Drug Free Heartworm Prevention
New Pack Member Sale
How to Stop Poisoning Your Dog in the Name of Prevention
Does my dog need heartworm medicine?
A common question, especially in Spring as the mosquitoes wake up. Mosquitoes carry the HW larva from a dog with heartworm to your dog.
Big Pharma would have you believe there’s only one way to prevent that dark deed from happening: You’ll need to give your dog a monthly “medicine,” they say.
I think there’s a better word here, as “medicine” sounds like it’s something good for your dog.
Helpful, health enhancing.
Certainly NOT harmful.
It turns out, those monthly heartworm “medicines” like Heartgard, Trifexis, Sentinel, Interceptor, Revolution and many others are really nothing more than pesticides.
And they, like poisons everywhere, can themselves be deadly.
Wait. Heartworm medicine kills dogs?
I never knew that when they first came out with the heartworm drugs, back in the 80’s. I learned it when I left conventional practice and opened my eyes to what can hurt your dog, make her ill, and even kill her.
And boy, did I learn a lot when I dug into holistic vet practice!
What I’d like you to know, from my insider’s perspective, is how to keep your dog safe from heartworm without risking something far worse than a parasite.
Did You Know?
- Common heartworm “preventatives” have been associated with autoimmune disease and death in dogs?
- The six-month injection for preventing heartworm called Pro-Heart 6 was recalled due to toxic side effects that included fatalities in dogs. (It’s back on the market now as a 6 or 12 month long shot. Oh my.)
- The drug called Trifexis is all over the internet associated with seizures and deaths in dogs taking it. Some after their first dose, some many doses later.
- The common heartworm “medicines” are actual neurotoxic pesticides. They “prevent” HW by paralyzing the HW larvae. (Small wonder we see seizures after some of these monthly pills, topicals, and injections!)
The “Monthly Pill” Itself can Kill Your Dog!
That’s sobering. You probably signed on for it because the disease of heartworm sounded pretty scary itself.
Worms in my dog’s heart?? No Way!
The Backstory.
What I learned from years in holistic practice is that serious disease can and often does follow the use of monthly heartworm prevention drugs.
It turns out that the “medicines” commonly pushed on you as “heartworm prevention,” carry the risk of autoimmune disease.
Here, we’re talking about disease where your dog’s immune system, the very system that’s supposed to protect her, actually turns on her own cells, and destroys them like they were bad germs!
A Researcher Shares Her Research with Me
Dr. Jean Dodds has tracked this relationship. You may recognize her name. She’s a world-renowned expert in hematology and immune diseases. She recently sent me a copy of the article she published in DVM Magazine years ago linking the two common heartworm preventatives to autoimmune disease and death.
Here are just a few examples from her research:
- German Shepherd, sudden death 2 days after dose
- Cocker Spaniel, seizures and high fever; sudden death
- Mini Schnauzer, ataxia, sudden death; another who got ill after 3 years of use
- Labrador mix, bone marrow failure, reactions after 2nd and 3rd dose
- Irish Setter, AIHA (autoimmune hemolytic anemia) and death, after first dose
And on the list goes. Many of the cases she reports had no pre-existing illness, and got ill after the first dose to several doses later.
Several had recurring sickness in the same week of each month, the very week they got their heartworm preventatives.
(I’ve seen that in my own patients. Talk about a “lightbulb moment!” Duh.)
I’ve seen both in practice, and I wouldn’t wish either one on any dog.
As you might guess, your dog cannot live without red blood cells to carry oxygen, or platelets to help the blood clot properly.
Here’s how these diseases look. Your dog can show:
- Pale, or blue-spotted gums
- Sudden panting, as if exhausted, after very little exertion
- Weakness, often to the point of not getting up to eat
- Purple “bruise like” spots on the belly, ears, or anywhere else
- Bleeding from the nose, eyes, ears, bowels, or vagina
You can’t imagine the high-tech emergency that either of these autoimmune blood diseases sends your dog into.
This is ER time!
Treatment of dogs with this sort of disease often involves:
- repeated blood transfusions (think: risky and expensive)
- high doses of steroids or even more potent immune suppressors (side effects galore)
- hospitalization to monitor and keep your dog on I.V. drips (often in the ICU: bye bye credit card)
And what’s’s the outcome after all this heroic and costly treatment?
