Smile! You Are Appreciated!
You’ve now taken a great step to both help your animals resist heartworm naturally and to help me get this larger message out to the masses.
If you have pet owning friends you think would like to take part in both, just forward them that email I sent that got you here. But do it soon! This is a short term offer and it will never be priced this low again after midnight on May 30th, Memorial Day in the U.S.
To download your natural heartworm prevention ebook and audiobook, visit this page.
Your bonus report, my Homeopathic Detox Protocol is here for you to download and put to work for your animals (and you, but you’ll see what I mean when you read it through to the end 😉 )
After you click that link, look for your report in your Downloads folder on your computer.
Remember, as a member of our Vital Animal Pack, you have access to more goodies like my Bach Flower Remedies for Animals Course, and my semi-regular newsletter, Vital Animal News.
You can see everything you have access to at any time by logging in at your Member Home page.
Thanks again, and best of health to you and all those in your care,
Dr. Falconer
p.s. I'll email in about a week about your bonus live Q&A webinar timing. Stay tuned.