Your animal’s immune system.
Quiet, on guard, and deadly to invaders.
When it’s working well, we barely know it’s there.
When it’s not, disease rears its ugly head.
We can help it. Deeply, easily, efficiently.
A Moving Drama
It was a night Belinda will have a hard time forgetting.
“Daisy? It’s after midnight — why are you making so much noise, girl?”
Click. On goes the bedside light.
“Oh, you poor thing! You’re all covered in bloody sores!”
Poor Daisy, the gregarious black Lab, couldn’t sleep because of her itch.
Incessant, maddening itch, all over her body, but concentrated in her rear legs and belly.
The more she chewed these areas, the more they bothered her and the more they got denuded and bloody from her constant gnawing.
Daisy kept Belinda up that night, and had her wringing her hands and calling me for an appointment the next day.
Nothing seemed to help: cool bathing, Rescue Remedy to calm her, pleading with her to stop. The best Belinda could do was take her out for a walk, which provided a temporary distraction.
Full disclosure: Daisy first saw me a year after she’d been diagnosed allergic to multiple plants and trees.
She had had “staph infections” repeatedly, allergy shots, and lots of antibiotics and steroids. None of this had helped her disease for any significant length of time.
Dr. WhiteCoat told Belinda that 2011 was a particularly bad year for allergies “due to the drought.” (!?)
Almost a year later, and Daisy was still itching too much, despite my having prescribed many well-chosen homeopathic remedies and changing her diet to fresh, raw, low-allergen foods.
She’d improved, but there was still more work to do.
This is not easy work, going for cure instead of just suppressing symptoms.
Belinda and I both had our hands full, trying to learn all we could about exactly how Daisy shows her sickness, how she’s responded to a remedy, and what’s her next best step.
Immune boosters are also a regular part of her regimen.
My Goal: To Keep Your Animals
from Daisy's Plight.
Daisy is not alone.
She represents what all veterinarians see on a regular basis: life overcome by allergy.
I think it’s not unfair to put allergies in the “epidemic” category.
They are extremely common in animals and people.
In fact, statistics show that for dogs, the #1 reason they get brought to vets is itchy allergic skin disease.
That’s been true for over a decade.
When Immunity Goes Off The Rails
When your animal has allergies, her immune system is over reacting to normal things.
This often manifests in the skin as itch.
It can start mildly, licking the paws regularly, maybe only before bed.

Maybe an itchy, waxy ear.
But, it can grow and get furious, as in Daisy’s case, where her life is largely taken up with her itchiness. Where sleep is interrupted for all involved.
Where anyone who sees Daisy pities her.
And where Belinda no longer wants to walk her in public, as too many people might think she’s a “Bad Mommy” for allowing this to go on.
They don’t know how hard we’ve tried to help Daisy, they just see the bare spots, the red sores, the stopping to itch in mid-walk.

Thoughtful Disaster Prevention
Ideally, you want to prevent this bothersome state from occurring in the first place. You’ll need to make good decisions so your animals don’t end up like Daisy.
That’s what this site is here to help you do. Vital Animals don’t get allergies.
Prevention promoted by Dr. WhiteCoat is the most common way to get into this dreadful state of allergy and immune dysfunction.
You’ll need to step out of the conventional medical paradigm in order to achieve true prevention.
Immune support via potent immune boosters is one very efficient, effective way to achieve this goal of ultimate prevention.
And it’s not too late if you are experiencing immune disease in your animals right now.
It can be turned around.
I see it regularly in my homeopathic practice.
Discover what I consider to be the best means of disaster prevention here (click the button below):