Rabies Cured

“It’s especially scary being attacked by your cat in the middle of the night…”

Migo had always been a lover, not a fighter, so this was really a change for him.

It freaked his owner out.

Johne’s description to me:

This current problem is really awful. It began mid-Nov 2012. Migo started attacking me with clawing swinging. I never got bit but I’m quick. He goes for the face if he can. Fortunately he announces these attacks with a peculiar meow so I’m warned. Many time he seems to be hallucinating, seeing things on the floors and walls like someone with the DTs. His eyes are wide and dilated.

Johne, Migo’s owner, had consulted other vets who were at a loss as to what to do for Migo. They gave, wait for it… antibiotics!  And they worked (!!), though temporarily. The behavior stopped for a couple of months, but then returned. As Johne wouldn’t take antibiotics herself, and surmised that they weren’t going to cure Migo, she searched and found me.

History, All Important

Migo presented as a 12 year old neutered male who probably had some Siamese in him. His mom was a “teen bride” feral cat, who showed up with four kittens under the barn, and was very tame. He’d been an indoor cat for the past two years, since coyotes attacked and killed his mom, and later his sister.

When he was an outdoor youngster, he was vaccinated yearly for rabies and FVRCP, the usual combo wombo vaccination stew that cats get from conventional vets. Never mind that he was likely immune since the first round. The vets apparently also forgot that more vaccinations = more illness, but that’s common in the industry that is conventional vet medicine. Dr. WhiteCoat continues to promote this dangerous practice (Why?), while the experts have urged the cessation of annual vaccinations for more than 20 years now.

Annual vaccinations for Migo in his first five years were followed by more vaccinations every 2-3 years, “because they wouldn’t give him a summer shave without them.” 1

His haircut afforded a lot of relief from his itchy allergic state that set in seven years earlier (likely as a result of all those vaccinations). He was allergic to dust, fleas, turkey and corn.

How to Make a Chronic Disease

We’ve known for many years that repeatedly vaccinating for an illness brings the animal into a chronic state of that illness, with symptoms often presenting in a similar form. Those symptoms commonly reside in the organ that the natural disease would affect.

This was first observed in veterinary medicine by my homeopathy teacher, Dr. Richard Pitcairn. If you want to explore this further, it’s presented here. It’s highly recommended for your understanding of what vaccinations are capable of.

So, consider if you will, the disease of rabies. It’s organ of residence is the brain, and the rabies virus spreads by changing the behavior of the infected animal significantly: it makes him aggressive.

The rabies virus is spread through saliva, and the part of the brain affected by rabies controls behavior. When infected, the animal loses it’s natural social tendencies, and will now bite others. Boom, the virus can spread.

While that in itself is quite remarkable, it may also explain a good deal of animal aggression. A significant reason cited for owners turning pets in for euthanasia is aggression to other animals or people. Is it too much of a stretch to imagine that repeatedly vaccinating with rabies virus, a virus responsible for aggression, might well confer aggression in the vaccinate? I think it’s not.

Rabies Vaccinosis

A term coined by J. Compton Burnett, a British physician of the late 1800’s, vaccinosis is illness that results from being vaccinated. We see it frequently in veterinary medicine, as long as our eyes are open, often appearing 3-4 weeks post-vaccination. It can show up much later, and in the case of rabies vaccinosis, we get suspicious when we see behavior changes, especially towards aggression.

[For a treatise on vaccinations and their effect on human behavior, a well researched resource is here: Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain.]

Migo was described by Johne as “the sweetest cat ever.” She could hold him over her shoulder, he often lay with all four legs in the air, he’d follow Johne around the house, and was quite a talker.

And then, things changed. He started “talking” more. He’d stare at places, as if watching something, and Johne couldn’t see anything there. And then, he began attacking her, typically at night, even in her sleep. This behavior was unheard of for him before, and he’d get a strange voice to indicate he was coming for her, eyes fully dilated.

At times, Johne saw his head move involuntarily, side to side, and once felt his body tremble as she held him.

