#10 Dr. Pitcairn: would you inject a disease?

Have you ever thought of giving a vaccine as giving a disease? Dr. Pitcairn talks us through the logic and how we’ve been tricked into thinking that we are only helping our animals when we give a vaccine.

This helped Dr. Pitcairn discover the significance of vaccination in trying to cure his chronically ill patients many years ago. When they got well only to a point, he began to wonder if “vaccinosis” was at work (the illness that comes after a vaccine).

Does “giving the disease” by injection also explain why pets who’ve been injected with a killed rabies vaccine often change their behavior as well? Once content to be home, they now want to wander, or eat strange things, or seem more edgy or even downright aggressive.

You’ll see vaccines in a new light when you listen to this episode. With the understanding of Dr. Hahnemann’s homeopathy, so much more starts to make sense about how vaccination is anything but a benign procedure.

Links for this episode

Dr. Pitcairn’s website

The Professional Course in Veterinary Homeopathy

Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats

The interesting human book Dr. Pitcairn mentioned:
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History

Stuck having to give a vaccine? You’ll want your animal’s immune system to be well-primed before and after the event. Our Canine Immune Complete does that better than anything we know of.

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Title: The Vital Animal Podcast (Interview with Dr. Richard Pitcairn)

Date: 11/4/2020

Duration: 55:54

Intro: If you want a wildly healthy, naturally disease resistant pet, who turns heads and starts conversations with awestruck onlookers, you're right where you belong. This is the Vital Animal Podcast with your host, homeopathic veterinarian, Dr. Will Falconer.

Dr. Will Falconer: Welcome everyone. This is The Vital Animal Podcast and it is my pleasure to welcome back this time, Dr. Richard Pitcairn, who is going to share some more of his insights as a homeopath, a virologist, and a microbiologist immunologist from his years in that work. So welcome, Richard.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Thank you very much, pleasure.

Dr. Will Falconer: I wanted to cover with you a little more about the act of vaccination this time. And perhaps if time allows, also go into the homeopathic perspective on vaccination. Because I know with your background, that's a very uppermost consideration when you hear patients being vaccinated or you consider mandatory vaccines coming down on humans, that sort of thing.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Okay, sounds good. Let's start with… I like to go to the basics.

Dr. Will Falconer: Sure.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: As you mentioned, I did graduate work in microbiology, immunology and virology and we use all these words, you know, like that, like virology,

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Often from Latin or Greek, and it makes us sound like we know something. Really, you know, it's funny in medicine, you can go in, I don't know if I ever told this story before, but it was a good example in my practice. A woman brought a dog in to me that had… the problem was it had some kind of intestinal upset and it was bleeding from the rectum quite a bit.

Dr. Will Falconer: Oh, oh, boy.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: All right, stool with blood on it, and so on. So as I went over and talked about it, and she wanted to know what was wrong. And I said, “Well, his intestines are inflamed and irritated by something and as a result, they're bleeding, and then the blood is coming through.” She said, “Yes, yes, yes, but what is it, what's wrong with him?” And I said, “Oh, he has hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.”

“Oh, I knew it was something like that.”

Dr. Will Falconer: Ah, putting a name on it, yeah.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, so let's come back to the vaccine thing, and let's look at it very simply because it can be a very complex subject.

Dr. Will Falconer: Agreed.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: We can get into a lot of detail and then I think what that is, when we use that approach, getting into a lot of complexity, that's how we confuse ourselves. And when we get confused, we turn to authority.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes, good point.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So what I'd like to do, I like to talk to people in a way that they can understand that themselves and make their own decisions.

Dr. Will Falconer: Excellent, [inaudible 3:21].

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So let's start with this. Here's a fellow coming to you and he's got his paraphernalia on, his white coat, his stethoscope, and he's got a syringe and a needle in his hand, coming to do the thing. So how would you put it into words? How do you understand it? What's going to happen?

Dr. Will Falconer: Well he's about to inject a foreign substance into me and my hope and understanding from the past. I'm going to pretend I know next to nothing about it. My hope is that it's going to help me. It's going to help my immune system thwart this bad virus that's out there, and I'm going to be better for the act.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, all right, how about if we put it like this. What he's going to do, is give you the disease.

Dr. Will Falconer: Oh no, I wouldn't want that.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Sounds different, doesn't it?

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: But that is what he's doing, isn't it?

Dr. Will Falconer: It is in essence, yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Not in essence, in reality. Or let's say it's the flu and they say, “Okay, we have made a vaccine and we're going to inject that into you.” Why use the word vaccine, what does the word vaccine mean?

Dr. Will Falconer: Well, my understanding is it came from the smallpox, Vaccinia. So we are injecting…

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: No but I mean, what does it mean to your mind when you hear the word vaccine versus the word flu? Does it fool you into thinking it is something different?

Dr. Will Falconer: Oh, yeah, it doesn't sound like the disease.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: No it doesn't, but it is the disease. Right? If it's a vaccine that has the flu virus in it, let's say, then they're giving you the flu virus.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes, I think that part is clear, yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So if they use the word vaccine, what that implies is that they have somehow moved away from the disease, and they are giving you something different.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes, I'm with you.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Isn’t that right?

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So this is a way we fool ourselves and be hard to understand, at the very beginning, the offset, to what's being done is giving the person the disease. Now the promoter of vaccination can say, “Oh, we're giving it to them in a form that does not hurt them.”

Dr. Will Falconer: Right, that's what we hear.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yeah, it's going to produce immunity.

