal-free rables vaccine. Was trying to do the best I could with limited options…I sure hope we can get laws changed so that it’s easier to make educated decisions based on each individual animals’ health concerns.

      • Monique Warren on July 31, 2014 at 7:17 am

        Hi Dr. Falconer,
        My Border Collie – Corgie cross is one year old. She has not had a rabies vaccine. I wanted to wait. She loves chasing squirrels and rabbits. My intentions were to give her only one in her lifetime.
        Do you suggest giving it at all?
        If so is there a certain Brand you recommend?
        Any remedies that should be given prior to and after?
        Thank you in advance, Monique

        • Will Falconer, DVM on July 31, 2014 at 3:29 pm

          Hi Monique,
          It’s a valid question, to do it at all. You have to judge the likelihood of exposure where you live and your lifestyle. But also be sure to take the info on this page into account.
          I don’t think brand makes much difference. And my patients who are absolutely having to get a rabies vaccine for some reason get a rabies vaccine tautode before and after. I can send you details if you are interested. Just email me through my Contact page and use the subject line Tautodes.

          • Sue on January 11, 2016 at 8:07 pm

            I wonder if you are aware of the studies, conducted in the 1930’s, showing that Vitamin C inactivated many viruses, including rabies virus, in vitro. I have alway supplemented my animals with Mega C plus. Vaccines are poison, always have been. I started studying them in 1982, but had previous personal experience with rescued vaccinated dogs getting the diseases, but the unvaccinated ones not “catching” it from them.

            • Will Falconer, DVM on January 11, 2016 at 9:32 pm

              Hi Sue,
              I’ve heard good things about vitamin C, sure. Likely quite a difference between in vitro and in vivo though, or we’d be free of AIDS and herpes and all the rest.
              And you are right on: vaccines cause ill health, and make it much harder to effectively resist disease. Quite the opposite of what they promise, but none the less the reality. And far more than poison, I’m afraid.

          • Kramer on September 29, 2020 at 7:13 am

            Link doesn’t work

    • Cindy Marabito on July 22, 2014 at 9:40 am

      Great article…Dr. F!!! I’m running this in Mad Dog Press today and inspired by your piece am going to make today’s edition dedicated to holistic health.
      Please send me any articles you would like me to run!
      Cindy and the very healthy animals at Reunion Rescue