Carrying Ameliorates

Somehow, Johne learned early on that the best way to deal with this bizarre aggression was to carry Migo around. Picking him up, holding him close, and walking around diffused his violent state. He’d calm down and purr, at least until the next attack came. That caught my ear, when I heard it. [Note: Migo was a phone patient, as Johne thought a car ride might put him over the edge]

My first analysis brought up the remedy phosphorus quite strongly. It matched his apparent perception changes, trembling, wild behavior, and it was one of the rabies remedies. Phosphorus patients liked company, but weren’t particularly known for being ameliorated by being carried. I sent Migo a single dose of phosphorus 10M. He took it March 9th of this year.

Nine Good Days: Not Enough

The report two weeks later was that Migo mellowed, beginning on day five, and had nine “like his old self” days. But then it started again. Aggressive to his doting owner, attacking her and scratching her hand. Damn.

New information coming in our follow up appointment revealed that now, Migo’s aggression was only in the evening. It used to be at various times, but now, it began an hour after darkness, with the strange meow and dilated pupils. He’d stalk Johne, and she either would stand over him shouting loudly or she’d carry him. Both helped shift his behavior.

Once, having had enough, Johne isolated Migo in the bedroom and slept on the couch for the night. He was upset! He called her, wanting her company!

I determined phosphorus was close, but it was time to find a better remedy.

Hallucinogenic Herb to the Rescue!

I re-analyzed after our second conversation, emphasizing this newly found modality: he was worse when it was dark, no question. He was violent, and his owner’s company ameliorated him. Odd, isn’t it? You might imagine an aggressive animal to be instead quite isolated, too irritable to be held, or worse when ever he was around his person. Not Migo.

Jimson weed flower

Datura: toxic in full strength, safe and helpful in homeopathic dilution

The remedy stramonium, made from datura or Jimson weed, a known hallucinogenic herb that interestingly, blooms at night, came up strongly. In homeopathic form, it’s diluted beyond any risk of intoxication, and I gave a single 10M dose.

Three weeks later, I received this from Johne:

Migo is doing so well! I think you must have found the key to his problem. At this time he seems perfectly normal and back to his old self.

Why did this work? The remedy was made from a substance that, if taken in crude doses, could create symptoms like Migo’s: violence, rage (both rabies symptoms), dilated pupils, hallucinations. Noted in the materia medica under stramonium were the following characteristic symptoms that Migo showed: “ceaseless talking…wants to kill people or himself…can’t bear to be alone, wants hand to be held.”

It was so similar to his illness that a tiny dose set him up to cure his rabies state. No repeat needed, and no side effects like drugs would have. Cool, right?

And once more, I’m out of work:  “I’d like to cancel our call on Apr 23rd @ 10:00.” But that’s my job: cure and be unnecessary after a while. It’s all good.

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  1. Tam on March 27, 2023 at 3:44 pm

    One other item. Having been bitten by a cat…who I am fairly certain was not rabid…just a miscommunication between my mother and my three-year old self…and put through the rabies protocol, I have always kept our animals up to date.
    Then we met our homeopathic vet. She cured our eighteen year-old feline of asthma, a duodenal ulcer and seizures. He lived for another two years, and we have used her services ever since.
    We live in the country and at one point, raised livestock. Our cats had the job of keeping mice out of the grain and house and were thus allowed outdoors. Rabies has been found in next town over and I know of a person who was chased by a rabid racoon. I did not want our animals vaccinated at all but drew the line on rabies.
    Our vet was wonderful. When the Pure-vac option became available…contains no adjuvants…we switched to it. Her protocol was to give the initial shot and a limited number of the Pure-vac boosters. Forever after, titers were used to determine that the cats were technically immune.
    Pure-vac was not available for dogs, but same idea. We spaced the boosters as far apart as legally allowed and then did titers.
    I have searched the internet as regards using homeopathy to cure and prevent this disease. Thus far I have found nothing…but the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy is taking donations that will be used to fund eight research projects, one of which is the use of homeopathy to treat animals with rabies. For those of you who would like to donate, here is the link: https://homeopathy.ca/research-development/
    Warm regards,