Dr. Will Falconer: A mild version.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yeah, what does that mean? Well, there's more than one type of vaccine that we can get into, perhaps another method. But let's say it's the type of vaccine where they're giving you the virus that has been changed. So they say the virus now no longer causes the disease in you, only immunity. Right?

Dr. Will Falconer: Right, that's the line.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: How have they done that? They either grow it in a laboratory, right? Or they put it in an animal and then harvest it from the animal. The animal gets sick, but then everything is taken from the animal and put it into you, it won't make you sick. So you believe them?

Dr. Will Falconer: Not for a minute. I know too much.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Wouldn't you want to have considerable evidence that the virus had been changed in such a way that it would no longer cause any kind of disease?

Dr. Will Falconer: I sure would, I would want a lot of work showing me that.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: All right, so here's the problem. Medicine as a method, fragments the experience. So what they're going to do is, say, let us say it’s flu, they're going to say, “The disease is developing a sore throat or fever or something like that, after being exposed.” Okay? Any other aspect of the disease… let me back up. If we just looked at the natural condition of a disease, flu, or whatever, the natural way it expresses itself in a population. There is a tremendous variety of ways that people get sick, isn't there?

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Some get sick, like, is commonly expressed, and others get sick in other ways. Immune problems, hemorrhage…

Dr. Will Falconer: Pneumonia.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Chronic arthritis, you know, all sorts of things. Right? So what medicine does is says, we consider the flu to be only the standard first symptoms that are typical, the rest of it, we will ignore. So we will now grow the virus in a laboratory or in an animal so that when we put it into you, it won't cause those typical symptoms.

Dr. Will Falconer: I see.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, so then if you say, “Well, what about the other possibilities?” If they were honest they would say, “We don't know, we don't look at that.” So here's more of an example of that, you know, some people have heard about, in 1986, there was the passing of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act, you've probably talked about that with people haven’t you?

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Because there were so many health problems with vaccines, that the vaccine manufacturers wouldn't make the vaccines anymore because it was too much liability. So the government said, “Oh, we'll protect you, so you won't be sued.” Now, going back to flu, that's what everybody's concerned about is the flu, let’s say, okay so you look at the vaccine, that Act, which presumably will protect you if you get sick from the vaccine. And they say, “To be covered from damage from the flu vaccine, you have to be sick within 48 hours.”

Dr. Will Falconer: Ah, that's an easy out, isn't it?

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes. So you see how we fool ourselves by making up…We change the words and then we set up these rules or say, “Well, that's the way it is.” Now if it’s after that period of time, it's not flu anymore, it's not the vaccine anymore.

Dr. Will Falconer: Not the vaccine. Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: But then the question is, is it possible as we were talking about a moment ago, is it possible that a disease could show itself say weeks, months, or a year later in some way? Is that possible? Well, one extreme example of that is shingles, right?

Dr. Will Falconer: Years and years later.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yeah, decades later. Shingles is said to be a chickenpox virus, that if a child has it when they're an infant, may show up when you're 60 years old, as shingles. And it's been in your body all that time lying there.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes, and what we've seen in homeopathic practice over and over again, is oftentimes a month goes by from a dog getting a vaccine, until symptoms start to show. And he starts chewing his feet or batting his ears, that sort of thing. So that's a well-known thing now.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: If you come back to the situation in saying children, a lot of the reports or complaints that people or parents have about their children being affected have to do with their mental capabilities. And they can't tell that right away. They can't tell that for months, maybe or a year later as they're going through school and they start noticing that they're not functioning very well. Right?

Dr. Will Falconer: Although, in fairness, many mothers seem to notice it quite quickly, so it varies, doesn’t it?

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Some do, but I'm saying it may not show up that fast. It could be progressive, couldn't it? Couldn’t it cause some kind of a change that it continues, just progressive?

Dr. Will Falconer: Absolutely.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So we start with, I think the fact, which is, what's being given to you is a disease. It is being presented to you by the doctor saying, “It won't cause the typical disease that you hear about, the usual symptoms, it won't do that. It won't cause chickenpox, it won't cause mumps.” “Will it cause other things?” Varies, they will say, “No, it won't cause anything else,” but the problem is that people are saying, “Yes, it does cause other things.” Because the disease is larger than that one pattern.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Now those of us that have studied homeopathy are quite aware of that. Because one of the things, important points in homeopathy, one of the very basic premises, one of the basic ideas in homeopathy is that a disease is a variable in how it expresses itself. You can give it a name, you can call it mumps, measles, whatever. But it doesn't always express itself in the same way, in every individual, so it's just acknowledging that it's starting from that reality. So homeopathy denies the idea, “Oh, you can group everybody under a name.”

Dr. Will Falconer: Right, treat everybody the same.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Or you'll have measles, right? It's not that simple, there are different forms of it. There are different ways that it expresses itself and it depends on your level of health, your susceptibility, your food, and your exercise. Right, all those things.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Okay, so that's the reality, isn't it? That's what we've seen in practice.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes, on a daily basis.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: But then we go to the vaccination protocol that's ignored.

Dr. Will Falconer: Individual variation.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That's important to know, isn't it? So if the authorities come and say, “Okay, this is a safe vaccine,” can we trust that?

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Have they really tested it? I mean, just imagine, you and I were developing a vaccine. Let's go back to children again, because people relate to that easily. So we develop a childhood vaccine, how long would we have to test it before we were confident it wouldn't alter the child's function, a year later?

Dr. Will Falconer: Exactly and then what number of children?

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: What number of children? But that's not being done, is it?

