Working With Dr. Falconer

Curing The Sick: A True Sense of Timing

Most of the sick animals I treat in my homeopathic veterinary practice are chronically ill. That means their illness has gone on for quite some time, perhaps periodically having quiet spells, but largely present. The commonest examples of chronic disease include:

  • Itchy skin
  • Itchy smelly ears
  • Sore joints
  • Thyroid illness
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Asthma

As you might imagine, these didn’t strike the animal like lightening, nor will they vanish like the morning fog. Today’s drugs cannot cure them in the true sense. Cure means the disease is extinguished, gone forever, and the animal is fully well, a Vital Animal by any measure.

Homeopathy offers the potential of cure, though some patients have very deep seated chronic disease, repeatedly suppressed by drugs and made more complicated by multiple vaccinations, and will only be able to be helped, not cured.

In Nature, cure takes time. On average,

The length of time to effect cure is about half the time the symptoms of disease have been present.

For example, if your animal has been itchy on and off for the last five years, it may take two and a half years to get all the way to cure, meaning completely well with no ongoing treatment needed. That’s not to say there won’t be signs of progress along the way — we’ll expect that symptoms will steadily lessen as treatment proceeds.

The drugs used today fool us. They are powerfully suppressive, meaning they make symptoms vanish rather quickly. But making symptoms disappear is a decidedly different outcome than cure. These suppressed animals are not well. Not Vital Animals in any real sense.

Practically: How Much Time to Get Started?

The usual length of time for an initial consultation, whether done by telephone or in the office is 60-90 minutes. I need to know WHO this animal is and how she is fighting her illness in order to help that process with specific homeopathic medicine that fits her situation specifically.

Follow up appointments are commonly 10-20 minutes and are typically scheduled at 2-4 week intervals until cure is achieved. There will be time spent after appointments sometimes, carefully sorting out symptoms and researching the best medicine to take your animal down the path towards cure.

How Involved Must I Be To Get My Animal Cured?

Very. Your careful observation of your animal’s symptoms provides me the necessary feedback to steer a course towards cure for your animal. I’ll ask you to keep a diary of symptoms, and take your many notes and distill them into trends before our next appointment.

If your animal has a lot of history to cover or a complicated illness, we’ll need most of our first appointment to get a clear direction for homeopathic prescribing. As such, your time spent before the appointment, learning about especially vaccinations, diet, and toxin exposure will be a boon. We may not always have time to dig deeply into these areas. But it’s largely on this website, so see those links above and feel free to search on any term you’d like to know more about. Most pages on the site will have a search box towards the bottom.

Practice Philosophy

The philosophy of Vital Animal is that we work with your animal’s innate healing abilities to achieve an optimal state of health. This is best accomplished by the smooth working together of doctor, care giver, and animal. I depend on you the care giver to carefully watch and report on symptoms. I then will use the information you provide to carefully guide the course of homeopathic care for your individual animal. As no two animals are exactly alike, even if they have the same diagnosis, we will focus on how your individual animal manifests illness and health. This uniqueness will guide the treatment according to the clear principals of classical homeopathy.


Effective January 1, 2016, fees are $350 per hour for routine work, scheduled by appointment. Remedies and supplements are in addition to the hourly fee.

When your animal becomes one of my patients, you’ll be sent additional information about emergency fees. Emergency services are offered only to my clients who have patients in my practice.