  2. X on April 12, 2021 at 10:23 pm

    This article neglected to inform people it’s technically required by law to have pets vaccinated against rabies in many states. If they ever bite anyone and are not up to date on their rabies vaccine they will be euthanized for their brain to be examined to make sure they don’t have rabies. The vaccines don’t last for life because the immune system doesn’t remember certain viruses forever. The rabies vaccine for humans it’s a similar same situation where there has to be repeated vaccinations in form of boosters after the initial 3 shots. Though for humans they may get tests to check for immunity markers before boosters instead of a scheduled vaccination every so often. They only get a booster if immunity is no longer detected. Only vetrinarians and animal control and the like get those vaccines though because rabies is rare in the US as result of vaccination and spaying and neutering of pets. Rabies is more rampant in countries in South America for example because many stray dogs and more bats. In the US mainly raccoons and bats as carriers. Considering this would be quite costly regularly testing a pet having to take them into the vet frequently it makes sense the protocol used. One needs to keep in mind there is several variants of the rabies vaccine for pets. The newest is the recombinant rabies vaccine which can last three years. The recombinant is free from adjuvants.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on April 13, 2021 at 7:17 am

      Euthanasia is NOT required for out of date rabies vaccination animals who bite someone. Refer to the latest Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control, put out by the NASPHV in 2016.

      Please don’t seed fear like this. There’s plenty of it already coming from uninformed veterinarians. Do your homework before you spread outdated rumors.

  3. Nicole on March 17, 2020 at 1:50 am

    I stumbled upon your article about Migo. As I was reading, Migo’s symptoms mirror what my family and I are going through with our little 11 month old Bichon-Poodle, Lucy.
    Sweet as can be during the day. But for the last couple months, at night she becomes Ms. Hyde. Growling, snapping, biting family members, but then wanting to be cuddled and held.
    Our Vet can’t find anything amiss. Says she’ll “grow out of it.” We need to help her though. I hate seeing her like this. Do you have any suggestions? Is there a natural remedy I can try with her?
    Thank you.

  4. Tam on June 30, 2019 at 6:37 pm

    Rabies is prevalent in the Northeast U.S. I was searching to determine if there are any confirmed cases of it having been cured with the assistance of Homeopathic protocols. The title of this post is misleading and it might be preferable to call it, “Rabies Vaccinosis Cured”.
    That to one side, have you resources I might consult as regards my original question?
    Wishing you the best,

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 1, 2019 at 8:11 pm

      So, Tam, point taken but I question just how prevalent rabies really is where you live? Are you speaking of wildlife? Have you checked the actual CDC data (which can be drilled down to your county)?

      Most of the media and Dr. WhiteCoat would like to scare you into vaccinating for rabies way more often that you actually need to. The “law” ignores something immunologists hold dear: duration of immunity.

      So. if you have rabies vaccinated animals, odds are they’ll be immune for years if not life, and should they be unlucky enough to be bitten by a rabid animal, a booster vaccine and a good wound washing makes them highly unlikely to succumb to the disease.

      • Heike on August 20, 2019 at 6:17 pm

        Hello Dr. Falconer, thank you for the immense efforts you put into helping our pets. My questions. My dog, malamute mix, 8 years old, vaccinated with 3 year rabbies shots only, the third time at beginning 2018 got bit by a skunk 2 days ago, 8.17.2019. We live in Idaho, encountered it 5x within a month and it only sprayed, which is defensive. This time I noticed the following day a puncture on my dogs hind leg additionally to being sprayed. Of course my dog had already licked the wound, I still cleaned it, but any saliva from skunk has been licked off. Now I read that the skunk, even if it carried rabies, can only pass on rabies in its final stage, meaning when rabid. I also know skunks are very protective when cubs are around, there was no fight. I do have the homeopathic lyssin 30c and 200c. I’m not sure if i should give it, as a replacement for a conventionel rabies booster shot. My dogs health declined after the last rabies shot and I’m scared to go that route. I owned 5 dogs of this litter, lost one girl to lymphoma at age 5, which left me traumatized, as it was a horrific death, lost their mother to lung cancer a year later. I strongly believe the causes for both was the rabies shot. All my 3 remaining dogs have different issues of skin, anal gland, every time I pet them on the chest when they are lying down on their backs, it triggers spasms of coughing, to name a few symptoms. Which brings me to my other question. A year ago I treated all of them with lyssin. However, never observed a change in above or any other symptoms. According to Homeopath Manfred Mueller, practicing isopathy, tautopathy, mercury removal has to be addressed, using a homeopathic remedy hepar sulphur calc in low potency and a binding agent to carry it out of the system, which is chlorella pyrenoidosa, not chlorella vulgaris, the later being a great nutritional supplement, but not a good binder. How do you detox animals from mercury as well as aluminum which are in every conventional vaccine? Chlorella pyrenoidosa by bio pure is the only one I know, it’s very expensive , detox can take 2 years and I want to detox too, as i had extensive vaccines/amalgam as a child. thank you kindly for your advise

