Email Day from Hell is Over

It's not? I can get up now?

It’s not? I can get up now?


UPDATE: August 13, 2013:  R.I.P. address

One casualty of this whole move to new hosting was my long time email address, Anything you send there disappears into the ozone and I don’t see it nor do you get a bounced message telling you it failed. My Contact page has my new address, which is long term and expected to continue.

Yesterday, July 24, 2013, email just disappeared. It happened after a bumbled transfer of my web host, and it resulted in anyone emailing me getting a bounced message.

It’s fixed now, after 24 hours of sweat in between appointments and instead of lunch and dinner. My practice depends on your electrons getting to me!

Thanks for your patience, and please send again if you received a bounce message yesterday.

All’s well once more and the morning looks bright after a peaceful sleep in the Texas Hill Country.

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