Just over half of all dogs survived…
(Quoted from a research paper on these diseases published in the Canadian Vet Journal)
You don’t want your dog getting autoimmune disease (or seizures!) from something as seemingly benign as a monthly heartworm prevention drug.
Let me ask a seemingly dumb question:
Are you with me?
It should be a no-brainer, but the makers of these neurotoxins (that paralyze the heartworm larvae) do an amazing job of making you sound smart and responsible for doing just that!
A little bit of poison is somehow okay for your dog?
Not in my world!
Your dog deserves better. And you are smarter than they give you credit for, those marketing scoundrels!
How to be smarter and do right by your innocent “I’ll take what ever you say, Mom!” best friend?
Get my Drug-Free Heartworm Prevention Program:
“Vital Animals Don’t Get Heartworms!”
Inside, you’ll discover how to protect your dog or cat against heartworm without toxic drugs. In my 50+ pages of practical and useful information, links, charts, and illustrations, I walk you through the steps to get your animal resistant to this parasite without using the dangerous drugs that can be fatal in themselves!
Stop heartworm, yes! But stop the immune disease and seizure risk to your animal today and start on the Natural Path. This program has worked for decades on hundreds of dogs, and it safely protects your dog or cat.
I don’t want your animal to end up a statistic in these nightmare diseases when all you wanted to do was keep a gross worm out of your dog’s heart. Both research and real world experience shows heartworm “medicine” is clearly more risk than the parasite itself.
Choose to build your dog’s natural resistance with the methods that have served hundreds of my own patients and countless others for over 25 years.
Here’s your chance to upgrade to wiser and safer heartworm prevention at a substantial discount:
Special New Pack Member Sale Price ($30 off our Full Package)
For the next 48 hours, take advantage of our New Pack Member Sale to get your dog started on this safe, effective heartworm prevention program today!
Full HW Prevention Bundle
Best buy! Save $30 off the regular price today
- Digital ebook: Illustrated, Step by step
- Audio book: Dr. Falconer reading his work, learn while you walk your dog
- Online course: Take a lesson at a time, check your progress with quizzes
$67 (Save $30!)
Grab Your Discount NOW
For a bit more than the cost of a few month’s worth of the dangerous preventative drugs…
…you can use proven effective, natural heartworm prevention, and make your animal healthier while you prevent this parasite from invading your pet. I’ll show you how to do all this without using the toxic, immune confusing monthly pills or spot on drugs.
Here’s What You’ll Receive:
The beautiful book is delivered instantly as a digital ebook, in full color with step by step instructions so that you can easily build your animal’s resistance to heartworm, entirely naturally.
Your ebook will come in PDF format, which means you can read it on your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can even print it out if you’d prefer a hard copy. Some like to bind it at Kinkos for easy reference.
The audio version will also instantly be yours, and comes as a simple download to your computer. From there, you can listen to it anywhere you wish: your computer, smartphone, or your favorite music player. That means you can take this program with you and listen to it at your leisure (dog walks, gym, washing dishes, etc.).
In addition, you’ll have instant access to the course version of my ebook. That means you can take a lesson at a time and follow your progress as you mark each lesson complete. Quizzes will help you assess your learning as you go.
In this program, I walk you through how you can join my hundreds of clients who have successfully used this method for over 25 years to prevent heartworm. Many have done this even while living where heartworms are a constant threat (Hawaii) or are present for many months of each year (Texas, Florida, Louisiana).
Joyce S. from No. Texas writes:
Best natural protocol I’ve ever known. I have had my dogs on Dr. Will Falconer’s protocol for 11 years, and I live in an endemic area of North Texas, and have been Heartworm free every single year. I personally know 20 other dogs that follow this same protocol, all Heartworm free. This protocol works!
It is one of the very best decisions I have ever made for my dogs.
My immense gratitude and heartfelt thanks to you, Dr. Falconer!
Amy Fantozzi in Austin, Texas writes:
I have just read your ebook ‘Vital Animals Don’t Get Heartworms’, in one sitting, and I just want to say thank you. I feel like you answered all my questions in the book.