Dr. Will Falconer: No, no.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Now they're talking about bringing out a vaccine without any testing.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right, rushing to market the COVID, SARS.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So that's basically in a nutshell, the problem and I think people can understand that. Number one, you are getting the disease, they're telling you it's modified, they're assuring you that it won't harm you. But then the question naturally arises, if you now understand you're getting the disease, can I trust them in that?

Dr. Will Falconer: Right?

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: If you start out with the idea of getting the vaccine, you're fooled, you think you're getting something other than the disease, which you’re not.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right, yeah that’s a great basic point.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: It's very important to understand. So if we start talking about, is the vaccine safe? It's like we're talking about something different now, we're not talking about the disease anymore, then that's not accurate.

Dr. Will Falconer: Got it.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So, let's look at briefly, the different kinds of vaccines that are out there. There's the one I just described, which is where you take, say it's a virus because we can talk about bacteria at any moment. But viruses, they usually will grow them in a different form, different creature, either in an animal and that's in itself an odd thing.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: I mean, I don't know, I don't want to do too much digression. But one of the things that's done in medicine, which I think fishing from a karmic perspective, is another good thing. Say we have a human disease, all right, that appears, human virus and it only grows in humans. Scientists will work in ways they figured out to do it by using drugs and other means, they will figure out a way to make the virus now grow in an animal. In other words, they're transferring a human problem, to the poor, innocent animal. And once they get it growing in the animal, then they infect the animals and watch them die without any treatment, so they can study the disease. That's not good, is it?

Dr. Will Falconer: No.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That's not a good practice, but that's what's done. Then they say once they've grown it in the animal, it won’t infect people anymore, that's the idea. So that's one method of producing a vaccine, that's called Modified Live Virus, modified live. The other one is killed virus, that's where you grow the virus… I want to move back again. The other way you can grow modified live is in a laboratory, in tissue culture.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Which means it's growing in cells, they’re growing in dishes. Most of the time and I don't know of any exceptions, but that doesn't mean I know all, but I don't know of any exceptions. But I think almost always they're growing in cells that are derived from cancers.

Dr. Will Falconer: Oh interesting.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Tissue cultures. 

Dr. Will Falconer: I think some are embryological, are they not?

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That could be done. You could grow it from an embryo, or you can grow it from a kidney, but usually what they use because… Let's say we take some cells from somebody's kidney and grow them, you can use usually then reproduce those cells about 30 times and then they die. 

Dr. Will Falconer: I see. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: But if you've got a cancer line, they grow indefinitely.

Dr. Will Falconer: Oh so create an advantage for manufacturing.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes for manufacturing, and the line is standard, it stays the same. So most of the time they are using these cancer lines that they can go for years.

Dr. Will Falconer: What could go wrong? And you speak from experience, I just want to interject in case people miss it. You are a virologist who worked with cell cultures. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, I spent my graduate work. I spent about four or five years every day working in the lab, growing tissue cultures, hard to believe, it's like a past life. So, that’s important to know. Number one, they’re either growing in an animal or more commonly they're growing in a tissue culture. All right, and you can see how there can be… probably we can go into more depth than that, but let's move on to the other one, which is killed. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That's where they grow the virus usually in tissue culture again, rather than in animals. And the virus has not been modified to be what they think is safe, so they kill the virus with a chemical of some sort.

Dr. Will Falconer: Formaldehyde or such things. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, some substance, and then they inject the vaccine that is the so-called the fluid, with so-called killed virus in it. Well the virus is not exactly killed in the sense it is like a bacteria, where it's growing in the medium on its own; viruses have to grow in cell. So, what they mean is that they've done something chemically to the virus so it can’t attach to a cell basically. All right? But the issue of that is, that compared to the first example I gave you, which is where the viruses are modified.

Dr. Will Falconer: But still alive. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, so when we put the modified virus in your body, I should have emphasizes this, the modified virus does grow in you.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes, reproduces and grows. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: It grows into your cells and reproduces itself. It just doesn't cause too many sick symptoms, but it actually grows in your body and spreads, that's important to realize, okay? The killed virus doesn't do that, it can’t. So, the problem is, for those that use vaccinations, is it doesn't act very much as a stimulus to immunity.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Because it's not growing in your body. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Right. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So, what they do is they add in some other substance to make it more of a threat to the immune system and they call it…

Dr. Will Falconer: Let’s make this ugly.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, they call it an adjuvant and it's something like mercury or aluminum or something, some kind of substance, it’s toxic. So in other words, you take the virus solution, the virus has been inactivated, so it can’t grow in the cells, and they add a poison to it. And when they inject that into your body, it scares the &^*t out of the immune system. Because it reacts to the virus and it reacts to everything else around that because it kills all the cells. When it is injected into the tissue in your body, that substance kills some of the cells around the injection, it's toxic.

Dr. Will Falconer: Aha, so it’s not only irritating, it's actually toxic and killing. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yeah, not a great to a great extent but it does toxic substance into your body. And one of the things that's said about it, is how those, like mercury or aluminum, will travel to the brain. You have heard that kind of thing in children and so on.

Dr. Will Falconer: Sure.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: But the thing is, what I'm pointing out is that it's not duplicating a natural process. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Not even close.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Not even close. It's not a virus coming in, growing in the cells, reproducing itself, simulating the immune system. It's a virus that can't grow, mix with a poison, just injected in the body and scares the immune system enough that it reacts to everything that was there. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Right. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Including some of your own cells. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That's the problem. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Now, the third one is what they are putting out today. I don't understand it really well, to be honest with you. But what they're doing is, they're using…I don't want to make this too complicated again, keep it simple. The virus is a piece of what is called nucleic acid, people have heard of that term, DNA, RNA, which has the instructions for growing. Then around that, the virus, little virus particle, is a coating of protein, fat and other things just like a cell has. Okay? So when there's an immune reaction against the virus, the immune reaction is against that coating.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Okay. 