        • Will Falconer, DVM on August 25, 2019 at 9:07 pm

          This is way beyond a comment discussion, Heike. I’d get with your nearest homeopathic vet and discuss your options.

          All the best.

          • Heike on September 12, 2019 at 5:03 am

            Thanks for your response. unfortunately there is no homeopathic veterinary in northern Idaho. Nobody seems to know what homeopathy is. I just wanted to know if you have detoxed pets from mercury in rabies vaccine. thanks

  5. Tammy on May 5, 2019 at 12:13 pm

    Long story short… we travel and work at campgrounds/rv resorts so we are in an area approximately 5/6 months. My beagle had an imbedded tick (didn’t know what was in there though suspected tick) had to find a vet on a Saturday, supposedly she was both holistic and conventional, took him in and first question was rabies vaccine up to date? Basically tried to play it off because no, we don’t vaccinate, after losing our 8yr Maltese, 14yrs ago to thrombocytopenia, we were devastated to say the least. Long expensive financial and emotional story. So, my question… the vet said yesterday “if he bites me and I don’t have rabies vaccine records he will be quarantined, ugh. I allowed her to do it so she would remove the burrowed infected tick. I have spent most of today reading what side effects to watch for, and most importantly, I have 14yr old Maltese/Pekingese mix (we got him a month after losing our Maltese) who I vowed not to vaccinate, though law blah blah blah said had to have rabies vac blah blah… When he was 1yr old and went for a checkup, thru my crying etc I let vet do rabies vac, and 2 min later vomiting, severe bowel movements etc, he let us leave and by the time we got to the car he had collapsed!! Vet rushed out swooped him up and had to revive him with an antidote! Vet said he would always have to have that before rabies vac the rest of his life, well we haven’t given them to him for the last 13yrs. My concern… Because my beagle had rabies vac yesterday, and they have drank out of the same dish, eaten and licked each other’s food dish, and the disease can be transmitted through saliva to mucus membranes, is my 14yr old in danger of contracting rabies from the vaccinated beagle?? We also didn’t vaccinate our children, now adults, our daughter contracted childhood disease from my vaccinated nephew, the day after his vaccinations, praise God our homeopath ask if she’d been exposed, I called my sister and yes my nephew was vaccinated, and our homeopathic dr. gave her treatment! Is there a remedy you would recommend that I could give my 14yr old to boost his immune system just in case??
    Thank you for reading this and for any help you can give me!
    Blessings to you

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 11, 2019 at 11:42 am

      Tammy, no transmission of rabies vaccine virus, as the vaccines used only killed virus for this disease, and that’s been true for decades now. I’m appalled that your vet held you hostage to remove a tick. Shame on her. I’d fire her and find a holistic vet who understands your concerns and will provide vet services as needed. Ask your homeopath for ideas of who might help you.

  6. joy on May 12, 2018 at 10:45 pm

    Dr Falconer! I can’t tell you how grateful i am for this story about Migo! You have seen my cat Harley in Austin. Last year we went to Ecuador and the only vaccine I couldn’t get out of for him was the rabies. Sure enough…he has turned aggressive… it has gotten progressively worse and i need help. His eyes dilate, his whiskers puff out and he lunges at me. He snaps in and out of it in an instant. I am really hoping you can help!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 13, 2018 at 6:09 am

      Oh, Joy, I’m so sorry to hear this. Likely I can help, but it’ll take some appointments. Just drop me an email and we’ll figure out a time to get started.

