My Dog is Due for His Shots! NOT.

Reality Distortion

Due for his shots. Really? Says who?

This is a common thing I hear, less and less from my clients who gain a deeper understanding the longer they work with me and explore and think about health in a new way, but quite common in conventional veterinary medicine.

Pet Vaccination PostcardYou’ve seen them: the postcards that come, saying Spot or Puff is due for all those checked off diseases to be vaccinated against, with the date “due” prominently there.

“Make an Appointment Today!” “Don’t let your protection lapse!” “Be responsible!”

It’s worth taking a critical look at this before you leap into the car, pets in tow, for more vaccines.

Have you gotten postcards like this every year for you?

No? Why not?

Largely, it’s because you’ve been recognized to be immune from the vaccinations you had way back when you were young, and rolled up your sleeve and grimaced as the needle slid in.

Immunology has recognized this phenomenon for a great many years.

A practice that was started many years ago and that lacks scientific validity or verification is annual re-vaccinations. Almost without exception there is no immunologic requirement for annual revaccinations. Immunity to viruses persists for years or for the life of the animal.

The above quote is from Current Veterinary Therapy, volume IX, in 1992. The authors were not alternative or holistic folks, they were veterinary immunologists, widely known in that field. Here’s a link to part of the chapter, and some more efficacy information from my website.

So, why so much emphasis still on repeating vaccinations? Even in the face of major voices in vet medicine speaking out against it, including the AVMA,AAHA and most veterinary schools?

Vaccination and MoneyFollow the money, honey.

Q: Who labels vaccines for yearly repetition?

A: The manufacturers.

Q: Based on studies showing the immunity disappears at around, say, day 364?

A: No, nothing of the sort.

Based on one thing, and one thing only.


Syringe Wrapped in Money

Sell more shots, make more money. Science is not involved in this part of the label at all.

So, let’s put it this way. If your doctor said it was really in your best interests to get vaccinated every year, would you do it?

What would you want to read that would convince you this was necessary? I suspect it’d be more than a label on the vial of vaccine, right?

Some research, done by scientists without ties to Big Pharma, measuring protective immunity. Wouldn’t that be the basic starting point before you signed up and rolled up your sleeve?

Followed by a listing of all the ingredients in that little vial.

Followed by an in depth informed consent form that mentioned side effects.

Don’t hold your breath for any of this being forthcoming.

But DO some careful research before you haul your dog or cat (or child) in for more vaccinations.

Especially if there were prior vaccines given and your animal is an adult.

Tell me what you think in the comments.


  1. Dawn on May 7, 2014 at 12:36 am

    I just vaccinated 7 of my 5 week old kittens according to our organization’s policy – 24 hrs later, 1 kitten is dead and 2 are showing an URI. Vet recommended we wait at least 7 weeks minimum. I feel 8 weeks is sufficient and the adopters should do the vaccines AFTER adoption for the balance if they wish to continue – it was heartbreaking. Meanwhile, I vaccinated my puppies up through their 1st year and have stopped except for the required rabies. Still get ear infections in 1 dog – what to do?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on May 7, 2014 at 8:35 am

      Oh, Dawn, how heartbreaking indeed. A bit like those tiny human babies getting shots before they leave the hospital — their immune systems are so not ready for that onslaught or unnatural exposure.
      Your dog with recurrent ear infections likely has allergies, best to consult with a veterinary homeopath for help. The goal is not avoidance, but to cure the allergic state. My Resources page has a list of the AVH vets.
      Best of luck going forward. You now know better and the next gen will benefit from your knowledge, as will anyone who listens to your story.

  2. Krishna Murphy on September 17, 2013 at 6:26 pm

    There’s a problem with the lnik in the above article ( – it is not found.
    Correct link:

  3. pat mitchell on February 7, 2013 at 6:20 pm

    One of my dogs had a horrible allergic reaction to his rabies shot, so I stopped letting him get it years ago. Since he has had osteosarcoma of the jaw and had 1/2 of it removed. He’s 3 years cancer free and 13 years old. He hasn’t had vaccines in over ten years, but he eats healthy and is an inside dog. I appreciate this article and the confirmation I’ve thought for years about heartworms/meds.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on February 7, 2013 at 6:32 pm

      Hi Pat, and welcome!
      You’ve been doing some things very right to have a dog cancer free for 3 years after osteosarcoma! That’s a tough one. Keep up the good work, and don’t let this guy anywhere near a vaccine, for the rest of his life. I’d also be looking at the Immune Path on my site, as I’ve seen some amazing help in my cancer patients from this immune enhancement.

  4. Susan on July 18, 2012 at 8:47 pm

    What’s alarming- is that I found out that several rescue organizations state that potential animal adopters MUST state unequivocally that they will get their dog their annual vaccinations and say they will verify vaccination- as well as heartworm meds status- with their vet. I guess anyone who wants to adopt who knows anything about vaccinosis, etc. would not be approved by these particular rescues- and there were quite a FEW of them. So I guess only those sheep who mindlessly go along with the annual shots malarkey get to adopt these dogs- who then get sick.
    Immunity from disease, once vaccinated, lasts a lot longer than MDs and conventional vets would have us believe.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 18, 2012 at 10:17 pm

      It’s really not the organizations’ place to make this pseudo regulation. They are not immunologists. Who are they to require this to save a rescue’s life by placing it a caring home? I get calls from adopting agencies asking about my clients sometimes, checking if they have “kept their animals current on vaccinations” as a means to judge the fitness of the people to get a pet. I always answer affirmatively, as the vaccinated animal is “current” on immunity likely for life!