Dr. Will Falconer: That is what’s recognized.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That’s what’s recognized, because if the nucleic acids, the RNA or DNA in the virus isn’t visible to the immune system, so to speak, because it goes into the cell and reproduces itself in the cell. Then as it comes out of the cell, a lot of viruses will produce that coating it needs on the surface of the cell and then wraps itself around that coating. And that's what the immune system is reacting to. It reacts to the virus that has the coating, and it learns to react to the cells that are producing the coating. So it makes sense? 

Dr. Will Falconer: Right, yes, that is the signaling system. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That’s okay? We are going okay on this?

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Not too much details here?

Dr. Will Falconer: I think it's fine, yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Okay, all right, so now…

Dr. Will Falconer: Let's contrast that. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes. So the last method now is where they're saying, they're going to take a piece of RNA, attach it to adenovirus, (which is a cold virus), put it in your body, so that that virus now grows the RNA and the RNA…no this is too complicated. Basically what they're going to do is just find a way using another virus, to bring flu virus, nucleic acid in and make it grow in your cells.

Dr. Will Falconer: The foreign virus. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes. So once again, they're giving you the disease a different way.

Dr. Will Falconer: Again, not to get too complicated, but have they taken the RNA material from the disease-causing virus and just attached it to the genetic material of the carrier virus? 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, that is the idea, but the question is where does that RNA they're using come from? Nobody really seems to describe it. It doesn't appear to me, coming from the virus, but I'm not certain. You read the articles, they don't really define it very clearly. I suspect what they are using is from another strain of flu. I think that's probably what they're doing, but anyway, I don't know for sure.

Dr. Will Falconer: So, what you are talking about, is that already in use, or is that the SARS virus that they are working on now?

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Well, they're saying it's coming out now and they're going to do a testing of a large number of people. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Right, but to date, this is brand new to us, right? We haven't had one in the past.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: No, it's not being tested. I haven't done extensive reading on it. When I've looked at articles about it as best I can, it doesn't look to me like there's really been any testing in terms of the things we've talked about. In other words, how effective is it? How many side effects are there? What is the immunity that’s produced? What is the effect a year from now? Those things just are not considered, they're basically not, and they're not testing it in animals, which is karmically good. But the thing is how they're going to people and testing it and I think it's very risky. You probably have talked to people about, I don't know how much you've talked about vaccines, but you know about this program that Bill Gates did in Africa, with polio, right? Have you talked about that with people?

Dr. Will Falconer: Not much, no.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Well, he did it in an attempt to, I guess the idea of being to eradicate polio. They did a massive vaccination of people in Africa and with this vaccine that they produced, and the vaccine had side effects. I've read that they had somewhere around 200,000 girls who were paralyzed by it.

Dr. Will Falconer: Paralyzed? Wow.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Paralyzed by the polio vaccine. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Wow. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: The thing is, again, going back to the way that words are used to fool you, they presented it not as a polio vaccine, but as a health shot. 

Dr. Will Falconer: To the populace there.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: To the people receiving it, you're getting a health shot. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yeah. I have also heard of sterility in young girls over there as a result of another Gates vaccine, I don't think it was polio.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: No, I think it’s another one. Yeah, I forgot the name too. So that's briefly the problem, we're being fooled a lot by the words that are being used. We get lost in the complexity that’s presented to us. When they start telling you about all this…

Dr. Will Falconer: It's easy to throw your hands in the air and just go, “Oh whatever,” then, right?

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, because you don’t know.  

Dr. Will Falconer: The experts must know.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yeah, exactly. So you turn to the expert because you figure, “Well, I can't understand it.”

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: But I think it is very understandable. You know, if you step back and don't get caught up in it, and say, “Well, basically they're giving me the disease in some form that they say it's safe.”

Dr. Will Falconer: Right. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That's the basic line that you have to know.  And from there, you can begin to ask, “What evidence is there, that it is safe?”

Dr. Will Falconer: Exactly. One of the major things I'm sure you're aware of, is there's never, to my knowledge and to anything I've read, been an actual placebo test done against a human vaccine. Meaning they are injecting the placebo group with saline. All the blinded studies are using another vaccine in place of saline. So that right there is like a big red flag waving saying, “If we don't know what it's like to inject saline versus this vaccine, how do we know anything about safety?”

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Exactly, yeah. Well that's one of the reasons that I moved away from the conventional allopathic system because I didn't feel they were really being scientific. I went through this veterinary education and I admired the science that was behind medicine. I go into graduate school for six years or so on a Ph.D. I admire the science behind it and the more I get into it, the more I realize that most of it is not scientific. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Just some degree for reasons we're talking about. In other words, the system is not really set up to have a holistic view of things.

Dr. Will Falconer: Correct. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: We learn as scientists to be fragmentary.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: We look at parts. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: In medicine, for example, that’s so obvious when, as compared to the homeopathic view, let's start with that. Another basic principle of homeopathy as you well know, as we considered the individual patient to be a whole being.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: The physical expression, their mental and emotional expression, they're all one thing.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: And then you turn to allopathic medicine, which says, “Okay, I'm a nephrologist, I study kidneys. I'm a cardiologist, I study hearts.”

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That is not accurate, that’s not the way the patient is.

Dr. Will Falconer: I am a psychiatrist. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yeah, exactly. So I learned, in my opinion, that is an illusionary approach to it. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes, I agree.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: The patient is not divided up like that, it's a whole being, and you have to look at the whole being. 

