#40: Are viruses real or not?
Against a backdrop of an admittedly wild couple of years with COVID-19, lockdowns, masking, vaccines rushed to market, and statistics that have been shown to be wildly manipulated, perhaps one of the most confusing things are self-proclaimed experts who proclaim confidently that viruses simply don’t exist.
Now that I’ve had no less than three listeners wonder if that claim has any basis in fact, I think it’s time we looked more deeply into it.
As one of the most fascinating diseases I’m familiar with offers some great insight into this question, let’s put the spotlight on rabies to answer this.
Rabies has been plaguing mankind for centuries, long before viruses were even a glimmer in scientists’ eyes.
As it’s such a horrible, scary and usually fatal disease, and one that you’re being told to repeatedly vaccinate against, we’ll use rabies to see if a virus might be involved.
Or is it simply “terrain” responsible for people dying in the 10’s of thousands from rabies every year?
Links for this episode
Two virologists talking viruses vs exosomes in the context of COVID-19.
Scanning electron microscope images of the rabies virus.
More on Germ Theory vs Terrain from my blog.
Sign on for my free Rabies Short Course if you haven’t already and want to know more about this disease.
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Let us know in the comments below if this idea of viruses being bogus has come your way. Did you have an inkling that you were hearing something amiss?
Photo Attribution: NIAID – https://www.niaid.nih.gov/ – @ flikr, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
An animal bite can transmit nasty bacteria which can cause a serious blood infection. If such an infection were left to progress, all manner of symptoms and even death could result. Whether human or animal, is it possible that a bite from a four legged critter, resulting in the transmission of bacteria into the bloodstream, could progress into what may look like what we call rabies?
You can’t vaccinate against a bacteria as far as I know. (Which is why talk about a vax for Lyme disease in the future, for example , makes no sense to me.)
I too question the existance of a virus. No unadulterated sample from an infected patient can be reproduced, then reintroduced into a healthy patient , with the result of reinfection. The operative word is “unadulterated.”
I enjoyed viewing and listening to your amazing site.
The electron microscopy picture of rabies https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/diagnosis/electron_microscopy.html
is no longer there. Go figure with the CDC.
Thought you may want to find another pic
Thank you,
Dr. Susan Duve
Ahh, anything is now possible in the world of censorship in the interest of Big Pharma.
Very informative and helpful to me.
Hello! I appreciate that, as a medically trained vet, you are looking at vaccines in a common sense approach. I enjoyed your free Rabies Short Course.
As far as rabies declining in 3rd world countries when rabies vaccines are first administered, please consider other areas of improvement such as sanitation, better access to clean foods, less stress as a result. Fear is also a toxin, and we can literally bring on illness by thought alone.
As far as any animal having “rabies” which affects the nervous system, there are many pesticides that affect the nervous system. It is quite plausible that animals, when stressed looking for food, will eat things they may normally not eat, such as moving into sprayed backyards, or sprayed farms. As you are aware, the vaccines often bring about the dis-ease, especially after build-up.
I also have my suspicions on the “rabies drop” that public health departments deploy. The farther we get from God’s intention to live as he provided, the more poison we take in – via chemicals in all forms, fear, EMF’s, etc.
Thank you, Dr Falconer.
Great show
Just wondering if now, after even MORE evidence those “viruses” you reference above as existing, in fact do not exist and are not pathogenic and have NEVER been proven to be pathogenic (even if your claim of existence were ever true), if you have altered your position on this?
Evidence? Or opinion? Huge difference.
If viruses 1. Don’t exist and/or 2. are not pathogenic, please explain why whenever volunteer vets go into African countries or India and rabies vaccinate as many dogs as they possibly can, the human incidence of rabies (and its death rate) drops to near zero? Did those people somehow get healthier coincidental to the vaccine push?
Terrain has its place, as I’ve written about, but that doesn’t negate the fact of virus existence nor pathology resulting from them.
It takes a lot of hubris for those holding that view to think that decades of virus research by thousands of immunologists and virologists worldwide has all either been a ruse or a gross miscalculation.
If viruses exist, then why has no single virus ever been isolated using Koch’s Postulates? I think it takes much more hubris to call something a virus without using the scientific method to prove it. I’ve watched some videos by Dr. Sam and Mark Bailey and they have pretty much debunked the entire field of virology. There is so much quack science out there it’s disgraceful. Perfect example is the vaccine program for humans and pets. There isn’t one vaccine on this planet that has actually benefited any human or animal yet they are pushed and praised religiously by the so-called experts. Not one single study has ever been tested against a placebo group and never will because they know what it will show. It’s all poison and all about money. 72 doses on the childhood vaccine schedule from day 1 when a newborn gets the HEP B vaccine up to 18 years of age; and they wonder why our children are sicker than ever. Everything has become corrupted; the universities, our gov’t health agencies, medical journals, scientists, doctors, and researchers.
I live in Ct. I have Lyme disease and tics are out of control here in Milford Ct. my German shepherd is 3. I wish I knew more about the negative impacts of the vaccines but the VCA is one hospital for the routine use of non core and core vaccines. They are so good at making you feel guilty for saying that you have a lot of concerns about how many vaccines they recommend or scare you in believing they are not safe without the flea and heart worm prevention . I don’t want to hurt my dog as he already is on raw but I am not going to go into that but he had been diagnosed with fribrotic myopathy in the back hind leg . It’s very hard to see my young boy going through this but what do I use for prevention as it does make things a bit hard as he got fleas when I tried natural methods. It’s a law that he has to vaccinated for rabies in nov. I’m just confused about how and what to do ? He also has still despite a raw diet been scratching all the time and I see flaky skin on lower back and he shed so much! I’m just trying my best to help him get better!
Get thee to a homeopathic vet! VCA is going to take this poor dog to ever worse states of health.
I’ve got a video here on how to choose a good one. Note: you don’t need one that lives nearby!
Thank you. So much confusion here with many of the doctors charging money for people to listen to their exosome terrain debates or discussions. Nice to hear some common sense, and for free!!!
Its not one or the other (germ theory vs terrain theory), its both, and more.
So much of what is wrong with science* is the assignment of causality from within a world of effects. Is fear a virus? Is ignorance?
*- not talking about skeptical inquiry based on experiments(experience) to expand understanding of the world inside and around us(nature/god); rather the god whose nature is conveyed only through ordained officially credentialed priests, and never to be questioned, only repeated by programmed robots.
Knowing requires experience, everything else is beLIEving.
You make a grave error with your statement that “virologists have identified viruses for 40 years”, I believe is what you stated. It is clear you need to do some serious research into that. A virus has never yet been isolated and identified nor been able to make a healthy animal or person ill with the same symptoms.
It sounds like you didn’t follow the links I provided. Listen/read those and then respond please. Explain rabies to me, especially.
Can you prove rabies is transmitted via bites? What percent of dog bites result in Rabies? Which countries/regions experience the highest rabies infections? Could the damage caused by animal bites be proportionately higher in impoverished/polluted regions of the world? If so, rabies may he a mere nutrient deficiency made apparent when a bitten person in these impoverished areas struggles to heal effectively after a bite.
I’ll put this back on you, Jason, as I’ve studied the disease extensively and it’s obvious you have not. If you’re generally curious, you’ll be able to search all these answers out for yourself. Another good place to get smart about rabies is my free Rabies Short Course. A bite from a rabid animal is a completely different phenomenon than any other dog bite! All the best in your research, guaranteed to be eye opening!
Research Amandha Vollmer
Yes! Amandha fan here