  7. ankur baishya on April 7, 2017 at 2:58 am

    Hello sir , my puppy bit me 4 days ago and I started vacation after 5days … So , its that ok or what I should do …

  8. ankur baishya on April 7, 2017 at 2:57 am

    Hello , my puppy bit me 4 days ago and I started vacation after 5days … So , its that ok or what I should do …

  9. C Flowers on January 18, 2017 at 3:54 pm

    Stores sell clippers, shave Migo your damn self

    • Will Falconer, DVM on January 22, 2017 at 8:41 pm

      This is a brilliant example of the confusion around this disease called rabies. You don’t want to get rabies? Understandable. Are you seeing much around you? It’s a reportable disease, you know. Your state public health website and the CDC report every case in wildlife and domestic animals and people. My bet: your entire state might have had two cases in the last year, in skunk or raccoon.
      Any idea how it spreads? Your “clients dogs” would have to be bitten by a rabid dog. Ever see one? You’d know if you did.
      This is a great reason I have so little respect for groomers “enforcing” vaccination requirements. Not understanding either immunology nor the chronic disease that vaccines often cause, they are out to hammer those who’d want to give them business. Take your dollars elsewhere when you run into ignorance like this, people. Life’s too short and your animal’s health too precious to lose to over zealous groomers like Ms Flowers. (Same with apartment managers. Grrrr. Don’t get me started…)

  10. Lori on January 10, 2017 at 1:09 pm

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  11. linda kidwell on November 5, 2016 at 5:48 pm

    Hi there! My manx charlie was attacked 3 days ago by some unknown assialant. Wicked bite on his chin and bled badly. I cleaned him up and gave him all the love he could handle. Then the terror of rabies dawned on me a couple of days later. He is healing beautifully..but he has been a little spastic. But he’s done that from time to time. The only area he would get touchy about my petting was a part of his back. He was neutered in 2009 and he has all shots. But I am not a believer in annual shots. It’s always been my belief that it can’t be good or necessary. They don’t do that with people…right? Just makes sense. So when I became worried about the rabies issue, I looked up homeopathic remedies and I landed on this site! I am so grateful for this site and for the good doctor. You have a fan for life. You have set my fears to rest and I am so, so very grateful to you and your persuit for all things natural! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Linda Kidwell, Show Low AZ

    • nancy brown on November 9, 2016 at 11:49 am

      Linda you’ve come to the right place!

    • Miranda on March 22, 2021 at 12:38 am

      I believe it would’ve been best if you had taken him to get a rabies booster shot after getting attacked. Just to be sure nothing happens to him. If you don’t want to do them annually fine, but that would’ve been the best thing to do. Hope he’s doing well.

  12. Joyce on August 30, 2016 at 10:57 pm

    Just reading through this older blog post…. simply amazing, and the reason homeopathy is indeed the only real medicine because it can cure!
    Wow, this has to be the stuff that keeps all of us believing in the miracles of homeopathy.

  13. Summer on April 9, 2016 at 11:41 pm

    I need help. My six year old son was attacked by what we believe was a rabid cat while walking home from school. It had all the symptoms and it was an outside domestic cat that normally would not hurt anyone just a bit wild. He had on a thick coat but still got scratched yup pretty good on his hand and shoulder. This happened yesterday and we took him to the e.r.and they turned him away saying it was nothing. My husband put the cat down right away and we are trying to find a place to have it tested to know for sure so our son will be treated. I know rabbits is fatal if not treated immediately. But no one will help us. What should I do? I do not want to lose my son or contract rabies to other family members assigns lose them too! I’m terrified and my husband and I don’t know what to do. Thanks