Dr. Will Falconer: I agree. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So that's the problem in medicine is that, so often when research is done, they define the variables, the limits of what they're going to consider and look at. I've even heard and you have probably heard this too, I mean I've read and apparently this is standard practice. That when a drug is going to be tested in people, that they first do a run of the test group. The group that doesn't receive the drug and those people that react to the drug, like it's a placebo are taken out of the study, and then they would run the study.

Dr. Will Falconer: Oh, that they don't react to it, in other words.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Well, no the people, let's say that they have a placebo reaction. In other words, the people that were not receiving the drug that got better, they’re consider to be unrepresentative of the study.

Dr. Will Falconer: Oh, got it. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So they take them out, and now they do a test where they have the people that didn't react to the drug, compared to the drug testing, you see?

Dr. Will Falconer: That didn't react to the placebo? 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, exactly they didn’t react to the placebo.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That's not right, is it? 

Dr. Will Falconer: No, no, it’s all about getting to market and that we're really seeing that with this rush to market SARS vaccine, so it is a very scary thing. I want to bring it back to the animals a bit, Richard, before we wrap up. So one of the things that was just eye-opening when I studied homeopathy with you back in the early nineties, was the finding that you often found through just hard work, applying all the best principles of homeopathy to a patient. That you were stuck at a certain point, getting that patient cured of its often chronic disease, these long-lasting diseases like allergies or whatever.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes.

Dr. Will Falconer: And the struck point became apparent to you that it was the history of vaccines in the past, whether they just had one a month ago or two years ago, it didn't matter. They had a vaccine at some point, had that stopped the forward progress? Can you just talk about that with us? Because this is also at the heart of making a decision. Am I going to vaccinate my dog? Am I going to vaccinate my horse, my cat, let alone, are we going to buy this SARS vaccine that's rushing to market? 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That’s a good question. What it relates to is the difficulty that homeopathic medicine and other systems like that have to do with, in comparison to the allopathic system that we're talking about. The allopathic system is a materialist system.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: And what I mean by that is, that it considers that what we are is a physical being. That we are a body with a brain and consciousness is elaborated from the brain, right?

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: And that's what we are and those of us that joke about it refer to as the idea that we're meat bags. So that's the way they see the patient or the individual, the animal, whether it be conventional veterinary medicine or allopathic medicine. We see the patient as a physical being. Homeopathy considers the patient as more than a physical being, there's an energetic component to it. And that's not really much of a stretch if you look at physics, because physics is saying everything that exists has an energetic component, but in medicine, they very much criticized that. I mean, they will say, “Homeopathy is holding a false idea that there's more than the physical body.” But we say that one of the basic things in homeopathy is that there's the physical body, which is an expression of an energetic pattern or influence behind it. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Now, some people will go in the direction of say, “Oh, that's your soul,” that's one way to understand it, and others will say, “It's more like quantum physics, you know, it's a quantum field.” And homeopathy starting 200 years ago, the doctor that began it called it the life force or the life principle that which made you alive.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: It's not a physical thing, it's an energetic thing, and I know for some people that's going to be a stretch. But this is the basic idea in homeopathy, is that everything that exists has both a physical expression and an energetic background, so to speak. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Right. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Okay. Now that includes viruses. 

Dr. Will Falconer: They're living beings.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: They're living beings. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, whatever, they all are living beings, they all have an energetic component behind them. So, what was learned in homeopathy is that when the…it started with smallpox vaccination, that was the first one.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That's where this was discovered historically. That when people were receiving the vaccine for smallpox, and then later other vaccines. That even if the vaccine supposedly was “safe” in the sense that it didn't cause the disease. It did in some, but it didn’t cause that many, so they accepted it, that it’s necessary. All right? So, let's say the bulk of people didn't develop the observable disease, but the homeopathic discovery was, that the energetic component of the virus was communicated with the vaccine. So going back to what we talked about at the beginning, where you are given the vaccine, the virus, the bacteria or whatever. You're giving the disease, and it may be that they were successful in modifying it in such a way that you don't see many symptoms, but you will receive the energetic component of it.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: The energetic component, say for the virus or the bacteria, is that pattern of information and influence that wants to grow the virus. That's what life principle means, it is that influence that has the desire to manifest itself physically. Does that make sense to put it that way? 

Dr. Will Falconer: Sure. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So that goes into you as the vaccine. So, that energetic aspect of the virus enters into your body and joins with you, sometimes permanently, with the desire always to manifest itself in some form. Now it may or may not be able to do that. You may be healthy enough that you can prevent the virus from forming, that's been described in virology. Because you can have nucleic acid in your cells and it doesn't grow the virus because it's held in check, that's understood. But the thing is, what was learned in homeopathy was that that energetic component of the organism that was put into you, can then be a factor in the maintenance of chronic disease conditions. And when your person is being treated with homeopathy to bring their health back to optimum, sometimes you have to treat them in such a way as to get rid of that influence that’s still there.

Dr. Will Falconer: And that was your experience in your work with animals, correct? 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, you would make a progress to a certain point. And a part of a science and discovery that was done with homeopathy was studying very carefully the expression of the condition or symptoms in individuals that have that virus influence, so that bacterial influence. Alight, so let's say that the homeopathic doctors saw hundreds and hundreds of people that were vaccinated with smallpox and they treated them as best they could. But then some of the patients that they treated didn't completely recover their health. They were left with certain symptoms that were recognizably common to a certain extent in that group. Does that make sense to put it that way? 

