Homeopathic Resources
I'm pretty fussy about the links I choose, but if you have a good feel for this site, and see something glaringly missing from recommended resources on this page, please tell me below.
Meantime, see if this is useful for you.
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Veterinary Homeopath
Raising truly healthy Vital Animals takes learning wise choices.
Let a veterinary insider guide you.
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Vital Animal Courses
Now, more than ever, you need to make smart choices in how you rear your animals. You can no longer afford to just hand over your health care choices blindly to Dr. White Coat, the conventional
That's a recipe for man-made disease, heartbreak, and great expense.
I'm here to empower you with knowledge, stretch your boundaries of thinking, and give your animals the most remarkably healthy lives they can have. I do that best with online courses.
To be sure you don't miss these often limited-time opportunities to enroll, be sure to sign up to get
first notice here.
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Homeopathic Detox Protocol
There are certain times when it's really appropriate to assist your animal in detoxing, the "inner cleanse" that we can all use now and again.
It all starts with you, the wise animal caregiver, and the health choices you make for the animals in your care.
These would include:
- Coming off a run of drugs your vet prescribed
- Ending the "arms race" with fleas and ticks and opting for a non-toxic approach
- Stopping the heartworm drugs and wanting to help Suzie's system to eliminate them
- After exposure to an environmental toxin (an herbicide sprayed lawn, for example)
- After ingestion of something toxic (Bowser got into some human meds, for example)
- Overdoing it on treats, or worse yet, breaking into the food storage and pigging out!
- Or, most simply, just a good old "spring cleaning!"
p.s. this protocol most definitely helps the morning after alcohol poisoning ‹cough›
The beauty of using a homeopathic remedy for this is that it's a gentle and easy approach.
No purging or discomfort, no need to fast or push lots of water drinking (hard to do anyway, with a dog!).
As the remedy I recommend is in ultra dilution, it's very safe and no
harm is expected.
So, give this a go! It's easy to do and will cost you about $5 or less in materials.
Happy cleansing!
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