#35 How to Get Your Vet Needs Met

I think it’s appropriate to say there is no more important place to be clear about what you want than in health care. If you allow yourself or your animal to just blindly take what ever a doctor recommends, trouble will ensue. I guarantee it.

This episode was inspired by a listener who knew she didn’t want vaccines for her pup. She’d already seen vaccine damage in her two children, but when she sought out holistic vets, she asked them if they vaccinated.

They did.

And Alesha felt stuck at that point.

How could she get her needs better met?

By asking better questions!

This episode is here to help you get your veterinary needs met. While a vet can be a great ally on your natural path, it’s never safe to assume that he’ll have your every desire in mind if you don’t spell out your desires for your animal very clearly.

You must ask wise questions, either of your current vet or if you’re interviewing a potential new one.

As “prevention” is often where the trouble begins and healthy animals become damaged, often for life, you’ll need a vet who understands your goals and will help you achieve them.

I share with you my thoughts on “sympathetic vets” and how to ask the right questions so your vet becomes a trusted part of your path to a wildly healthy, naturally disease-resistant companion.

Links for this episode

Free Report: Natural (Puppy) Prevention

How to find holistic or better yet, homeopathic vets. Visit my Recommended Resources page. Be sure to watch my video there near the AVH list.

Reason #1 to FIRE Your Vet: Annual Vaccinations

Reason #2 to FIRE Your Vet: Raw Food Attitude

There are at least 3 more reasons. Can you find them? Use that search box at the bottom, and drop in the word FIRE.

Now, instead of giving you a fish, I’ve just taught you to fish!

Ah, the sweet taste of empowerment!

Thanks for listening!

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Let us know in the comments below if you’ve made your needs known with your vet (or if you’re now planning to with increased determination to keep your fur family safe).


  1. Krystel on June 21, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    I am so grateful that I found your blog and for you sharing your holistic veterinary knowledge with the world. This podcast was so incredibly helpful especially for me as I have never took my dog of 8 years to the Vet because I wanted to avoid vaccines and Big Pharma. She has a very clean healthy diet and is athletic has never had any problems until recently she had an outbreak on her belly and legs of these pimple like bumps that turn to puss and she is itchy and severely bad. I have been treating her with organic vegan yogurt, trace minerals for the open cuts and wounds and pesecilite clay. Just when she seems to get better it gets worse so I gave in and took her to my local vet who also practices holistic care. I asked all the questions you shared and I also told them I would think about the products they are recommending so I can do more research as you said. They said her condition is so severe that nothing holistic is going to help her, they admitted the steroids and simparica are toxic but they will help her with healing from this skin outbreak. I do have a challenge with fleas ever since I moved into my new house in Oct of 2019 I also listened to your episode on the skin is alive and have tried of few things your guest recommended I really enjoyed that episode and will be ordering her products online. I was wondering if you would be so kind and give me some advice, should I just give in this one time and give my dog what the Vet has recommended? Here is what they subscribed her it would mean so much much to me if you could give me some feedback. Thank you again and God bless.

    Polyflex/B12 Dex SP injection
    Polyflex injectable 25 gm
    Vitamin b12 injection 1000 mcg
    dexamethasone SP 4 mg/ml inj
    Cefpoderm 100 mg tabs #100
    Apoquel 5.4 mg tablets
    Simparica 6 month supply

    • Will Falconer, DVM on June 21, 2021 at 8:41 pm

      I would only seek a qualified homeopathic vet for this, as this is chronic disease, nothing antibiotics and steroids and immune suppressive drugs can possibly cure. Please know that you can search out one to work with from my Recommended Resources page, and it can be long distance work, but it’ll take repeated appointments and time and patience.

      Please scroll down to the AVH list on that page and watch the video I’ve posted on how to choose properly. This is curable, but not DIY nor is it curable by allopathic meds. All the best to you on your journey to restored health.

  2. PM on June 8, 2021 at 3:22 pm

    Thank you once again for the great information, Dr Falconer.

    But we think this one fell short and left out context. For example, how does one ask questions before hiring, or prefacing the asking of questions in order to have chance to talk with a doctor, getting through the gatekeepers?

    Are there doctors who will speak with us? It seems we need an appointment just to ask questions.

    Also, the context begs navigating topics so the very doctors are comfortable answering them. How do they know they are not being set up by mean spirited pet parents who blindly and mindlessly love orthodox ”medicine” or by mean spirited members of the vet associations or of pet feed associations, all trying to catch the doctors straying from the ‘party line.’?

    I am not a doctor, but a consumer, and these things go through my mind all the time. I feel like I have to assure the vet biz I want to try, that I am legitimately interested in finding a match for my pets’ needs.

    • Will Falconer, DVM on June 8, 2021 at 9:37 pm

      Ah, I suspect this will take breaking some new ground for all involved, you’re right. First, consumers of vet services should have every right to get a short audience with someone they are about to drop hundreds (or thousands over time) of dollars on, don’t you think?

      It’s become painfully apparent that consumers can no longer assume all doctors are going to be completely honest in their recommendations, right? The most obvious are the vets pushing annual vaccination! That’s pure greed speaking, as I mention in the episode. Zero science behind such a practice.

      Just because society has tended to put doctors on pedestals (and many quite like it up there, I’m certain) doesn’t mean a consumer should just assume she’ll get her needs met.

      Many of my homeopathic colleagues will set up a short, low priced phone consult/interview before they take on a new patient. It’s in both party’s interests: the vet wants to feel out the owner’s expectations and the amount of damage already done to the pet (if they are thinking of hiring a DLR – Doctor of Last Resort). This gives the owner a chance to hear what homeopathy entails and an honest appraisal of the time it’ll take to cure a chronically ill animal.

      No reason conventional veterinarians couldn’t do a similar thing. Worthwhile for both, even if it’s just phone time, don’t you think?

      Are most vets going to offer this? No. Should more people ask for it before committing to a first visit, so they’re not coming in blind? I think so, yes.

      Once again, this is something that consumers will change, and only by asking for it.

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