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So, they said, “Oh, this is the expression of that energetic component of the vaccine that was given.” that's what we have to address. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Because it's common to the vaccinated people

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: It's common to the vaccinated people, certain patterns. And without going into a lot of detail, it's interesting to know that a couple of the common expressions have to do in the direction of arthritis, immune problems, cancer and so on. That's what they found. So, they recognized then what homeopathic treatment needed to be done, to remove that influence that was leftover from the vaccination, some of the stories are quite amazing. I know we're stressing probably some people's credulity but I think it's very true. That’s been my experience after 40 years of practice, I very much support that, I've seen it. But I want to give one example, I thought that was very dramatic. One of the vaccines that we're very concerned about as veterinarians is rabies vaccine for people, as well as for dogs and cats.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Rabies vaccine in dogs causes a lot of behavioral changes in my experience. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Absolutely, I see it all the time. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yeah, it will cause physical problems, but more often the rabies vaccine causes behavioral changes. What I mean by that, is you could have a young dog that's very friendly, happy, joyous life, gets the vaccine. A month later he is suspicious of people, barks all the time, hides, acts aggressive, bites, that kind of stuff. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: That's a very common pattern. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So, the thing could happen in people. So there's one story that I heard early on back in the late seventies when I was beginning to study homeopathy. I went to this convention in San Francisco for human practitioners. And this is homeopathic practitioner (named) GeorgeVithoulkas, very prominent in the field, presented this case of a woman from San Francisco that had been bitten, I guess, by a dog and given the rabies vaccine as a preventive. And she then, as a result of that changed, and she became…what's the term? Acrophobia it's called, where people are afraid to go outdoors and she couldn't leave her house.

Dr. Will Falconer: Wow. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: She was just terrified of going out of her house. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Wow.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: And she had been this way for 40 years.

Dr. Will Falconer: 40, 4-0?

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Four, zero years. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Oh my God. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: And he treated her with a homeopathic remedy that dealt with that problem and she was completely restored to normal. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Wow. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, it's a very dramatic case. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Wow. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Well, I have seen the same thing and you probably have too.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: You'll treat animals that are this way. A distemper vaccine causes somewhat different symptoms, panleukopenia, and different symptoms in like cats and so on, but we learned to recognize them. And as you go along with your homeopathic treatment, when you come to see the test, the obstacle, you now treat for that vaccine effect, this lingering in your patient. So we do homeopathy, we very much have learned the problem with vaccines.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: We are quite aware of what they do. Most people don't get that, you know, they say culture is more of it being a material substance. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Exactly. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: “Well, if the virus isn't there, it's not going to be a problem,” and so on. And if we say, “Yes, but there's an influence besides the physical that can affect you.” Most people will, “No, poo, poopoo, it’s not important,” but it is, I think, I think it's very important. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes, it’s very significant. I had an animal, not a patient, but a student of mine present a case in our monthly meeting. She said, “I've got two dogs, they're both German shepherds, they were best buddies. And I live in Texas and I decided that even though they had one rabies vaccine when they were fairly young, I thought I'd better get another. Just to be sure they were protected because Texas has a fair amount of rabies.” So we got the older dog vaccinated first. This is a two and a half-year-old German shepherd. Within, I believe she said 48 hours, the dog was no longer chums with the year and a half-year-old companion dog. They used to lie together, they used to groom one another. This dog would no longer have anything to do with the younger dog. He would snap at him if he got close. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes. 

Dr. Will Falconer: He also lost his appetite. He was a great eater, and he became fussy and there was a third thing, I'm not recalling right now, but it was very dramatic. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes. 

Dr. Will Falconer: And I said, “You're going to need a homeopath to help cure that state. It's not a normal situation and clearly it was caused when the vaccine entered the picture.” 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: And once you begin to understand that it becomes quite obvious. You know, for me going back into my past through this, here I'd gone through all these years of graduate training in immunology. Which is what I studied primarily in the microbiology department was the immune system and its function, including vaccines. The way it's presented to you there, is that vaccines were one of the most wonderful things ever discovered in medicine.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: No seriously, that's the way they really present it. This is also the greatest triumphs and that's the way I thought.

Dr. Will Falconer: Sure.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: I came out into practice again, I started working and then eventually I ended up with homeopathy, as I say, starting to explore that and starting to use it. And I just could not accept the idea that the vaccines were a problem for some time. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Really. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: I learned they were wonderful, but I had to finally admit it. I have an animal that I was treating, and I was seeing progress. They were getting better steadily and then they go in and get their routine vaccines and [inaudible 45:35]. Oh my gosh, you know?

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: And I say to myself, “Oh, it's not the vaccine,” but eventually I had to admit it. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: It was the vaccine. Once I admitted it, then I began to see it. Oh my gosh, it is so obvious. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: The same thing happened with, oh what's her name? Suzanne Humphries, wrote Dissolving Illusions, you've seen that book?

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: She is a doctor, a nephrologist, a kidney doctor.

Dr. Will Falconer: For humans?

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, for humans, and she had her own practice, she was very successful, I guess with it, it sounded like from what she wrote. She had done it for a number of years, and she had a good practice and felt she was really helping people. What she observed, she said was that she was treating patients that were in kidney failure, which is pretty serious, terminal, oftentimes.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: But she was helping them and they were improving. Then a patient would come into her suddenly much worse and she is trying to figure out what happened. And eventually she found out that what was common, was that he had a flu vaccine.

Dr. Will Falconer: Ah.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: And that got her interested in like, “Well, what's the vaccine doing?” See? Well, she began to investigate that and that shocked her. Then interestingly enough, once she started to pass some concern about it and talk to the other doctors, they began to shun her. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Then she had to finally leave, but now she has become quite an advocate about the whole vaccination problem and her book Dissolving Illusions, is very interesting. She did a lot of research, talks about the history and everything, if anybody is interested.

