Want More for
Your Animals?
Ever feel all alone in your desire to raise your animal outside the conventional medical box? You know, the one that seems to damage everyone who enters it and receives what Dr. WhiteCoat pushes?
Do you feel you just can’t openly discuss things like your leaning towards less or no vaccinations for your animals?
Or that raw diet that scares the bejeebers out of Aunt Alice?
Or the fact that you’ve chosen to no longer “control” fleas or heartworm by giving your dog or cat a monthly poison pill?
Would you like to learn how to use homeopathic remedies to keep your animal out of the ER?
We’ve got a place that allows all that discussion and more.
And a place where you can learn to use a powerful natural medical system that’s withstood the test of time.
Somewhere safe and intellectually stimulating.
A place where no one judges you for where you are on the Natural Path.
A really pretty magical place where everyone seeks to help everyone else progress, for the good of their animals.
And, ultimately, for the good of the world.
For The Latest From Dr. Falconer, Join Our Premium Membership Group
After an amazingly engaged group of students on the Natural Rearing Roadmap course pleaded,
Oh, can we keep this wonderful group together and learn more and more together?”
…it became apparent that many would benefit from regular live interaction with me and with each other, and to that end, Vital Animal Alpha was born.
Here’s what you’ll get from joining us inside:
- Regular monthly live 60 minute workshops with me, where you can ask me anything.
- Monthly lessons on homeopathy. How to use it effectively at home for acute illnesses, and in depth info on a remedy every month.
- An interactive forum on a private Facebook group for members only where my coaches and I will help you keep moving along the Natural Path and not get stuck.
- Periodic reports and things I and my coaches see could be a help to you in keeping your animal out of the dangerous chronic disease epidemic that bothers so many animals now.
Each monthly meeting and each lesson is recorded and available to members for further review in video or audio. Written Q/A notes will be posted as well, for those questions asked in advance.
Each lesson will also be posted for review at your leisure.
Julie Phillips writes:

If you feel all alone now, or simply want a larger, dedicated group around you and wonder what your next best step is, it all starts here.
Click below to sign up and join us.
There’s nothing like a caring pack to help you on your way.
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