I Believe Vital Animals
can Change the World
One shiny, well-balanced individual at a time.

1. The model of disease prevention put forth by conventional veterinarians is fundamentally flawed. It is in fact damaging the animals whose owners partake in it.
2. This flawed disease prevention model is strengthened and supported each time you vote with your wallet:
- Every time you answer a postcard claiming your animal is “due” for more vaccinations.
- Every time you buy another six-pack of topical flea poisons.
- Every time you give another month’s worth of heartworm pesticides.
3. This broken model of disease “prevention” will never change from Dr. WhiteCoat’s side, who sells it:
- He refuses to see the possibility of it causing harm.
- He’s comfortable in it. Change is uncomfortable.
- He profits from providing it and profits again from the disease it causes.
4. In the meantime, caught in this machine of conventional “prevention,” animals are suffering the chronic disease in record numbers:
- Allergic, nightmarishly itchy skin (the #1 reason pets see vets)
- Allergic inflamed, painful, foul-smelling ears (that’s reason #2)
- Inflamed, failing organs: joints, thyroid, heart, kidney, brain, etc.
- Cancer is now the #1 cause of death in dogs over six years old.
5. The only way out of this nightmare of disease is for you, the wise animal owner, to say:
I’ll prevent disease in a different way.”
- That different way will include feeding species-appropriate foods.
- It will include “Once and Done” vaccinations if chosen at all.
- That different way will include pest control without poisons.
- It will include natural treatments that strengthen your animal’s defenses, like homeopathy, acupuncture, herbs, and natural supplements.
- That way will include curing inherited chronic disease in youngsters.
6. When enough Vital Animals are seen, petted, and appreciated across the planet, a light will go on:

7. Parents will see these Vital Animals and rethink their health care choices for their kids:
- Multiple vaccinations, starting at birth.
- Junk food availability in schools and at home.
- Mind-altering drugs as an attempt to “fix” those damaged by #1 and #2.

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