Dr. Will Falconer: Yeah, I'll put that in the show notes.  

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes, Definitely. But see this is the thing that I'm saying to everybody, that we're trained differently to think about it differently. And it's very much a challenge to our minds, to actually begin to acknowledge what we're seeing. It's obvious, going back to rabies again, another example that's very common and people maybe will begin to see this or recognize that they have seen it in their dogs. But when there is a problem after rabies vaccination, that energetic influence that I was talking about, that’s transmitted through the vaccine to the dog. Basically when the dog has changed, as we've been discussing, is changed in the direction of showing the pattern of the natural disease. It doesn't mean necessarily they develop rabies as we recognize it, that they develop the typical symptoms of physical rabies. It's more their mental, emotional symptoms. But one of the very common, strong symptoms of natural rabies in dogs, wolves, and other animals is an irresistible desire to escape. And that's what happens when a dog gets rabies, is they will do anything to get away and it'll dig out under a wall. It will leap over whatever you know, and wander. And that's why, if you read about rabies, natural rabies in dogs or other animals they're wandering animals that attack people. Because that is one of the symptoms of the natural disease of rabies is a desire to wander. Well, that happens to dogs that are vaccinated. They will go from a dog that was very happy where it was living, suddenly you can't keep it confined. You have you seen that, haven’t you? 

Dr. Will Falconer: I guess so, I haven't tracked it as closely as you have, obviously. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Well, there will be people that no matter what they can’t keep the dog in the yard anymore. It is really interesting.

Dr. Will Falconer: One of the very physical things I see and I'm sure you have as well, is that these dogs will start eating the house down after a rabies vaccine.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes.

Dr. Will Falconer: I had a patient who would eat a bar of soap, if he could get a hold of it, I mean imagine, and socks and foreign material. They're at the surgeon getting foreign bodies removed because they have got this inordinate appetite and that was a symptom of rabies in the rabid dog. They would eat wool or they would eat… 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yeah. One time in my practice in Oregon, a person brought a dog into me that was like, and had eaten something apparently, and was having a real intestinal problem, you know? 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: And we're in the exam room talking about it and oddly enough, the time he was with us, the dog suddenly passed on the floor what it had eaten, which was two Brillo pads. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Oh God, talk about indigestibles that don't even taste anywhere near like food.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Could you imagine? Oh my gosh, how could you eat a Brillo pad? 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yeah. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: So, anyway, this is probably, for those people that are willing to look at this, I say, this is the most important thing, points that I would make to take away. Number one, the vaccine is transmitting the disease in some form. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: It may not be the full picture of the disease, but it is transmitting the disease, no matter what they say about it. Okay?

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Number two, when that influence of the organism, the virus, the bacteria, whatever it is, is transmitted to your animal. If the animal is affected by it, as we're describing, it will show very often changes behaviorally as well as physically. As you said earlier, it could be tremendous itching, it could be a chronic ear problem and so on, food sensitivities. But just as often is physical, emotional changes and that’s important to understand.

Dr. Will Falconer: Right. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Because as I said at the very beginning, we're kind of taught or conditioned in our society to think in terms of the way medicine thinks about it, it's just to separate that out. There's a physical problem, then there’s an emotional problem, and they're not related. Right? But it's not that way, it's all just one enchilada. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Right, yeah and as we talked about with rabies, it can be very physical. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes.

Dr. Will Falconer: And the symptoms that we see are often coincident with the symptoms of the natural disease. So we've induced a state very similar to rabies, when we give a rabies vaccine, that sort of idea. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes

Dr. Will Falconer: Well, this has been very helpful Richard, and I think we have all got decisions before us. Especially if we're being presented with the idea that mandatory vaccines are somehow going to be the law of the land. And that world is what Bill Gates would like to have us to think, I suspect. So whether we're talking about dogs getting “routine shots,” or we're talking about people with mandatory vaccines, this has shed a lot of light on that question. And like you, I see that it's probably the major question of our time. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Do we allow a vaccine in our animals? Do we allow a vaccine in our children? Do we allow a vaccine in ourselves? 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Yes.

Dr. Will Falconer: So, thanks very much for bringing that to us and I will link to some of these things in the show notes. We will have your website in the show notes, Dr.Pitcairn.com, that is where Richard is online. Anything else you'd like to wrap up with? 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: If you have any of the people that listened to your podcast or veterinarians, just to once again, say that we do have a training program for veterinarians in homeopathy. 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Do you put up that link for them? 

Dr. Will Falconer: Yes, I did. And just a non-paid-for recommendation. It was the single best training in my entire training career. You know, I studied conventional medicine, I studied acupuncture and got certified. The study of homeopathy in that professional course was the thing that turned my entire career around and it informed how I saw medicine, disease and health from there forward. So highly recommend the professional course, and I will have a link to that in the show notes. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Great, yeah that’s wonderful. Homeopathy is interesting in the way it addresses and answers so many questions that we bring to it, isn't it? 

Dr. Will Falconer: It does.

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: We didn’t understand before. “Oh, now, I see why it works that way.” 

Dr. Will Falconer: Exactly. All right, thanks again, Richard. 

Dr. Richard Pitcairn: Oh, you are welcome, thank you for what you do.

Dr. Will Falconer: Bye for now, everyone. We will be back next time with another episode of something interesting. Stay tuned.