Reading your articles is like nourishment for my brain. I feel informed, inspired and hopeful rather than troubled, searching online for answers and inspiration, only to find nothing positive and just people pounding their pets with steroids or antibiotics.
Kristine Traylor in Austin, Texas writes:
I purchased your ebook on Heartworms. That was extremely valuable to me. One thing we had been remiss, was taking Otto to get tested for Heartworms. … took him to the Vet nearby. They said he seemed completely healthy …asked them if they’d do a Heartworm test on him. The really great news … is that his test came back negative for Heartworms!! I was very grateful. Thank you for educating me and putting the power back in my hands and Otto’s paws. ;)(2016)
Update 2020: Otto is now 10 and doing great! We had him HW tested again a couple years ago and he was still negative. 🙏🏻😀
In my special protocol, you will learn how to:
Keep your animal free of heartworm naturally.
Avoid the risky pesticides called heartworm “preventatives!”
Strengthen your animal’s natural resistance.
Bring your animal’s health to a higher level.
Prevent not only heartworm, but other illnesses, with one approach!
How do I know this program works?
I’ve had hundreds of dog patients use my natural program while living in heartworm endemic areas for over 25 years. (Endemic just means: heartworms live here.)
And these are areas that sometimes don’t freeze at all, like my years in Hawaii. Even in Texas, winters are mild and short, and mosquitoes (the bug that carries heartworm) are around a large part of the year.
Here’s what Sharon Shoemaker, from So. Texas had to say:
You also asked if I had used the hw program and experienced negative (heartworm test) results…….. I have with Rocky for I think 10 years. I followed your advice and did blood work once a year. Although, I was nervous in the beginning about no heartworm preventative, I was more concerned about the chemicals I would be giving him. Rocky never had a positive test for HW. I am following the same with Noah.
Another client of mine, JD in Austin said,
My animals have never gotten heartworm preventive — none of the 4 dogs and none of the cats. The dogs are always tested annually for HW. Until I read your book again, I had forgotten about the optimum time to test… The time frame would be 1996-present for the dogs.
This is the program that the majority of my hundreds of dog patients are on.
And their yearly heartworm tests continue to come in negative.
So, don’t delay, and prevent heartworm but don’t put your dog at risk for another month with chemical heartworm “medicine.”
“Vital Animals Don’t Get Heartworms!”
Join the hundreds of my patients who have successfully beaten this worm and ended their exposure to the drugs that bring a significant risk of deadly immune mediated disease, seizures, and even death.
Our best bundle, now $30 off for 48 hours only:
Full HW Prevention Bundle
Best buy! Save $30 off the regular price today
- Digital ebook: Illustrated, Step by step
- Audio book: Dr. Falconer reading his work, learn while you walk your dog
- Online course: Take a lesson at a time, check your progress with quizzes
$67 (Save $30!)
Click to Buy Now!
Heartworm Prevention without toxic chemicals
p.s. This program makes it easy for you to take the steps necessary to prevent this nasty parasite effectively, without using any risky neurotoxic heartworm “medicines.”
My approach is much, much more than just giving some herbal supplement, too. In fact, you need no supplements at all to make it work!
When this holistic program is used fully, as I guide you, you will see some very nice “side effects” in your dog:
- Shinier, softer coat, free of “doggy odor”
- Less shedding
- Fresh breath and clean teeth
- Greater energy, playfulness, and more VITAL!
p.p.s. All of my products are guaranteed, 100%.
If for any reason, within 30 days of purchase, you are not pleased with “Vital Animals Don’t Get Heartworms!”, just send me an email at support at vital animal dot com, and I’ll cheerfully refund your payment. No questions asked.
So, Get Your Dog Safe, Effective HW Prevention Now!
Sale Ends in 48 hours!
Full HW Prevention Bundle
Best buy! Save $30 off the regular price today
- Digital ebook: Illustrated, Step by step
- Audio book: Dr. Falconer reading his work, learn while you walk your dog
- Online course: Take a lesson at a time, check your progress with quizzes
$67 (Save $30!)
Don’t Miss: CLICK HERE for Safe HW Prevention