  5. paula on July 6, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    Thanks a lot for this article. Since I have been researching natural pet care, I have come across many opinions that vaccinations are not what they are cracked up to be (in a nutshell). This article spells it out and will share this info!

    • Will Falconer, DVM on July 7, 2012 at 12:23 pm

      Hi Paula,
      Glad it was of use to you. I see repeated vaccinations as the #1 most significant cause of illness. More coming on that, so keep an eye open.

  6. Alt4Animalsvet on May 9, 2012 at 7:23 pm

    With proper prescribing it will eventually go away, but remember, it’s a chronic symptom, so it won’t disappear quickly — long time there, often half that amount of time to cure something chronic. And yes, don’t be shy about working by telephone with a certified vet homeopath. We do this long distance quite often. The key is you know your animal, so you can describe symptoms with a bit of coaching. Good luck, Cassi.

  7. Cassi on May 9, 2012 at 6:31 pm

    Incidentally, I looked up your list and all are long distance – I can set up a phone consultation if you recommend for this issue. thanks!

  8. Cassi on May 8, 2012 at 6:17 pm

    I’m ashamed to admit that even though I have paid a lot of attention to giving my dog a healthy diet (raw with no-grain kibble) I’ve been giving her Angels Eyes for a long time to keep the tear stains away. The last time i tried to wean her off, she not only got tear stains, but also staining around her mouth and vulva (white coat in these areas). I was surprised because I thought I had her on a great diet…so I started her on the Angels Eyes again (currently at 1/2 tsp once/week). After reading your website and ebook, I realize I need to end this once and for all. I am stopping her flea meds (comfortis) and starting your natural methods and products as well as switching to the flint river kibble & treats. Is there anything I’m missing, and should I expect some staining temporarily?

    • Alt4Animalsvet on May 9, 2012 at 3:01 pm

      Hi Cassi,
      The other piece of the puzzle, and the deepest, most beneficial one, is constitutional treatment with homeopathy. My Resources page lists vet homeopaths by geographical location, though many of us also work by telephone. And, yes, staining will return, and may last a good while, even doing everything correctly. Still, not as bad as regular doses of antibiotics, right?

      • Cassi on May 9, 2012 at 6:30 pm

        Thank you very much for your response. So, it sounds like I can look forward to the staining going away eventually as long as I continue the recommended food and treatments? And do you have any recommendations on what to use (or not use) for topically removing the stains?

  9. The Laotian Commotion on April 21, 2012 at 3:47 pm

    Sadly, this same idea is being said for our small children. I refuse to give in to the fear tactics that toxins from a needle is necessary for my child’s and family’s health. Breastfeeding and natural basics do.
    Great post!

    • Alt4Animalsvet on April 22, 2012 at 1:31 pm

      Bravo! I agree, it’s not like these little bodies come into life “broken” and only a vaccine can “fix” them, right? A true ILLogical assumption. And we don’t have to look far to see how many youngsters are now battling allergies and how many families are devastated by autism since the rate of childhood vaccines has steadily risen over the past 10-20 years.
      Nursed kids have such an advantage!

  10. pam picard on April 19, 2012 at 6:47 pm

    Nice piece, Will. Sadly, I know a lot of people who trust the medical profession so much, they are ruining their health taking drugs with questionable benefit and potentially damaging side effects (statins.) They’d for sure get vaccinated annually if their doctor said so.

    • Alt4Animalsvet on April 19, 2012 at 6:53 pm

      I know them, too, Pam. In the end, we have to let them go and wish them well in our hearts.

    • spiritoftexas on May 15, 2012 at 1:23 pm

      The only thing about not vacinating is I am a renter and my dog is supposed to have rabies up to date. Other than that she has no other vaccines just the one rabies 3 years ago. My dog was up to date as of signing lease. Not now though. Any comments as how to handle this situation?

      • Alt4Animalsvet on May 15, 2012 at 2:05 pm

        A landlord, like a groomer or a boarding facility, should have no say over your dog’s health. What do they know about the risks in vaccination? Or the duration of immunity? Not much, if anything. I’d lie. Your animal’s health is your ultimate responsibility.

      • spiritoftexas on May 15, 2012 at 2:16 pm

        touche! I get it!

      • TM on May 22, 2012 at 1:04 pm

        I would print out some articles from Shirleys Wellness Cafe and even this article, and them and tell them your dog once had a bad reaction to vaccines. That happened to my dog once and my landlord who just completed a landlord class, tried this on us. I told her that and she backed off. Best of Luck.

        • Alt4Animalsvet on May 22, 2012 at 2:08 pm

          The tricky part is that the reaction to a vaccine might not show up for a month. This is quite common, as I point out here. And, another strategy would be, if your dog or cat has any sign of illness, any at all (like I describe in my), you can simply say, “My animal from getting more shots. He’s not well enough yet. I’m working on his health now, but he’s not cured yet.”

      • Tricia on July 30, 2012 at 10:04 am

        I have found its often about the risk the business owner takes with their insurance company vs. their education level. Even if they wanted to – they won’t take unvaccinated pets because if something happened they would essentially be “uncovered” and could lose everything in a lawsuit. Unfortunately, the insurance companies are writing the rules.

        • Will Falconer, DVM on July 30, 2012 at 5:02 pm

          Easily remedied, if this is true: you (owner of a not recently vaccinated but immune pet) sign a waiver, accepting responsibility for your animal getting sick. The rest is all conjecture. Your animal comes in healthy, it’s not risking any other animal there.

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