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Up next week: My plea to all breeders: Stop doing this! A solo episode where I point out the problems with what seems to be SOP for breeders who sell pups and kittens. Don’t worry, I offer them safer, smarter alternatives.

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  1. Carolyn Nunenkamp on March 18, 2021 at 1:48 pm

    Stuck having to get a Rabies Vaccine…Yes
    I want Maggie’s immune system to be well-primed before and after
    the vaccine. (I adopted Maggie at age 10 and she is now age 14)
    Question: What product do you suggest for her immune system ?
    How many days before the vaccine and how many days
    after the vaccine? Thank you for your time Carol&Maggie.
    ASAP: I will need this information to place an order, and receive it
    and Maggie’s immune system to be well primed. 3-18-2021

    • Will Falconer, DVM on March 19, 2021 at 11:46 pm

      The Canine Immune Complete, linked in the show notes, is your best bet. And please don’t think you are up against a time table set by your vet. Cancel and reschedule the vacc appointment if you need to. After all, it’s not like immunity from the past vaccines is slowly draining away, like an emptying gas tank.

      Here’s the link once more for our top of the line immune support: https://vitalpethealth.com/product/canine-immune-complete/ Start a 3-5 days before vacc and continue daily use afterwards.

  2. Erin Long on January 12, 2021 at 2:29 pm

    This is a helpful answer. I suppose it’s on my mind more these days as my
    Kids work with animals at school, not horses but donkeys, sheep, cows and chickens. I do understand that the push for this is fear based, and it’s been a source of contention and fear from my kiddos dad. I am not as fearful at all, I am smart and think long and hard and see what the risks/alternatives are for these things.

    But I did and do wonder if the kids working at animal husbandry at school was a “risk” with no vaccine, I also wondered if it may be as they go to sleep away adventure camps this summer.

    OR is the risk really only when working with horses? What about the “rusty nail” or “deep puncture wound” talk? And then push if those happens you automatically need a tetanus shot?

    • Will Falconer, DVM on January 16, 2021 at 10:15 pm

      Living and working around livestock is more a risk, but it also takes a puncture wound to deliver the spores to a place they can grow, anaerobically. If I had grown up with homeopathic parents, I’d likely have been sent to camp with a vial of Ledum palustre 30C with instructions to take it if a puncture wound happened.

      You may want to read more self help homeopathy books as you make your decision. You have plenty of time to research further. Even better, see if you’ve got a homeopathic MD who you can work with. That’s family medicine at its best.

  3. Erin Long on January 11, 2021 at 5:20 pm

    I wonder, what the stance on Tetanus vaccine is? I know we don’t give pets this vaccine, but we do give it to humans. I’m very interested to learn and hear more about if you both feel that this really is a necessary vaccine? Personally, I have not had a tetanus since childhood, or any other vaccine for that matter and I am 42! Plenty of family think I am being risky or judge me in other ways, but I have always felt strongly that getting a vaccine somehow could make me sick, if not now, the adjuvants could do damage I don’t know about. Still, they judge and think I am making an irresponsible choice.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on January 11, 2021 at 10:19 pm

      Glad to hear you’re thinking long and hard and not caving to social judgements, Erin. Tetanus has, like many vaccines, been oversold, and it’s largely based on fear. The truth from immunologists for decades has been that immunity, even though this is a toxoid and not a virus vaccine, is long. Last I’d heard, decades ago, was something on the order of 10-12 years.

      The other thing to consider is your relative risk of exposure, just like those with indoor cats evaluating their risk of rabies. Tetanus spores are soil borne, and often thrive in soil associated with horse manure. If that’s not a major part of your world, I’d not worry about getting tetanus.

      And finally, homeopathy has a history of both prevention and cure of tetanus with a remedy known to help puncture wounds of all kinds heal rapidly: ledum. You can search out those terms together for an interesting read.

      I’ve not had one since childhood, a “going to camp requirement,” and never renewed it as I worked with plenty of horses and cattle in my conventional practice days early on. No plans to ever get one again, either.

    • anna on April 15, 2021 at 6:50 pm

      this might be useful to you. i am 34, and i guess i have had this va ne when i was a child and since then never done it. recently i was advised by my gp to do it. and i asked for a titer. to her surprise the result was 10x higher than the minimal norm (they always have this on any blood work results. we came to a conclusion that i do not need this shot.

    • Tamara on November 18, 2023 at 10:38 am

      Hello Erin!
      Curiously, the tetanus vaccine is being recommended for all wounds now, but is used to be only for deep puncture wounds, especially from dirty or rusty objects. I heard Dr. Carrie Madeij speak of it a couple of years ago, perhaps her insight will interest you. On bitchute dot com

  4. Amanda Trefry on November 5, 2020 at 1:46 pm

    Hi Dr. Falconer,
    I agree with Dr. Pitcairn, but the law makes it so impossible for a pet parent to make the decision against vaccination (rabies) because boarding, doggie daycare, groomers, you name it require proof of vaccination. Our dogs have titer results for rabies, but if we want to take a long trip somewhere and can’t take 4 dogs with us, the boarding kennel will force us to get those rabies shots. I wish it were different!

    • Lisa on November 5, 2020 at 4:11 pm

      Amanda, have you heard of trusted house sitters? It might be a good option for you. They have good reviews and people have to pay to be a member so it seems like most people are super responsible. I signed up recently to house sit when I’m visiting my children in Austin since I now live in Idaho.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on November 6, 2020 at 9:50 pm

      There are ways that make it possible, Amanda. In addition to Lisa’s idea (a good one), a holistic vet worth her salt can write you a waiver letter for a boarding or grooming shop. I did that frequently for my clients and had a 99% acceptance rate.