    • Miranda on March 22, 2021 at 12:36 am

      Hey Summer, is your son okay? I had something happen with an unvaccinated cat owned by a neighbor where I got scratched by it while trying to save it from someone in my apartment complex who was abusing it. I also had some open cuts on my legs which the cat may have gotten saliva into as it was rubbing it’s head against my legs and feet when I was petting it. I went to the ER and they wouldn’t give me the rabies injections even though they know the cat is unvaccinated and my neighbor hasn’t responded back to me regarding asking her and/or her sister to monitor the cat for ten days and let me know. Only if the cat is sick within the ten days or dies can I get the vaccines. So I totally understand your worry, it’s terrifying right? Especially if you’re saying that that animal had all the symptoms of rabies. That’s wrong, they should’ve vaccinated him on the spot. And me as well since I know the cat is unvaccinated, there is still a risk and if I as the patient want the treatment since I’m worried about it, I deserve to get it. It’s been so long after this post, I hope your son is okay. I’m sure for anyone reading this that you could call a veterinarian and they would know how to send off the euthanized animal to be tested or know at least who to contact. They should. If not, maybe try animal control.

  14. Christine Jahnig on December 27, 2013 at 7:09 pm

    Beautiful! I’m so glad to have read this cat’s story. Nothing warms my heart like an animal helped by homeopathy.

  15. Sandra Courtney on December 26, 2013 at 5:07 pm

    Great that you could isolate the SRP that Migo’s aggression was only in the evening which led you to the correct remedy. Good work Doc!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on December 26, 2013 at 5:34 pm

      Thanks Sandra. The other interesting bit to me was how put out he was when he was forcibly given a “time out” from his guardian! Desperately wanted her company, yet would attack her!!

      • Sandra Courtney on December 27, 2013 at 2:17 pm

        Perhaps then the fact that Milo desperately wanted her company but then would attack her was the SRP symptom that pinpointed the remedy?

        • Will Falconer, DVM on December 27, 2013 at 2:57 pm

          Yes, that was more peculiar to me than the evening aggravation. Why would an animal who was aggressively attacking someone also feel so needful of loving attention from that person? That duality was the nub of choosing stramonium for him. The stramonium patient is described in the materia medica as having “ceaseless talking…can’t bear solitude or darkness, must have light and company.” They also “see ghosts,” and Migo would stare off at something intently that Johne could never see.

  16. rhoanna on April 30, 2013 at 6:48 pm

    My male cat Jorgy, would do some of the same things that Migo did. Our vet told us that he was stressed out and had us use a plug in that was to calm him. This did not work at all. He was running up our walls and then flying at our heads crying the hole time. This went on for about a year and then he just stopped. I dent know what to think, I was just glad that may baby was back.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 1, 2013 at 5:59 am

      Hi Rhoanna,
      Sounds more like he was having anxiety attacks. If they should return, seek out a vet homeopath by searching the AVH listing on my Resources page. Homeopathy can cure these behavioral diseases, while drugs cannot.
      I’m glad he’s better.

  17. Stephanie on April 30, 2013 at 10:02 am

    This is such a heart-warming story. I’m SO glad the cat’s owner didn’t turn away from Migo when the aggressive behavior started (trusting and knowing it wasn’t the “real Migo,” but rather a state her cat was in and suffering from). And I’m so glad Dr. Falconer was able to piece together all the information and find the cat’s matching remedy (amazinf). So many people react to aggression with blame, hopelessness, anger, withdrawal or whatever, but this case shows it “wasn’t Migo’s fault!”

    • Will Falconer, DVM on April 30, 2013 at 11:05 am

      Indeed it wasn’t Migo’s fault, Stephanie. We’ll lay the blame where it belongs: too many unnecessary vaccinations for a disease he’d been immune to since he was a youngster.
      Anyone seeking to support research that could help end crazy rabies laws is urged to visit The Rabies Challenge Fund: http://www.rabieschallengefund.org

      • Meher on October 14, 2018 at 11:32 pm

        Sir, thank you for sharing this story. I have a question: is there a way to vaccinate my adopted cat of 2 years using homeopathy? He has already received 1 shot when he was a kitten; now vet says he needs another one.

        • Will Falconer, DVM on October 15, 2018 at 8:56 am

          There’s not, but there’s always liberal amounts of Vitamin N. You know this one? In a confident voice, knowing your cat has a vaccine history and is probably immune for life, you look the vet in the eye and say, “No.”

  18. Elle on April 29, 2013 at 9:44 pm

    Wow, mind-blowing story. And brilliant assessment and remedy!